Sexy cutie/tipsy superman

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Jimin came back after what seemed hours.Tae and Jungkook were playing games yelling at the screen.
"Tae I've bought some outfits I'm going out tonight can you help me choose which one to wear?"
Tae and Jungkook both still had their eyes on the screen but Tae answered.
"Eh...oh sure Jimin give me five min.....holy fuck look at you!!" Tae dropped his controller gaping at his friend.
"Ha got you Tae now who's win....fuck! Jimin?!?!"
Before them dressed in the same outfit as earlier stood Jimin,but not the dirty blonde slightly scruffy hair Jimin,this vision had layered dark black hair fashioned to suit his whole body,collar length and shining .he looked like a petite doll.
"You look amazing chim chim where you going,meeting a girl?"
"No Tae...your my soulmate and you don't realise I'm gay?"
Jungkook was staring like he'd never seen the other,
"Is that why you never went out,because you didn't want girls coming onto you?"
"No believe it or not girls have come onto  me,they aren't my future though"
"So where are you going then?"
"I saw Taemin earlier...he asked me to go clubbing with him...."
Taemin? He was going clubbing with Taemin!
"Why don't you go with us?"
Jimin turned to Jungkook," er when have you ever invited me?I'm sure Taemin wouldn't mind you two coming along if you wanted to...."
"But he asked you out Jimin,not us" Tae murmured he knew for a fact Taemin had a soft spot for Jimin he always asked after him if they were out and saw him.
"Tae! Jimin said we could go so we should go..." Jungkook said slightly annoyed,how could Tae think of sending innocent Jimin out clubbing with someone who liked to play the field.
Jimin went off to his room.
"Jimins gay?"
"Some soulmate you are not knowing that!"
"Well did you? Who told you?"
"Nobody...I guessed and now he's confirmed..."
"My masters voice..." Tae said moving to the hallway.
"Tae we should look after Jimin tonight , you know how these clubs can be...."
"But maybe Jimin wants some action?"
Jungkook poked his tongue in his cheek,Pfft! Not on his watch!
Later that evening the three were gathered,Jungkook all in black giving off a sexy aura,Tae casual elegance and Jimin...
"Damn your ass looks good in those," Tae said.
"Tae...!I don't know should I go change do I look too fat?"
"Fat?Jimin you haven't been fat for ages? Even then it was puppy fat,your finally growing into your body ...Why do you think that,even your chubba lubba cheeks are slimmed down...?"
"Thanks Tae but I see I have a long way to go.....what do you think Jungkook should I change?"
Jungkook gulped,change?Damnthose trousers hugged every curve and that silver grey loose shirt let little glimpses of skin show teemed with silver chains and earrings Jimin looked....amazing.
"Er no it's too late now we gotta go."
Jimins smile dropped a bit,was Jungkook worried Jimin might embarrass them trying to dress to fit in?
They left the dorm deciding to take a taxi to the club.
Once inside they were waved over to a table by Taemin.
"Hey guys,this place is rockin tonight! Jimin my little moochi,you look good enough to eat!"
Jimin blushed and giggled.
"Shall we get some drinks ?" Jungkook blurted out.
They decided on beers,Tae wasn't a big drinker,Jimin only now and then at family parties,Jungkook preferred shorts but as everyone decided on beers he did too.
"Cheers guys and Jimin thanks for coming out glad I could tempt you..."
Jungkook stared in annoyance at the other man hearing the double meaning in his voice.
"Jimin go slow it's not water!" He reprimanded.
Jimin felt told off in front of the others,it made him angry and in a gesture of annoyance he gulped most of the beer down.
"Aaaah! Refreshing... let's dance!"
Taemin,Jimin and Tae went to the dance floor ,Jungkook sat at the table morosely glaring at the dance floor. Did Jimin really have to move like that,couldn't he see people looking at him? Admittedly the looks were admiring but jimin usually stayed in the background and here,well girls and guys were eyeing him up.
Twenty minutes later he and the others came back to the table.
Jimin grabbed his beer finishing it off then catching a waiters eye to bring more.
"Woo this is fun!"
A tap came on his shoulder and Jimin turned around to see a tall man there.
"Hey sexy cutie,wanna dance with me?"
"NO!" Three voices spoke in unison
"Hey...he asked me not you...and(giggle) he called me sexy cutie(snort)me!"
Jimin slid off his seat but Jungkook grabbed him,
"You can't ...look your drinks here now..."
Jimin beamed as he chugged down the beer,
"This is sooo good it's like drinking cold juice..." he smiled swaying a bit," why don't we have that dance now?" He smiled at the tall male who slipped his hand around Jimins waist gripping his hip and pulling him to the dance floor.
"That fucker!" Jungkook exclaimed
"Er Kook calm down,"
"Tae he's right...he's a bit of a player.."
"Well so are you but we didn't stop Jimin coming out with you..."
"Thanks I think, so you thought I'd try it on with Jimin eh? I see Jimin as a sweet boy who doesn't have confidence or even acknowledge that he is a treasure..."
"Well I suppose we should be grateful he has a friend like you...."
"Shit Jungkook that guys pulling him to the exit,"
All three grabbed their things and ran to catch up but the busy crowd slowed them down .
Eventually they got outside looking around anxiously,
They heard a yell and a thump and rushed around the corner stopping in amazement as they saw the tall man on the floor Jimin standing over him swaying .and wagging his finger at him.
"I told you not to mess with me,I don't need you groping my ass it's not yours it's mine, you didn't listen to me now look what's happened! "
"Jimin! "
"Oh hi (hic) guys.....I told him not to grope me but he thinks he can do what he wants so I did my martial arts kick and boom he's on the floor!"
"You jerk,you should be grateful I gave you attention,do you know how many people would be grateful to have me around them!!"
"Nope and I don't care! Woah why is the ground moving Tae?"
The tall male crawled away disappearing quickly.
Jungkook stood next to Jimin.
"Let's take you home Eh? Looks like you've had enough.. come on.."he tugged Jimin who groaned in pain.
"Stop,stop I hurt my foot when I kicked him,he's like a fucking brick wall," he bit his lip trying not to cry.
Next minute he was swung up into strong arms ,
"Tae grab a taxi , sorry Taemin but we need to get him back..."
"Sure,take care Jimin.."
"Mmmm,thanks Raemin...Namin...Damn Taemin, gosh I'm tired..."
Jimin turned snuggling into Jungkooks neck innocently mmmm smell nice Kookie..."
A minute later he was fast asleep
Jungkook glanced down the small male was as light as a feather and the way he cuddled against him.....
Tae stood next to a taxi opening the back door so Jungkook could slide in with Jimin while Tae sat in the front.
All the way home Jungkook held Jimin tight making sure Jimins foot wasn't jarred.
Tae called the company doctor explaining what had happened and he said he would meet them at the dorm.
Ten minutes later Jungkook was carrying a sleeping Jimin inside.
"I'll take him to his room you wait to let the doctor in"
He got to Jimins room and placed him on his bed. Looking around he quickly tidied the room taking the sheet off the mirror and hanging up clothes. He looked at Jimin biting his lip before gently removing his shoes and gasping at the discoloured small foot swollen and angry looking.
"You can't sleep in those tight jeans..."
He unbuckled Jimins trousers and pulled down the zip he then tugged the tight jeans down making Jumin mutter but eventually got them off leaving his E white skin on display.
Next he removed the shirt,Damn Jimin you're so thin... he collected a wash cloth from the bathroom and cleaned Jimin up before slipping some pjs on him.
He stared down at the small male thinking how delicate he looked.
Suddenly the doctor was there.
"Hey Jungkook let's see what's going on Eh ?"
He took Jimins foot and the small male suddenly opened his eyes at the pain.
"Doc?ow,my foot!"
"Well young man what did you do to yourself been drinking have we?"
"A teeny weeny bit.."
" did you trip or what?"
"He did a roundhouse kick on a jerk who was trying it on," Jungkook stated.
"Oh Kookie your here....I kicked him good...."
"You've also managed to sprain your ankle badly....I'll give you painkillers and you need to elevate and ice the foot...,no dancing ok?"
"I got to dance I'm an idol,if I don't I'll never be as good," Jimin muttered. He suddenly felt clammy.
"I.........."Jungkook didn't wait hauling him up and rushing him to the bathroom supporting him as he emptied his stomach.
Jungkook carried him to the sink so he could clean his teeth and wash his face.
The doctor walked in," ok Jimin can  I just check your pulse your very pale and have you lost weight?"
"Er...just a bit from practice...." He lied
"Hmmm,well just make sure you eat and drink plenty,Jungkook keep an eye on him will you?"
"Yes sir.."
"I don't need a babysitter I'm fine.."
Jungkook frowned at his words," really? We'll go n then walk..."
Jimin gave the other an angry glare and put his foot down going paler than ever at the pain.
"Fine eh? It's ok doc Tae and I will make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.." he swung Jimin up and carried him to his bed.
The doctor gave painkillers and told him to call if it got worse then left.
Jimin was muttering under his breath as he swung his legs to the floor again.Stupid maknae could have asked if he needed the loo before bringing him back.
"What are you doing !"
"Shut up I need the bathroom," he stood up biting his lip
"Damn it you always think you know better then act so stupid when it comes to yourself,what made you think kicking that Neanderthal was a good idea? Now look where it got you why didn't you just stay home!!"
Jimin swallowed down the pain he felt at the others harsh words,wasn't he allowed to have a life too?
He made no comment as Jungkook stomped over to pick him up and carried him to the bathroom again.
"You call me when your done don't bloody walk on it!"
Jimin nodded turning his head so the other couldn't see the tears threatening to fall.
After doing his business he hopped to the sink to wash his hands.
Looking in the mirror he didn't see the cute boy mentioned earlier he saw the chubby boy, the one people pushed away,the one who always had to do more to prove he could be an idol.
Not even thinking twice he smashed a fist into the mirror only the shattered sound of glass breaking brought him out of his melancholy.
"I er um..."
The door suddenly opened and Jungkook walked in taking it all in the broken mirror,the bleeding knuckles and Jimins guilty face.
"Damn what have you done now?!?!"
"I thought a ghost was there er so I punched it,yer a ghost....must be the alcohol....." he tried cleaning it up while balancing on one leg.
"STOP!leave it alone ," he swung Jimin up marching to the bed where he sat him down,then going into the bathroom again he got a medicine box from the cabinet and started to clean Jimins hand up.
Jimin didn't move as the other carefully cleaned minute bits of glass from the wound before dressing the cuts.It was like he had zoned out.
"There....all done..."
"Oh I'm sleeping here in case you need the loo."
"No! I mean er thanks but I'm fine."
"I wasn't asking I'm telling you..."
"This is my room!"
"And the doc said we had to jeer an eye on you so stop arguing!"
Jimin huffed and lay down turning away from the other.
Jungkook went to his room and washed up,usually he slept naked but for Jimins puritan mind he'd wear pj bottoms ,a top No the other would have to put it!
Crossing back to Jimins room he was prepared for an argument but the smaller male was fast asleep his lips pouting.
Jungkook couldn't help smiling then thought how soft those plump lips looked,how....edible...Damn Jungkook you aren't that way Sheesh how much had he drunk! He slid into the bed as far from the other as  possible and within ten minutes he was asleep.

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