Please be mine

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Jimin practiced the little exercises the doctor had given him then joined the other two.
Jungkook for some weird reason looked in a daze while Tae was giggling like a deranged figure as he cleaned Jungkook off the board.
"Ha take that motherfucker! Tae,Tae ,Tae,Tae !!!" Tae stood up cheering himself.
"You won I presume?" Jimin laughed
"Sure did, this idiots playing like a toddler!"
"Does that mean he let you win?"
Tae stopped his victory dance and glared at Jungkook,
"Did you let me win?"
"Huh,what? Damn it's over?"
"Where's your head at, how dare you let me win!"
"I er...I'm tired ,I'm having a nap,"
He glanced at Jimin shook his head then went to his room.
Jimin pouted,he wanted to be around the other but never mind .
"Tae wanna go shopping I'm bored...."
"You just said the magic word...."
"We better take some security...."
"Yer,you can't drive anyway..."
They phoned for a car got their jackets and waited.
"Put a note for Jungkook,"
Tae scrawled a note and soon the pair were out,security with them as they shopped.
"What do you think Jimin?"
Tae stepped out in loose rust colour trousers with a floaty loose camel coloured shirt.
"Amazing Tae, I wish I could get away with that but I look like an oversized plushie."
Both laughed then Jimin went to try on form fitting jeans and a t shirt with 'lover' written on it.
"Ooooohhhhh, sexy Jimin in the house and I love the trainers!"
"Not bad eh and they do them in black and white, I'll get Kookie some.."
"Aw cute...'Kookie ', "
"Shut up...,you know he likes these sort of things..."
"Will Kookie let you taste his cookies if you give him a prezzy?"
"TAE!!!stop it..."
"Wow could you get any redder... come on let's keep going..."
An hour later they went back opening the door to face a disgruntled Jungkook.
"Why are you carrying all those bags your arms only just healed..."
"It's fine ..."
"Well why didn't you two tell me..,I could have gone,"
"You hate shopping..." Tae laughed.
Jimin held a bag out ," here Kookie I thought you would like these..."
"Yes Kookie Jimin thought especially of you, don't you think he deserves something in return?" Tae said wiggling his eyebrows.
"Tae I'm gonna kill you!" Jimin stamped his foot pouting and storming off.
Jungkook thought how cute he looked.
"Ah my Jimin gets so embarrassed,how cute..."
"Why did you make him embarrassed..."
"You think that was embarrassment I asked if he was going to get a taste of your cookies earlier he went beet red..."
Jungkook snorted with laughter then became serious,
"Tae does it bother you if I know go with Jimin?"
"Nope it's a free world you can't be confined to other peoples beliefs...,as long as you don't hurt him again I'm fine with it."
"I just want to get close again,like real close..."
"Hmm I just so happen to have an appointment at six and won't be back til ten,so I'll get ready and go," Tae said winking then going to his room.
Jungkook felt slightly nervous but determination strengthened him. He started cooking some food, Tae passed through saying he was going Jungkook nodded but carried on cooking then set the table.
He walked to Jimins door knocking then calling through," dinner is ready..."
He walked back then heard footsteps coming along.
Jimin looked around," Tae not here yet?"
"He's out til about ten."
"Oh...." Jimin sat down fidgeting 
Jungkook dished the food up,then poured some soju.
"Drink up," he murmured.
"Sure...." They raised their glasses and drank the liquid burning down .
Jimin started eating,he felt Jungkooks eyes on him so he looked up ," is there something on my face?"
Jungkook reached over brushing Jimin's lip with his thumb," crumb just here..." he lied.
Jimin gave a cute smile of embarrassment ," er the food is good thank you Kookie."
"Your welcome," the other said his gaze never leaving the others face.
Jimin looked away first and nibbled at his food.
Jungkook poured more soju, watching as Jimin picked the glass up quickly drinking it.
"Are you nervous about something Jimin?"
" I'll wash up you cooked."
Jimin hurriedly collected the dishes, both his hands were full when Jungkook stood in front of him.
"Are you worried I might kiss you?"
"N-n-no," Jimin said backing away and turning quickly into the kitchen.
Placing the dishes on the side he let out a small squeak as his hips were clasped by two strong hands and he was pulled back against a hard body.
"Well you should be," Jungkook murmured into his ear, nibbling on it then down Jimins throat licking and kissing.
Jimins whole body heated up and he let out a sound of pleasure.
Jungkook turned him around quickly claiming his lips.
"God I want you so bad," he groaned.
His hands went under Jimins top caressing the hot skin.
"Ah Kookie..." jimin sighed.
Suddenly Jungkook picked him up and carried him to his room and placing him on his bed, he then went and shut and locked the door.
As he walked to the bed he stripped of hiv clothes treating Jimin to a show then stood next to the bed his heated gaze on the others face,his arousal evident.
"Park Jimin let me make love to you,"
Jimin looked up in surprise  " m-make love,you mean sex right?"
" no I mean make love, let me worship every inch of you show you how much you mean to me.."
Jimin was shocked,Jungkook liked him.....Maybe more than liked?
Jimin saw the other waiting,he wasn't going to force himself on Jimin however horny he felt.
Jimin knelt up on the bed slipping a hand behind  Jungkooks neck and kissing him fully on the lips.
"Show me," he whispered
Jungkook grabbed Jimin to him pulling his top off in one swift movement.
"You drive me nuts.." Jungkook growled pushing Jimin back and tugging the rest of his clothes off.
Hands caressed skin,moans of pleasure sighed from mouths.
Jungkook then held both Jimin's hands above his head with one of his hands while the other teased along the small males body,rubbing his nipples into peaks,sliding down and caressing his aroused member,Jimin's little panted breaths turning him on his own arousal getting harder.
He nipped at Jimin's collarbone leaving marks.
"Mine.." he muttered before claiming Jimin's mouth again.
Soon both wanted more,jungkook reached into a drawer bringing lube out.
"Let me prep you..."his lubed fingers found Jimin's sensitive opening and  he pushed inside one finger after the other, hitting the sensitive nerves inside loud moans coming from Jimin.
"Kookie...I want to ride you..."
Jungkook raised a brow in surprise," you sure? I'm rather...big right now.."
"Just lay back...!" The small male demanded making Jungkook smile at his feistiness.
Laying back he lubed himself up and watched Jimin sit astride him getting in place and sinking onto him.
"Fuck you look good taking me in like that,"
Jimin let out the breath he'd been holding as he took Jungkook in ,then moved slightly until he got a rythmn.
Jungkook looked up seeing Jimin close his eyes and bite his lip , his whole face filled with pleasure. Jungkook thrust up watching as Jimin's lips parted with pleasure as he hit the sensitive nerves inside.
He reached down to pump Jimins member holding Jimin's leg with his other hand.
"Ahhgod Kookie,s-so much pleasure," he panted.
"You look so sexy baby.."
Jimin went to move Jungkooks hand from him but instead Jungkook put Jimin's small hand under his so they both brought Jimin to a sudden release.
"Fuuuuuuuck! Aaaah Koooookieeeee!!" Jimin yelled.
Jimin felt such intense pleasure as he came over Jungkooks lower body but the clenching grip as he came was Jungkooks undoing, thrusting hard and fast he groaned out loud emptying into Jimin's tight sheath .
The smell of sex filled the room and harsh panting breaths.
Jimin felt weak like he couldn't move.
Jungkook rubbed the others legs soothingly.
"Erm  Kookie...I can't move,"
Jungkook chuckled, suddenly the door slammed,
"Honeys I'm home....whats this mess in the kitchen..."
Jungkook looked at Jimin, shit would  Jimin panic...
"You two are you in here?"
The door rattled.
"Fuck off Tae,we are busy..."
Jungkook snorted in surprise,where had this sassy man come from?
"Well fuck you too soulmate,you better clean the kitchen up when your...done."
"I can't fucking walk so no chance..."
"Oh my baby was he rough on you? Ok I'll clean up luv ya!"
"Love you too alien..."
Jungkook couldn't hold in his laughter any longer it burst out..
"Ah baby you're so feisty right now....i like it"
"Well you'd be fiesty too with a dick up your ass...hey maybe we should try that..." jimins face was pensive.
"No no baby , I'll always be a top, I love you but I ain't going there."
"But...hey what did you say?!?!"
"Did you say you love me?"
"Er....well yeh......"
Jimin lunged forward regardless of the stickiness on Jungkooks chest, he pressed a passionate kiss on the others lips.
"I love you too Kookie..."
"I know.."
"Well your diary showed..."
"Er baby don't get mad...I...."
"Let me explain please..huh?"
Jimins face looked mad so he rapidly told how it hard come about and apologised.
"If I hadn't we might just have carried on misunderstanding each other ...."
"Well yeh but I'm still get your dick out my ass,why's it still hard anyway?"
"Cos you turn me on.."
"Pfft,carry me to the bathroom you traitor.."
"Aw baby come on, I love you, let's shower together, please be mine ..."
"Hmph.. I'll see now help me shower....sure baby..,maybe a second round?
"Don't push your luck...."
Was it Jimins fault that ten minutes later under the shower he was giving in to his lover ....

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