Trial by military

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"So what are we waiting for?" Jimin whispered to Tae and Jungkook.
"Dunno,our manager doesn't look happy..."
RM suddenly came over rubbing the back of his neck which showed he was stressed.
"Er,guys.......due to unforeseen circumstances they have brought forward our training..."
"Oh is that why the manager doesn't look happy..."
"Yes....also because......well that reporter sent a request to parliament that if this was sincerely meant for us to 'do our bit' and not just because we are famous that we could be called up straightaway as the tv crew were already on standby,to stop themselves getting heckled the politicians agreed an immediate residency at an old off sight training camp....."
"Immediate as in?"
"Tonight guys...,we are leaving tonight..."
They all looked shocked,their manager came over,
"I'm sorry but that damn reporter has it in for you, I shouldn't have riled him....."
Jimin felt like everything was his fault for turning the reporter down.
"I wouldn't mind but that asshole never completed military training....I'm sure it was fixed."
"Excuse me guys but we are ready now we have our guests here we can go.."
The interviewer said.
The group sat one side and three men in military gear sat opposite.
Welcome to our last interview before our boys here do their military training,yes you heard it right, tonight they will leave to a secret location , to be filmed whilst there.
We have here sergeants chin Ho, li hyuk and Kim Suk.
Gentleman what can our boys expect?
They will be trained on fitness, map reading,marching while weighted maybe gas mask.
Woah,sounds pretty intensive?
It's part of military life
How do you feel about it being filmed?
Maybe you should ask them, they'll be doing something out of the norm
And the trainees training with them?
That will be taken into account of time spent.
Now let me introduce the filming crew,I believe you guys already met?
In walked the smirking figure of Jimins attacker. Jungkook stood up..
"We didn't agree to this?"
"What's the problem Jungkook, can't take the heat?"
"Sir,I think you should recluse yourself due to previous dealings..." RM said calmly but he looked annoyed.
"But wouldn't that be suspicious?" The hated male said.
"Do you think you will be able to keep up...sir? I understand you dropped out of the military for some reason, I'd hate you to get hurt running around with us?" Jimin said sweetly but his gaze shot pure dislike at the man.
Jungkook could have hugged his boyfriend for being so brave.
"It's not about me, let's see how you all do , will you be strong enough..." the man spat out.
"Well we sure as hell will try our hardest to go all the way..." Tae answered giving a knowing smirk at the other who looked mad as hell.
We understand this will be put out as a documentary once the boys have finished?
Yes although I wanted a daily spot so we could see the struggles.
You sound like you think it will be hard on them?
Well...they are idols not soldiers.
"Can I ask if you will be bunking with us then as you want to film it all," Jin asked
I don't think that's necessary we will find a hotel nearby.
"Excuse me for butting in but the filming crew will be located in the barracks to, due to the secrecy"
Sergeant Ho spoke up.
Jungkook grinned as he saw the disbelief on the face of the other.
So guys now the shocks worn of what are your thoughts?
"We are happy to do this,we felt honoured that our government recognised us for our good works and I hope fans and viewers will see we always do our best"
Now guys, due to the sudden nature of this, your management have arranged clothes and wash stuff for two days,any other specific items needed you will have to list to be brought to you later,as of now guys, you are handed over to the military !
Stand to attention!
Single file,march out
In slight disbelief they were marched from the filming room.
Seargeant Ho stopped them.
"Ten minutes gentlemen for toilet break, quick goodbyes to your manager then on the bus."
They all rushed to the bathrooms muttering away. Jungkook grabbed Jimin who winced,
"Are you gonna be ok?"
"I won't let you all down,"
"Stuff that I mean with him there?"
"I think he's gonna try and make us look bad,if that's the case I'll take him down too!"
"Wow you look hot when your mad!"
When they used the fascilities they found RM waiting for them.
"Ok guys manager text me, that prick wormed his way in last minute , what he doesn't know is our manager has equal rights over what is put out in the show, we all know that he will try and put us in a bad light but he can't just edit it his way...."
"I'm sorry ...this is all my fault..." Jimin said quietly
"No he's the dick, make sure you don't wander off anywhere on your own with him around..."
A loud banging came on the door.
"Move out to the bus now!!
Jungkook stayed close to Jimin, already worried about if he would be ok because of the bruises that could be seen and the results of last night that only he could see.
"Jimin sit with me you can go to sleep on me.."
Single seats all of you! A trainee will sit next to you.
A group of men boarded sitting quietly next to each one
"Hi I'm Jimin."
The male sat quietly ignoring him.
"Oh sorry...I didn't know we aren't allowed to speak I don't want you to get in trouble"
At that the man turned giving a slight smile.
"We can talk it's just...well that reporter said you all thought you were better than us , he said to ignore you."
"That scumbag,we are nothing like that....!"
"Ok,I'll let the others know."
He suddenly tapped a rythmn out on the seat back and answering taps came back.
"Wow what was that?"
"Our version of morse code,they said great and they already dislike the producer.!"
"Quieten down at the back"
"Yes sir !"
Jimin turned in his seat finding Jungkook staring at him.
He raised a brow in query.
In reply Jungkook poked his tongue in his cheek in a lewd gesture smirking when Jimin went red.
The bus started up on his way and their journey began, most of them excited but Jimin was worried, he didn't feel fit but felt achy.
"I can do this" he told himself as he leaned back.
Two hours passed and they pulled up at some gates.

Welcome to camp  Serendipitty your home for the next  few weeks. You will step out grab the clothes bundle with your name on then straight down to the dorm where you will be allocated your bed then change for training.
"What today already ?" Hobi asked.
"You have a problem with that recruit Hoseok "
"Good now move!!!
"Well here goes nothing"......Rm said quietly.
Jimin saw the fil crew had turned up and were scrambling to get filming.
"Hey you sergeant can you say that again on film."
"You sir are already getting on my nerves, you keep up with us we will not be stopping and repeating anything do I make myself clear?"
A loud huff was heard and then he barked orders to his crew to start filming.
Jimin could have sworn he saw a slight smile on the Sergeants face but if so when he looked again it had vanished
They got their clothes which they had to change into then were assigned beds and lockers and were shown how to make a bed military style.
"You have fifteen minutes to make your beds hang your clothes tidy before inspection begins, do I make myself clear!!
"Yes sir!"

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