With honour

699 42 4

Jimin hissed in pain as he was accidentally knocked over by a trainee running into him as he tried to run from the chamber.
Gas mask training was an event none had been looking forward to and they were doing it in groups of three.
Jimin felt tears stream down his face a natural effect.the two trainees got out and Jimin went to go but found his way barred.
The gas effects were harsh he yelled at the person barring the way and struggled through.
"Jimin!! Here let me pour water over your face ..."
Jungkook rushed to the coughing spluttering male helping him. He then turned angrily on the interviewer.
"Why did you bar the door you knew he was in there!"
"Me....oh I'm sorry I thought it was the twosome,I got it wrong...I was just standing out the way while the others were being filmed...." He smirked .
Jungkook wanted to punch him. For the last two weeks little accidents kept happening to Jimin.
He was penalised for an untidy bed area when Jungkook knew for certain that it had been neat and tidy.
Then the day marching with backpack Jimin had struggled so much that Jungkook had lifted it off him at the end only to find it was heavier than his.On review the seargeant said someone had tampered with it. Unluckily for the culprit Jimin had been praised on camera for managing to complete his March.
Of course they had ideas on who it was but could not accuse without evidence.
Jungkook stared in disgust at the culprit then seeing the camera was still on voiced his opinion.
"Seems whenever your around things happen to Jimin"
"Are you accusing me of something?"
"Just saying....at least the camera never lies...so we will see won't we?"
The man turned and immediately saw the camera...
"As you say the camera never lies...." He gave a fake smile then told the cameraman to turn it off.
He walked past Jungkook stopping to whisper,
"Then again I'll be editing...."he smirked confidently.
"Oh they didn't tell you? Your not doing any editing it's an independent doing it....that should be interesting,no sly digs or scenes......."
The other male frowned....."don't be stupid......!"
"Read your contract then see who's stupid!"
Jungkook turned away checking on Jimin while the other man stormed of.
"Line up!March back to the dorm. There you will find allocated guard duty times,full kit is worn and no swapping. This will take place from seven pm. In two hour stints,no walking away from your given spot,do you understand?"
"Yes sir!"
Getting back to their dorm they all groaned about the upcoming guard duty.
"Yes! Mines first!" RM said happily
"Why so pleased?"Hobi asked
"Because then I can get a good nights sleep!"
"Oh...Damn mines eleven!"
Jungkook went to Jimin," whens yours?
Jimin tried to give a confident smile but he felt uneasy.
"I'm going to wash up before we eat....." jimin walked away to the bathroom not realising the other was following.
Once inside Jungkook gently pushed Jimin into a cubicle and locked the door.
Jimin yelped in surprise but calmed down when he saw it was Jungkook
"Kookie what are....." he whispered before his mouth was claimed in a passionate kiss.
He eagerly joined in until they had to break away for air.
"Damn I can't wait for this to be over ,I want to wreck you so much,have you moaning underneath me....."
Jimin blushed.
"Kookie we should be careful....."
"I know but I miss touching you.."
At that moment the bathroom door opened,
"Jimin is that you in there?"
Jimin was about to answer when Jungkook placed a finger on his lips.
"It's me Suga,maybe he's at the laundry area he said something about washing...."
"Oh ok....hey Kook I'll wait for you...."
"Er I might be a while ....that gas affected my guts..."
"Oh ok..,well if you see Jimin before me tell him to hide his phone on him tonight"
"He can't take calls on guard duty...?"
"Duh I know but I told him to text 13 to me if that jerk comes...I don't trust him."
"Yer right ok.."
Suga left and Jungkook stared down at him,
"Why haven't we got a code?"
"I'm sure Sugas worrying for nothing.."
"But you'd call me first right?"
Jimin looked up at the others frowning face.
"Kookie I'm trying hard not to worry here....."
"I'm sorry,but we are all worried for you...that man has it in for you..."
Jimin looked down...." Well I suppose I should go put my laundry on...since you told Suga...." He gave a half hearted laugh and went to walk out but Jungkook pulled him close capturing his lips before letting him go.Jimin peaked out then disappeared.
Jungkook felt uneasy,he felt in his gut that something would happen that night,nodding to himself he went out.
Jimin  felt nervous,when you were on your own night sounds amplified,especially at this remote spot. An old guard tower was up high but they had been told to guard from the base and would only be removed after two hours.
Jimin heard footsteps and his eyes caught sight of a figure.
"Stop who goes there?"
"Ah Jimin....taking it seriously I see.."
"What do you want? Nobody is supposed to come through here..."
"Well my crew will be here in twenty minutes to film you,shame you won't see them.."
"What do you mean?"
"Deserting your post is a no no...as is falling asleep on duty."
"Night night..."
A cloth was slammed against Jimins face and within seconds he dropped to the floor.
"Too easy now let's drop you further down and I'll have enough time to run back and get picked up by the crew and surprise surprise we come here no Jimin!"
He picked the small male up and put him further down curled up as if asleep he put the cloth back over his face  ti make sure he stayed knocked out the quickly went back to his room.
A knock came five minutes late and he answered yawning and joking,
"Why do we do this job...let's go film whoever it is and get back to bed."
"Yer...,although the boys have been great so far wonder who it is tonight,didn't they say?"
"I had a list but forgot to look let's get this done with."
Inside he was filled with glee,finally he could show Jimin up.
"Let's roll the cameras from here as we are walking up...."
"Bit spooky isn't it..."
Yes and it's gonna be great when you all stand surprised at an empty...
"Halt,who goes there...."
Stunned he saw Jungkook confronting them.
"Psst say something!" A crew member whispered.
"Er....friendliest approaching."
He glanced around,what the hell!
"J-jungkook....er can you tell me what it's like to be on guard?"
"Well an enemy could approach at anytime,so you always need to be prepared....don't you agree?"
"Huh....er yer.........this type of thing different to your normal routine though...."
"Oh I've always been a night bird,time to stop and think about whaat really matters,but Noe's not the time for chat so if you don't mind....."
Jungkook turned away and the camera crew left.
What had happened ...jimin should have been caught ...he didn't know how they had done it but he'd show them up! In the morning meeting ....of course he had the list with Jimins name on he'd prove it...hah think they could best him wait until later!!
Smirking he went to bed the list on the bedside table,they were going to be shown up regardless of who edited the damn tapes,serving with honour ha! Got you he thought.

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