The way I am

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Jimins brazeness had worn off by the time he crawled from the sleeping Jungkooks bed the next morning.
He limped to his own room to wash and dress before going to cook breakfast for them.
He smiled as he saw Tae had washed up then as he was bending down to pick up food from the fridge a not so soft hand landed on his butt making him wince.
"Oops sorry..." Tae murmured before giving Jimin an evil grin." So wasn't I good giving you two time to knock Wobblies ...?"
Jimin went red as he sighed " knock Wobblies ? Are you a toddler or something it's called sex,S E. X ! I had sex with Kookie alright!"
"You don't need to broadcast it babe I think he knows..." a sleepy Jungkook said sliding his arm around Jimin.
"He started it," Jimin whined
"Now who's the toddler?" Tae smirked
Jimin glared at Tae then an evil look came on his face, " Kookie ...Tae touched my ass...."
"Tae! Don't you dare touch my Jimins ass!"Jungkook said in a scary voice.
Jimin poked his tongue out as Jungkook cuddled him close.
"So you two official then?"
"Yes we are..." jungkook said while Jimin smiled
"Come on let's eat we will be picked up soon ..."
They ate,Jungkook feeding Jimin food and Tae feeling like a third wheel.
Soon they were picked up and driven to the company building walking into the office where everyone else was.
"Right sit down guys we need to discuss something,"
They quietened down and looked at the boss expectantly.
"As you know we have been in the news a lot lately...not for good some of it.
Jimin reddened knowing he was the cause.
Jungkook squeezed his leg reassuring him.
"Jimin....I hate to say this but.....well there is a lot of pushing behind the scenes...someone is trying to get you out...we know who it could be but we don't know how he is doing it...but the scandal is ramping up."
"What do you mean sir?" RM asked.
The boss looked at Jimin who suddenly understood.
Jimin nodded standing up shaking slightly,
"He means I have to make good on my word and leave,"
Jimin whispered.
"Hell no!" Jungkook said.
The others looked aghast .
"You can't do that!"
"Jimin can't leave !!"
Each member stood up in mutual rage.
"Look guys I don't want to but this is just rolling on and on...."
Jimin stood behind all the group tears rolling down his face but he knew he had to stop this after all it was all his fault.
Leaving the room quietly he went to the secretary outside.
"Can you give me a pen and paper please?"
Smilingly she did as he asked.

I park Jimin acknowledge the closure of my contract from this day forward by mutual agreement
Park Jimin
Can I have an envelope please.?
He put the paper inside.
"One last favour please,go give this to the boss.the woman bowed and Jimin left, pulling on his mask and cap and walking away.
"Er Jimin asked me to hand you this..."
"Jimin where is he? "Jungkook said looking around, they had all been so busy defending him they hadn't noticed he'd slipped out.
"He left"
Everyone even the boss looked worried, ripping open the envelope he sighed..." he's quit,"
"No he hasn't "jungkook said grabbing and ripping up the note.
"If Jimin goes I go..." Jungkook stated and one by one the others said the same.
The manager looked worried brushing his hair back in frustration ," do you think I want this? I don't I love you boys but that bastard somehow has got people to speak out against him...."
"We need to let the public decide...legally,go on tv put it out there ask for their help,"RM said authoratively.
"Yes,an all committed deal or no deal all,all of us ask for proper feedback and anyone who can give details on the sudden furore ,boss get us on tv,"
"Hmm,ok but first find Jimin..."
They all rushed out. Suddenly stopping when Jin stopped.
"Let's ring him.."
Jungkook pulled his phone out and rang only to hear a buzz in his jacket pocket.
"Oh fuck I forgot,I told Jimin I'd put it in my pocket cause his trousers were too tight."
"Liar,you said you couldn't look at his ass with his phone stuck in the pocket.." Tae argued earning a glare from the other .
"Right,Tae and Jungkook go back to the dorm he might be there,Jin and I will drive around here,Suga and Hobi go in the other direction,call if you find him.
They all rushed off hoping they came across Jimin soon.
Jimin had been walking around for ages first upset then gradually getting mad,why should someone else be allowed to ruin his life?before he hadn't thought further than giving up so that the others wouldn't get hurt now the more he thought of it the stronger he felt.
He had the support of the group but more than that he had the love of his life. Why should he hide away like a mouse...
He reached for his phone only to remember Jungkook had it,damn looking around he saw he was very close to the local news radio station. Biting his lip he went inside and went to the front desk.
The bored looking receptionist barely glanced up,
"Can I help you?"
"I'd like to speak to the news editor.."
"Have you got an appointment?"
"No but I'm sure he will see me.."
Huffing the girl looked up properly her eyes going wide,
"P-park Jimin oh my god...yes of course er wait here,"
She picked up a phone talking quickly and then once done she spoke quickly .
"Er someone will be down immediately,er can I get you anything?can I just say I'm so pleased you overcame that bad reporters scheming....we love you ,fighting!"
"Thank you,can I suggest you keep this pretty smile on your face it makes you much more approachable..."
The girl nearly swooned were she stood at Jimins unconciously flirtatious smile.
The lift doors opened and a man came rushing out.
"Hello hello,such a pleasure what brings you here?"
"Well how would you like a news scoop,I've always liked your station for its honest reporting..."
The man's eyes lit up at the word scoop and he ushered Jimin to the lift in a hurry.
Jungkook was getting more and more worried, where was he? He paced back and forth.
Tae's phone rang and he stood still while the other answered it.
"Have you found him?what?why would we want to listen to the radio?he's what ! Ok"
Tae ran to turn on the radio, it was as always on a local stream, the one they all liked.
"Tae what the fu..." he stopped as he heard Jimins voice.
Yes I can confirm I came here of my own free will,mainly because it's my life that's being put under scrutiny.unfortunately some unscrupulous person decided they had the right to continuously bad mouth me. The fans stood up for me but this person carries on,somehow trying to force me and the company to part ways...which I will do if it brings the company and the group bad press but because we have so many fans I would just like to put my side out there.
When is it ever right to condemn someone's lifestyle under the guise it's wrong when they themself live that lifestyle.
This person was turned down by myself at a clinic I had been a girl an outcry would have been made over an attempted rape but because I'm a man it's suddenly more of an item because I'm an idol with a questionable love life.
Yes I'm a man, who loves a man...we shouldn't be stuck in the past there is no defining love . I have felt the need to hide away not because I'm ashamed but because some people refuse to believe this can happen,am I not the same person you knew before you found out my story?did you not laugh and joke with me...can I not be put under that tag of ' socially wrong'?
My life has been put out there because I turned a man down.
While many may not agree with my lifestyle I have been proud to see fans,people of different generations stand up for me and accept me.
I've never changed,I am who I am.
I'd never say you can't date this girl or that man ...would others accept that interference in their lives...we can't hide behind the," it's doesn't happen...." Yes it does accept people for who they if my accuser has managed to turn your head please ring in,I'd like to know why,thank you all for your time.
Well listeners there we have Park Jimin,a favourite of many,call in with your opinions we would genuinely like to hear...aah caller number one go ahead
Hello my question would be why can't Jimin take this person to court?
Thank you sir my answer would be because this person is hiding behind others getting them to do the dirty work.

Caller 2:jimin what do the rest of the group feel are they worried for their image?
My friends have truly supported me, I tried to go before they got annoyed with me for not giving them the trust I should have had.

Caller 3: do you honestly think the world will change?
The world has changed we are lagging slightly behind, many countries accept same sex marriages,while others can be harsher than here.its for us to make the change not for us to change the person we are.

Caller 4: I'm sorry Jimin,I accepted money from a person to smear your name,I'm sorry but he's done this to many of us finding life helps but my pride should not have given in.
Thank you for your honesty...I don't condemn you for needing money,you're obviously a person who has found things hard and anyone would accept financial help if it was given.i hope you and others will step forward and report this person,if my lifestyle does truly offend you I hope you find it in yourself to live and let live.

Caller 5:Jimin you are brave and I applaud you,I'm sixty I have children and grandchildren and I have absolute surety if one of them came to me and said they loved a same sex person I would have no problem,surely if they were happy I should be happy too?
Ma'am I love you for your forthright statement it's a pleasure to hear someone of your generation say those true and kind words...

Caller 6:is there a petition people can sign? We love you Jimin don't go!
Er thank you as this interview is off the cuff I have no idea what will happen but I appreciate your kind words.
Now I think I should end this as people want to listen to their radio not me blabbing on,bye bye

Jimin ended the interview with a large sigh.
"Jimin so many people were ringing in,also I've been told a car is in the underground garage to pick you up as the station has hordes of fans outside."
"Thank you for your time...for letting me do this...better go face the music eh..."
He was escorted out and found his managers security there.
"Er hi guys..."
One he'd known a long time actually hugged him..
"Don't make us worry like that..the boss is in the car...fighting! " he whispered.
Jimin climbed in biting his lip at the managers face.
"Sorry sir...I had to do something I apologise and will make it plain I had already resigned."
"I don't accept it...your resignation and I also want to apologise for not being as strong as you are and sticking up for are one of my boys I'm not going to let some snake in the grass demolish you and your career,now let's drop you home the others are the way they are a bit mad at you as well as worried."

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