Be My true love

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It was the third day of the tour,Jimin was back to his happy self,he and Jungkook had made up and closer than ever.
The manager came forward ten minutes before they went on stage .
"Er guys we are going to take a longer chat with the audience today ok?"
"Why is that Jimin?" asked
"Oh er...well it got back to us that the audience like this bit didn't it RM?"
"Er yer definitely.."
The manager left but Jimin was sure he winked at RM.
He shook his head and got ready for the start.
Jungkook nervously looked towards him then patted his pocket.
"Ok Kook?"Hobi whispered
Jungkook gave him a thumbs up and then they all went on stage.
They had performed three songs and would normally come off stage to get ready for the next part but Rm stopped them.
"Guys we need to do the meet and greet bit now er they need to fix the backstage so come on let's walk down to the front stage."
Jimin tried looking back but the others hurried him along.
Loud cheers came when the fans realised what was happening.
They stood in a line and introduced themselves but when it got to Jungkook he stepped forward.
"Hello to all our wonderful fans,there's going to be a slight delay in the proceedings but I hope you'll bear with us.
As you know there's been a lot of drama happening with us lately, a lot of it aimed at Jimin"
Jimin felt a bit embarrassed but kept listening sure Jungkook was just trying to give them more time to fix the problem.
"One thing this showed me was not only do you all adore Jimin but I do too!"
Squeals of joy came from the crowd while Jimin's jaw dropped.
"I never realised just how much he meant to me until he was being hurt, you get used to people being there and when there's a threat that they may have to leave you realise you need them."
Jimin was now nervously twisting his fingers while the rest of the group were smiling.
"Jimin you were worried what the group and the world would if you look at Hobi I'd like you to read along ...."
Jimin turned to see Hobi pull out a card from under his jacket
Each member had pulled a card out and he read them out aloud  then turned shocked to find Jungkook kneeling and holding out a ring.
"This was the secret I've been hiding so Park Jimin, in front of our group and our wonderful fans,will you marry me?"
Screams and squeals of delight rang out from the fans,then a chant slowly but surely rang out,
"Jikook ,Jikook,Jikook...."
Jimin looked at his lover then at the group then the audience,
"YES,yes I will!"
Jungkook slipped the beautiful ring on his finger and then jumped up to kiss him soundly.
Cheers and whistles rang out,Jungkook then spoke again.
"As you all know we cannot be legal in our country but here,we'll we just so happen to have a chaplain so,who wants to see us get married?"
The back stage doors suddenly opened and there stood their family their management team and the chaplain.
"Now?I'm getting married now!!? But I look a mess!"
"Ladies and gentlemen if you give us 10 minutes we will be back..."
Jungkook pushed Jimin to one side of the stage while he went to the other . Staff grabbed Jimin taking him off to a small room where a white suit waited.
He was in such a daze he didn't realise he'd been changed hair and make up done and pushed out the door to find his parents with big smiles on their faces.
"Time to get married son"
Arm in arm they walked to the stage,a red rose  was attached  to his lapel then they walked towards a makeshift arch where Jungkook stood looking more handsome than ever in a black suit and red rose.
As his parents stood back and the chaplain said words Jimins heart swelled,his Kookie had planned all this while he'd been doubting him.
"Mmm,oh I do!"
"Then before all these people I now pronounce you married,please clap for Mr and Mr Jeon"
The whole arena was filled with cheers and clapping as Jungkook kissed his husband. Jimin whispered" mr Jeon? Not Park?"
"Of course not baby, we know I'm the more dominant one...I'll prove it to you later...!"
Jimin reddened.
The manager came forward talking into the mic.
"So ladies and gentleman without further ado we will carry on thank you for your kindness ,gentleman your audience awaits."
The family members were escorted to seats and the group went to get ready.
"Gosh,I'm married!" Jimin squealed as his friends hugged him.
"We didn't want you to be sad it was so hard to keep Jungkooks secret,we were in the ring shop that day and the woman was laughing at Tae and I,in the end he chose the ring himself anyway!"
"Five minutes guys hurry,"
How They got through the rest of the concert they didn't know...but at the end there was so much applause and calls for Jikook to kiss,that they ran off stage embarrassed.
A meal at a restaurant had been planned so their parents could be with them too,it was a memorable evening.
Their manager pulled them aside before they left.
"You may not be recognised as a couple back home, you may get some backlash from all this, but I want you to know we will always have your backs, now get along ,you have the penthouse for two nights then back to work ok?"
They got to their suite and Jungkook who was feeling I an exceptionally loving mood stalked his husband.
"You looked amazing tonight but now I'm claiming what's mine..."
"You can have every part of me your my own true love I'm all yours..."
Jimin walked backwards slipping his clothes off as he went.Jungkooks eyes never left him,he pulled at his own clothes cursing as buttons seemed to stick.
Jimin smirked,he walked naked towards his husband and opened the buttons so Jungkook could shrug out of his shirt then he undid his belt and trousers pulling them down so Jungkook could lift his feet out.
As Jungkook went to pull him up Jimin shook his head,
"Oh no ...just wait"
He pulled Jungkooks boxers down freeing his aroused member then he pushed jungkook backwards so he fell on the bed allowing Jimin to slide the boxers off then lean over to suddenly take Jungkook into his mouth.
"Oh fuck Jimin ...." Jungkook cried out as he looked at Jimin taking him in deeply.
Jimin lucked and sucked determined to make his husband feel good.
His small hand pumped the base as he flicked his tongue across the slit.
"Aaaah Jimin I'm gonna cum aaaaah!"
Jungkook groaned as his release poured down Jimins throat he jumped as Jimin did one last flick off his tongue before releasing him.
"Fuck Jimin I love your mouth...but now....."
Jimin was suddenly rolled underneath Jungkook and was being kissed passionately.
Jungkook could taste himself in his husbands mouth and he found it erotic.
His hands and mouth wandered over Jimins body teasing him til he was a needy mess.
"Look babe face that mirror in all fours...." Jimin did so seeing Jungkook come up behind him,he rubbed his hardened member at Jimins prepped hole then pushed in hard , both watched the other in the mirror.
Jungkook saw Jimin bite his lip then close his eyes before hurriedly opening them to be a voyeur. Jungkook thrust hard and fast hitting exactly in those sensitive nerves inside Jimin causing him to pant and moan out aloud.
"You're so tight round me no matter how many times we do this...." Jungkook said deeply
"God Kookie, harder I need you  in nearly there," Jimin moaned loudly.
Jungkook pulled Jimin up against his chest and reached to tease his rigid member all the time thrusting hard.
"That's it baby come for daddy..."
At his words Jimin released over the others hand screaming out his pleasure.
It got too much for Jungkook as Jimin's hole clenched
Tightly around him,he held Jimin impossibly close as he thrust twice more then released inside him
Both cleaned themselves with tissues then lay for a while.
"I'm sorry I got annoyed at you"
"And I'm sorry I stressed you out,"
"I hope management don't get in trouble for helping us"
"They and we will survive this...times will change and one day we can be recognised as a couple over there as we are here."
"I know it's not romantic but I could sleep for a year...."
"Stress wears you out,I'm tired too,let's go shower then sleep,"
They got up and walked to the bathroom where a shower turned into a heavy makeout session which then progressed to Jungkook taking Jimin to blissful heights as he thrust into him leaning him against the
Shower wall supporting his ass with his hands.
Finally washing up they crawled back into bed yawning.
Jimin lay across Jungkooks chest .
"I'm so happy right now I could burst,my secret lives no secret anymore!"
Jungkook smiled then kissed Jimin's head,the pair fell asleep very soon after neither letting go of the other as Jungkook held him protectively against him and Jimin's small hands held his husbands waist,who knew what the future held,but with perseverance and belief they had faced the world head in proud of their love .
The End

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