The fall

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The group stood to attention.
Jimin felt a bit wishy washy this morning but did his best.
"Gentlemen we will hold a meeting in the square quick March ..."
They marched to the drill square the camera crew following.
"Halt,stand at ease."
"Sergeant,I have something to ask,was Jimin on guard duty last night?"
"Yes from three why?"
"As I thought...we filmed last night and Jimin was nowhere to be seen..did he bunk off and what will you do about it?"
"Step forward recruit Park,we're you on guard duty at three last night?"
"Yes sir,"
Now even the crew looked confused.
"He's lying we filmed Jungkook at three forty, this is what I mean by people like him getting away with things he's lied on camera ,a normal recruit would face serious consequences !"
"Recruit Park is there a reason you were not on guard and recruit Jeon was?"
"Yes sir, our interviewer here put chloroform over my face trying to disable me and make it look like I had failed."
"Oh come on now really that's what you come up with for shirking your responsibilities,tell the truth you fell asleep and called your friend to take over!"
"Recruit Jeon is there a reason you were there?"
"Yes sir,I spoke to you earlier in the day expressing my concerns on this man's attitude,you set a trap up and we're filming from the tower when what Jimin said took place, jimin was taken to sick bay and I took his place as agreed."
Now the camera crew were filming their colleagues shocked expression.
"'s not........."
"Guards escort this man off the premises ,his company has been informed and the rest of the crew can stay and carry on filming unbiased, if they want to?"
The crew nodded having no respect for their colleague anyway.
The meeting was brought to a halt and everyone started talking.
"Damn that man's nasty,"
"Well done Jungkook.."
Jimin walked to the sergeant.
"Excuse me sir, thank you for listening to Jungkook and I'm willing to do guard duty to make up for last night."
"Recruit Park.....I wasn't keen on that interviewer and quite honestly my daughter would have killed me if something happened to any of you! Forget the guard duty and finish of your last days, you are all honourable men,now go eat!"
"Yes sir!"
Jimin was hugged by all the recruits some unable to think that a person could stoop so low.
They went into the canteen to eat but Jimin slipped away.
He sat under a nearby tree, much as he was pleased that the man was caught he realised something others had missed.
Jungkook was laughing with the others when he noticed Jimin wasn't there. He hurriedly looked around but couldn't find him.
RM suddenly came out looking shocked and distraught.
"Jungkook wheres Jimin?"
"I don't know.....why?"
"The manager just called...he said Jimin has resigned he's breaking his contract..."
At that moment the three sergeants came up.
"Recruits Jeon and......"
"Where's Jimin?"
The three sergeants looked at each other then bent their heads before one spoke.
"Jimin asked to leave...he's resigned so he says as he's no longer a member of the group he will now have to do full service....."
"What the fuck! Damn wait til I catch hold of him,can you put that resignation on hold?"
The sergeants looked at each other,
"He's waiting at the main gate if you stop him before he leaves he can still be part of the programme,but I warn you....,he's determined."
"But why...?"
"He realised he will be named as the gay person due to the fuss that will be caused by the programme,he doesn't want to cause bad press for you all..."
"Fuck!! We gotta stop him!"
A radio crackled.
"Transport is here sir ."
Jungkook took off running," don't let them leave!!" He yelled
The sergeant spoke into the radio," check transport for any unusual tracking devices we have been informed the site may be targeted."
RM smiled then took off after Jungkook.
This is the best thing Jimin thought , nervously rubbing his hands together.he'd realised that the gay thing would blow up again, once people realised the interviewer really did have it in for him they would put two and two together.
He stood by waiting to get on, why was it taking so long?
Thudding footsteps made him look up and suddenly he found himself picked up slung over a shoulder and run off with.
"Put me down !!" He shrieked.
His attacker stopped and slid him down and he found himself looking up into the very angry face of Jungkook.
"Kookie?...what's going on?"
"Don't Kookie me! You were going to run off after all that's happened!"
"Don't get need to realise they are gonna want a fall guy and it's me..."
"Aaaaargh!" Jungkook yelled before slamming his lips on Jimin's in a punishing kiss.
"Oooops!scuse me RM's voice sounded.
Jungkook pulled away still angry with Jimin.
" you guys are an item now?"
"Right glad that's cleared up,Jimin what the hell were you thinking,you can't give up like this,too many people have supported you..."
"I know,I do, really but this could have bad repercussions for the group,I can't let you all suffer because of me...."
"What do you mean we are not an item? You're my boyfriend!!" Jungkook burst out.
"Kookie stop.." Jimin whispered indicating RM
"Rm Jimin and I are in a relationship ,he's too scared to acknowledge it."
"Er guys have a domestic later...Jimin come back into the canteen we need to talk.."
" before I get madder!" Jungkook said.
Jimin pouted but went in.
"Here you are where did you guys go?" Hobi asked smiling.
Rm hustled them over to the table the rest were at and proceeded to tell them all in a quiet voice what had happened.
"WHAT!!" Tae yelled causing others to turn their heads.
"Quiet Tae..."
"Jimin I'm so mad at you, thinking like that,we are your friends as close as family!"
The others nodded their faces telling Jimin just how much he'd fucked up.
Biting his lip to stop the tears he spoke,
"I'm sorry, I really am, I just can't see any way I don't drag you all down....sorry.."
He stood up and hurried out sobs escaping,damn he was so bad to treat his friends like this. He blindly ran to some old unoccupied buildings crying his eyes out.
"Running out on me again?"
Strong arms hugged him close and he sobbed on his shoulder.
Jungkook sighed, this emotional man would be the death of him...
He tried a door and it opened and he pulled Jimin inside.
"Don't cry baby...."
Jimin looked at him then pressed up for a kiss starving for the affection.
Jungkook spun him round against the wall kissing him passionately making Jimin groan in pleasure.
"Damn I miss this..." Jungkook groaned feeling himself and Jimin harden.
"I want you so much Kookie .."
His small hands roamed over the others body rubbing the bulge that grew bigger at his touch.
"Fuck jimin!"
"Yes please.."
"Jimin we can't's not right..."
"It's always right Kookie but..ok...."
At Jimins disappointed voice jungkook stepped back locked the door and undid his trousers.
"Strip off baby...."
Jimin felt nervous and excited at once,kicking his boots off his trousers and boxers came next. He looked at Jungkooks member and wanted it in him.
Jumping up he hooked his arms round the others neck and his legs around his waist feeling his rear being poked.
"Damn no lube!" Jungkook moaned but rubbed his leaking member at Jimins entrance. Jimin took matters into his own hands rising up slightly then capturing the waiting member at his entrance gasping but taking him in.
"Hey careful baby...oh shit you feel so good," Jungkook moaned.
Both knew they wouldn't last long it was a time of need not passion. Thrust met thrust moans escaping excitement building..
"Ahhhh Kookie !!!!!"
Jimin exploded  between them jungkook not long after,
Panting Jungkook held Jimin close as they leaned against the wall.
"That was........"
"Much needed...."
Both chuckled then Jungkook let Jimin down.
"Fuck we gotta clean ourselves up..."
"Use my boxers....."
Jungkook wiped himself off then looked around.
"Hang on this is nearly the same layout as our dorm so the bathroom..." he walked towards a door," ta da..."
Jimin walked over slowly holding his trousers to see Jungkook rinsing out the boxers and cleaning up again then turning to clean Jimin up.
"You're gonna be sore.."
"It was worth it," Jimin tried not to wince as he pulled his trousers on." Better get back to our dorm can't go commando all day....." he put his boots on.
"Hand me those ...." He pointed to his rinsed and rung out boxers.
"No I'll carry them your hands are too small someone will see them, let me check no one's nearby then you go first."
Like kids hiding a secret they made their way back to the dorm, Jimin only just getting into the bathroom to change as the others walked in.
"Did you find Jimin is he ok?"
"Yer he's washing up.., he cried for letting us down go easy on him will you?"
When Jimin walked out he looked guilty on seeing the others there did they know what he had been doing?!?
Jungkook saved him by saying loudly,
"Do you feel better after washing your face..?"
"Oh er yer,yer I do,erm sorry guys, I'm sorry I let you down.."
The others came round and hugged him,Jungkook got up with a smile to go wash himself properly after their'activity'..., thinking on it made him hard again so it was a while before he came out,winking at Jimin who raised an eyebrow questioningly and Jungkook smirked and brushed down the front of his trousers nearly bursting out laughing at Jimins red face.

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