The burn

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Jimin was shocked then pleasantly surprised at the excitement he felt when Jungkook kissed him.
Even when Jungkook nipped at his bottom lip to gain entry he let him.
It was like a dam overflowing, both hungrily pressed against each other wanting more,but eventually they ran out of breath and their lips parted.
Jimin suddenly got embaressed and became aware of the position they were in and tried to pull away but Jungkooks hands gripped his arse holding him there letting him feel his arousal and Jimins too.
"K-Kookie , have you been drinking?"
"So why....." Jimins voice tailed off
"You've been watching porn you know how people get aroused..."
"But I....hey how do you know....Damn it Tae!"
"Are you aroused...for me Jimin...?"
"I er um....., this is silly let me get up..."
Jimin scrambled up catching his breath and stepping back.
Jungkook stood too but his gaze flitted from Jimins arousal to his plump lips which looked thoroughly kissable and inviting.
"I-I think we should just forget this and go to our rooms."Jimin kept his head down.
"Oh I'm all for going to a bedroom...."
"Jungkook stop it...I know this is a game to you, it's not real,your not gay and haven't much time for me because of my life choice, and what if Tae had walked in how would you have explained that?"
"Tae isn't home tonight,"
Jimin looked up at that,
"So you thought you'd play this game with me?"
Jimin had to get out of there before he broke down.Damn it why did his silly heart care so much for the other?why had he hoped it was real!
Jimin barged out going to his room and going to his shower stripping off and standing there crying as he wondered why Jungkook couldn't be seriously interested in him.
To say he was shocked when his bathroom door swung open and Jungkook marched in right into the shower and pulled the naked boy against his body was an understatement....
"Don't run away from me or tell me I'm playing games,you know how many cold showers I've had to take because of you?"
Jimin tried unsuccessfully to cover himself,Jungkook gazed down his body then swung him up in his arms and carried him out,
"Your probably not prepared so we will go too my room," he muttered,dripping through Jimins bedroom and the hallway before getting into his own room and laying Jimin on his bed.....
Jimin lay there like a tiny doll,he couldn't deny he felt turned on at this dominance in Jungkook.
Jungkook went and got two towels he gave one to Jimin.
"Dry off.."
He then proceeded to strip of his wet clothes drying himself and watching Jimins face as he took off each item.
Jimin couldn't help the blush that spread over his whole body as bit by bit the others Adonis like body was laid bare. Regardless of the fact they had been together for so many years as a group this unveiling was new to Jimin. He glanced down then covered his face,Jungkook was...well big down there.
He felt the bed dip as he was pushed backwards.
"Don't be shy have a great body don't hide it....."
"K-Kookie what.....are we really doing this?"
Jungkook pulled Jimins hands from his face and frowned.
"Jimin,I will stop if you really want me to but I promise you this is no joke for me,your driving me mad in ways I never thought possible,I think I've watched every gay porn piece there is to make this enjoyable for you ,you thought you heard me call your name? You did I was masturbating thinking of being deep inside you and that was purely from seeing you bend over to tie a shoelace!"
Jimin gave a nervous giggle," really? But I've never done this, at least you've had sex, what if I'm really crappy at it and you hate it then hate me and....."
He was silenced by a sweet soft kiss, he sighed into it enjoying the pleasurable way Jungkook teased at his mouth,
"Jimin last time, can I go on or should I stop?"
Jimin didn't hesitate he looped his arms around the others neck,
"Take me to the moon Kookie..."
Jungkook couldn't hold back at Jimins words he rolled Jimin under him groaning as their arousals touched.
He kissed along Jimins collarbone hearing the others sigh of pleasure and feeling his small hands grip his shoulder blades.
He worked his way down Jimins body, sucking on his nipples pinching them lightly so they became more sensitive .
He glanced at Jimin who's head was thrown back in pleasure.
He smirked crawling further down the bed. Jimin was fully aroused and leaking.
Well here goes, my first time sucking dick.
He lapped the length of Jimin then took him into his mouth. Jimins moaned in pleasure .
"Ahh Kookie ..."
He felt himself twitch and decided to bring Jimin into the game.
Pulling away from the small needy boy he lay on his back.
"Pleasure me my Jiminee..."
Jimin bit his lip something which Jungkook found erotic.
"Go ahead baby,play with me..."
Jimin sent a hot gaze the length of Jungkooks body then hovered over him before kissing his lips then his jaw before caressing the strong abs and seeing Jungkooks nipples tighten.
"Fuck!" Jungkook groaned as a small tongue lapped against them.
Jimin was now a man on a mission ,experimenting he caressed and sucked on the others body then Jungkook felt Jimins hot mouth take him in.
"Oh baby,so good..."
Jungkook had to resist thrusting deeply in the others throat but then he realised Jimin was taking him in deeply anyway no gag reflex.
Jimin sucked and licked feeling Jungkook harden more than ever before.....
A warm liquid gushed down Jimins throat and  he swallowed it gasping then pulled away wiping his mouth looking pleased with himself.
Jungkook saw the satisfied smile,
"Hmmm wasn't expecting that..."
"It's ok Kookie I know your done so maybe we will have to try another day..."
"Oh no,no .. we are just getting started"
He grabbed Jimin turning him under him again,
"But Kookie your...soft ...that won't work."
"Don't you worry your pretty head"
Jungkook reached into a draw bringing out a tube of lube he then began kissing Jimin hungrily.
Jimin was soon a panting mess and Jungkook quickly lubed some fingers,pushing Jimins legs apart gently as he continued to kiss him all over.
As he licked at Jimins length he gently rubbed his puckered rim before sliding a finger in.
Jimin twitched at the intrusion.
"Breathe baby, I have to prepare you ok?"
Jimin nodded and Jungkook pumped the finger back and forth and got him moaning more in pleasure ,a second finger entered making Jimin feel a burn sensation , he gasped and waited for the slight pain to lessen.
Feeling Jungkook scissor his fingers he thrust up slightly becoming aware that Jungkook was hard again.
"Mmmm,Kookie m-more..."
"Patience baby you have to be ready it's gonna be painful at first so I want to make it easier."
Jimin felt strange feelings as Jungkook added another finger then suddenly hooked them and found Jimins little pleasure zone.
"Ooooh god Kookie what's that.....aaaaah!"
"Hmmm first time! That's your prostrate being pleasured does it feel good?"
"I ...oh god....fuck me Kookie...."
Jungkook could see Jimin was on the edge he slipped his fingers out and lubed his length lining himself up ang gently pushing in resisting pushing in deeply however much Jimins tight hole made him want to.
"Agh! Hurts!" Jimin sniffed as a single tear ran down.
"Sssh baby it will feel better soon, fuck your so tight around me .....can I move?"
Jimin took a deep breath,
"All the way just do it!"
Jungkook claimed Jimins mouth then pushed in capturing Jimins pained gasp.
Fuck this was pure pleasurable torture, he waited minutes then moved letting Jimin adjust to him.
"So tight," he murmured as he enveloped himself in Jimins heat.
"Fuck me Kookie," the other begged.
Soon thrust was being met by eager thrust,sweaty bodies connected both eager to reach their high.
"kookieeeeeeee......." Jimin screamed releasing between their bodies overcome with escalated pleasure panting deeply,but Jungkook kept in thrusting ,this felt good and right,Jimin was a hot mess beneath him the sight making Jungkooks member impossibly hard.
"Fuck yes,so fucking good aaaaaaaargh!"
Warmth flooded Jimins rear and Jungkook flopped down before he realised he was crushing the smaller male.
He pulled out and rolled to the side a lazy feeling going through him,that had been some ride,who knew it could be like that.
He turned his head," you okay Jimin?"
"Mmmmmm,should clean up I suppose......"
"Ok your showers probably still running.......well I must say I got a lot of pleasure maybe we can do it again,it's supposed to get easier,no one needs to know it can be our secret,friends with benefits......"
Every word felt like an arrow to the heart for Jimin, that's all? That's all it meant to Jungkook? He'd been so careful with him and caring he'd thought...............:
Jimin winced in pain as he sat up then carefully stood up from the bed.
"I'll get going then..."
Jungkook felt a sudden unease,Jimin looked pale and had trouble moving.
"You sure your ok?"
Jimin bit his lip then turned,
"Don't worry I've heard you never sleep with the people you fuck....I won't intrude on you anymore..."
Jimin stumbled and Jungkook jumped up to help but the smaller brushed him away .
"Don't touch me .......dont act like you care...what's done is done and sorry but I'm not like you I can't have sex without feelings being involved and we know there's none of that for you is there?"
"Hey Jimin don't go all serious on me, we didn't promise  anything to each other and I did ask if I should stop....."
"Yer you bad," Jimin whispered going to his room and locking the door .he ran a bath soaking in it for over an hour the chilled water suddenly alerting him that he'd been in there a while.
He got out slowly and wrapped a  towel around himself
He sat on the edge of the bed self depreciating thoughts going through his head...stupid Jimin why would you think he'd like you after fucking I agreed to need to grow up Jimin life isn't all hearts and roses....he looked at the clock  hell he'd been sitting here hours.
He dressed in his gym wear and went into the Gym quietly. He ached like anything but he would overcome that.
His mind blanked and he focused on doing pull ups  and light weights.
He was so tired he didn't see his towel had dropped to the floor and his feet caught in it when he stepped back crashing into the barbell stand so that some fell off.
The door swung open...." Jimin? I thought we had intruders what are you doing in here this early?!?!"
"I'm always here now,sorry I woke you up...."
"You look shattered....have you slept at all?"
"No.....I was thinking..."
"About earlier? Us?....Jimin you haven't done anything is normal...."
"Yer...normal,but not for us it's far from normal..."
"Look your tired and not thinking properly,did you hurt yourself?"
"Only my pride...go back to bed,I'll call you later when breakfast is ready..."
"I don't like leaving you here like this...."
"It's not your problem...."
Jimin turned away but was suddenly picked up,
"I'm not leaving you there and I'm gonna make sure you sleep....with me..."
Jimin struggled and whined but Jungkook was determined and soon was in Jungkooks bed.
"But I'm all sweaty!!"
"So....I still have cum on me now fucking sleep!"
He spooned Jimin holding him close, Jimin felt his eyes drift then he fell into a deep sleep turning to sprawl across a wide awake Jungkook.
"Damn........why can't I tell him how he makes me feel,he's hurting and I'm scared...fuck...when did life get so complicated...sorry Jimin I shouldn't have passed off this big moment for you,I promise I'll try harder....."
He kissed the small males forehead before drifting back to sleep.

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