Strange Kookie

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It had been an unreal week. The media would be chasing after them wherever they went. They stopped popping out on their own and would travel strictly in company cars.
Jimins foot was better and he began serious gym training.
He was worried about the problem he had caused although he'd not been named, so in his mind he had to be fully fit not be the one to slip up and cause more trouble.
It became routine for him to get up at four thirty use the gym in the dorm shower make breakfast for the three of them and then as a group they would go to the company gym being trained by trainers.... Of course Tae and Jungkook only saw a showered Jimin up first cooking them breakfast, they didn't know he'd already done an hour in their home gym as it was furthest away from the bedrooms.
The management had word that available military trainers would be able to be ready in a month.
A location had been agreed and security was already on it.
"Wow I thought we were fit but this is on another level,"Suga groaned
"Will you be ok Suga? I'm sure people would realise it's not fair for you due to your shoulder operation," Jinn said quietly.
Suga patted his friend on the back," what about your knee and your shoulder? You suffer with those?"
"No I have to do it.....more than any of you......."
"Jimin......don't carry a burden that's not yours,we fully support you.."
Jimin smiled at his friend then got back to training.
Jungkooks eyes followed the small male around, Jimin seemed tired sometimes before they even started.
Jimin bent to do his laces up and Jungkooks eyes caught onto that curved rear..., he thought of the stuff he'd been watching and the cold showers taken. Then glanced guiltily around.
It was just......a learning course he told himself. But he couldn't deny that thinking of Jimin in those situations had turned him on, so much so that he'd nearly been caught with his hands in his pants and his laptop open at a site that would make Jimin go red.
"Stop perving," a voice whispered in his ear and he turned to see Tae there..
He put a blank expression on his face,
"You and Jimins arse,"
"What! Stupid... I'm just wondering if he's eating properly he's tired all the time..."
"Oh.....well he eats with us in the morning and night, admittedly he doesn't eat like you but who does..."
Jungkook nodded glad to have got Tae away from the other subject until...
"Oh and change your password on your laptop before Jimin sees you've been watching gay porn!"
Jungkook blushed...really blushed," you fucker, how do you know ?"
"My laptop played up two days ago so I borrowed yours you forget we have each others passwords..." Tae smirked.
"I'll tell him it's you if he sees it!"
"He knows I've watched gay porn,I've watched it with him..."
"Well I asked him how it was done once, he said he didn't know he's never done it so we watched it together, popcorn and drinks as well....,Jimin sure knows now...."
"You watched porn with him?!?!" Jungkook said a bit irritated.
"He's my soulmate of course ...but why are you watching it?"
"Same reason as you well we have to understand him better don't we?"
"Oh so not because your getting the feels for him?"
Jungkook was about to shut the other down but he couldn't lie...Jimin was affecting him.
"Progress," Tae murmured before moving to Jimin lifting him up to the bars and winking back at Jungkook.
Jungkook stared back annoyed,did Tae have to be so touchy feely with Jimin.......his mind suddenly registered what Tae said,Jimin hadn't done it that arse hadn't been taken,he felt himself twitch down below ,fuck not now...he grabbed his gym bag muttering about taking a shower and quickly departed.
Once standing under the streaming water he glanced at his would it feel pushing inside Jimins virgin ass.
He gripped himself pumping himself all the while thinking off doing things with jimin .
"Aaaaargh!!!!Jimin ," he moaned as he came hard.
"Kookie? Is that you are you ok?"
Jimins inquisitive voice asked through the shower door.
"Er...yeh just banged my elbow on the wall.."
"Oh I thought I heard my name....."
" I was trying not to swear so said er Jiminy cricket !"
A giggle sounded,
"That's good I was a bit weirded out you know you in the shower and all....I'll leave you to........."
Jimin stopped as the door swung open to reveal a dripping Jungkook towel around his waist.
"So what would you have done in that case?"
"Kookie...what do you mean...why ask that silly..."
"Well have you ever heard someone moan your name?"
Jimin went red..." n-no...."
"Would you like to?"
Jungkook walked closer his finger tipping up Jimins chin.
"Tell me Jimin haven't you ever wanted to explore your physical side...?"
"Um...I will....."
"So pretty..." Jungkook said brushing his thumb along Jimins face.
Both could feel their pounding heartbeats then...
"I'm telling you Hobi it won't be designer military wear.."
"Damn,I could look so good....Jimin we have to wear boring military green, oh hey Kook, "
Hobi and Jin had walked in ready to shower,
"I'm off now guys I'm er seeing my parents......." He glanced back at Jungkook who was staring at him intently.
"You going to theirs or are they here?"
"I'm meeting them at the mall,don't worry I'll cover up and have security,"
He disappeared hurriedly,the other two carried on to the showers while Jungkook dressed slowly.
What had he been thinking? Hell fess up Jungkook he's all your thinking about...a twitch below made him hurriedly dress and holding his gym bag in front of him he went to meet his car.
Tae ran up," Kook I'm not back today my friends are treating me to food and drink later so I'll stay at theirs...., see ya.."
Jungkook got in the car his mind mulling over earlier..was he falling for Jimin?
He ate some food then flopped on his bed...sleep that's what he needed to clear his mind.
Jimin waved his parents off, getting into the car ,at least he got his mum a present she wanted thinking off the lovely designer bag she had chosen,of course his parents worried about him spending money like that but if you can't treat family what's the point of having money.
He unlocked the door quietly,no lights were on but maybe the others had gone wasn't unusual... he wasn't bothered about eating so went into the gym. Maybe an hour here he thought.
Fifteen minutes in he was startled by an irritated voice.
"What are you can't workout as much no wonder you look tired!"
Jimin who was hanging onto pull up bars gave a loud gasp and was suddenly falling straight into Jungkooks arms both fell onto the floor,Jimin on top of Jungkookstaring into each others until Jungkook sighed placing his hand on Jimins nape and drawing his face down until he could smash his lips against the small males in a hungry kiss.

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