Sorry ....I love you

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Jimin opened the door to see six concerned faces.
"H-hi...sorry to worry you all...sorry Kookie"
He walked in waiting for the telling off he deserved instead he was surrounded by loving arms of the six other members until....
"That's it he's mine now," Jungkook grabbed him pulling him onto his lap as he sat in a chair.
"What they already know I'm fucking you...."
"What? Your fucking Jimin?" Hobi asked surprised only to be met by stares from the others.
"Hobi you're so sweet I know you think Jimin is a small cute baby, but he fucks...". Suga said.
"I'm not small!" Jimin huffed.
"It's ok baby,you're cute and you do fuck,I should know," Jungkook smirked.
Jimin went red and tried to wriggle off the others lap.
"Don't do that you only make me hard," Jungkook whispered into his ear.
Jimin sat still straight away.
"You were very brave speaking your mind like that Jimin but please don't scare us like that again."
"Sorry RM....i just felt hopeless then I got mad,why should someone else determine my life?"
"Well you are trending on TikTok there's a support Jimin campaign going on and there's huge amounts of followers."
Jimins phone rang he saw it was the manager he stared before switching it onto speaker.
"Hello sir?your on speaker..."
"Jimin..boys...we got him.over fifty people came forward saying he'd paid them money to get them to complain about Jimin, some even took covert pictures of him so he can't deny it, the police are involved and have charged him with criminal intent and trying to defame a person with malicious intent he's finished!, now enjoy your night you deserve it."
Jimin clicked the phone off , tears off happiness running down his face.
"It's over?" He whispered," sorry I don't mean to cry"
"Stop apologising don't need to"
"Right,you lot come with me,let's go shopping buy food and beer,Jimin stay here,Jungkook stay with him," Jin ordered.
"I'll stay too "Suga said
"No you won't,let them have some time alone," RM said sternly.
At that Jungkook swung Jimin up and carried him into his room .
Sliding Jimin down his front he looked at him sternly,
"Don't ever worry me like that again...please?"
Jimin nodded looking down guiltily.
"Aw fuck,come here,"
Jungkook tipped his head up and claimed his lips,demanding entrance.
It was a kiss of passion, of deep feelings and need. In the distance they heard the slam of the front door. Jungkook pressed against Jimin running his hands under Jimin's top.
"I love you...."
"I'm sorry I worried you,I love you too..."
"You wanna go public?"
"Are you sure,I don't want people to hate you,"
"I'm sure true fans won't care who we love if they love us..."
"Ok...,we can if the others agree we are part of a group so this involves them too..."
"Fine now let's go cuddle on the bed..."
"Just cuddle right? they won't be out long ,"
"Kiss and cuddle then.."
They lay on the bed, leisurely claiming each others lips Jimin felt at peace,he finally felt like he'd got his man. He yawned then apologised," sorry Kookie,all this emotion is tiring..."
"Turn around let me spoon you,"
Jimin did so and Jungkook spooned behind him his arm protectively around the smaller. Within minutes Jimin had fallen asleep,Jungkooks mind was working overtime, he heard the front door open and quietly slipped out.
The others came in hushing when Jungkook raised a finger to his lips.
"Jimin's asleep....i want to ask you guys for your help before he wakes up ok?"
They all nodded and huddled together listening as he spoke.
They all nodded enthusiastically,
They heard a door open down the passage.
"Quick he's coming let's get this food on" Jin said.
They rushed around emptying bags squabbling who should do what.
"Sorry guys I dozed off...what shall I do?"
"Get the table ready?"
Jimin happily went to do as asked, the others winked at Jungkook as his back was turned and Jungkook couldn't help smiling to himself for the rest of the night.
A week later and the new couple were sitting in the sofa drinking banana milk.
"They haven't said anything yet..." Jimin mumbled
"The others haven't said if they are ok for us to make this public ..." Jimin pouted
"No hurry let them think about it.."
Jimin frowned,wasn't Jungkook eager to announce their relationship?
He got up,"I'm gonna pack my clothes for the USA trip,"
"Ok,I'm going out ok....."
"Going out where,I can come,"
"Nah you pack..."
Jungkook got up picking his car keys up and heading out.
Jimin felt upset,that was the second time this week he'd gone out without him,both times nobody else had been felt like the other didn't want to be alone with him...was he bored of him already?
He went to his own room, he hadn't used it this week having shared Jungkooks.
He lethargically packed a case then decided to phone his boyfriend
"Hey Jimin you ok?"
Jimin heard a female laughing in the background then Tae and RMs voices.
"This is fun...I choose that one.."
"No,this one's better.." again a woman laughing
"Kookie are you at a club with women? Why are the others there,why couldn't I go?"
"Babe you had to pack remember we are leaving tomorrow.."
"So you couldn't stay and help you'd rather go out w-with women?"
"It's not like that...."
"So there are no women there"
"Lighten up babe,it's nothing...."
"Well if you prefer their company you won't mind sleeping on your own tonight!" Jimin huffed throwing the phone down.
"Damn!" Jungkook said turning to where his friends sat with two women waiting for him.
"Kook get this one ask the lady I'm sure it's the best," Tae said.
"No this one's better,don't you agree?" RM asked the other women.
"Sirs.....I think the person buying it would know best as I told you both before," the woman laughed again finding the grown men amusing as they squabbled.
Jungkook sat down scanning the rows.
"This one," he said immediately
"Very good choice sir ,you have a good eye"
Jungkook paid for it and they left.
"Jimins getting mad at me..."
"Not much longer and the secrets out.." RM patted the others arm.
"I dunno it seemed a good idea but now, I think he thinks I'm flirting with women ."
"Surely not..."
"Well he heard you and that woman thought I was at a club and told me I'm sleeping alone....."
"Ooops, he'll come around..."
"You think?"
"Sure be extra charming to him when we get back."
Jungkook nodded so he had a smile on his face as he walked in which quickly turned sour as he saw Taemin there chatting to a laughing Jimin.
"Hey guys,I dropped by to wish you the best for your USA stint."
"Thanks Taemin," Tae said.
"Yer,but we are going out for a meal now so excuse us...." Jimin said not looking at Jungkook.
"But we have an early start tomorrow?" Jungkook argued.
"So? I can sleep on the plane if I'm tired,bye now..."
The two males left,Tae and RM looked at Jungkooks angry face.
"Calm down Kook..."
"How can he just go out like that...with another man as well !"
"He's annoyed at you because you left him so he's trying to make a point ok, don't worry we leave tomorrow..."
"Huh!" Jungkook moaned.
It was eleven thirty, everyone else was in bed but Jungkook lay on the sofa waiting for Jimin who wasn't back yet. Damn it....hurry home he thought yawning.
Jimin came in twenty minutes later,he'd actually been back a while but had gone to sit in the rooftop watching the night sky,he was still mad at Jungkook but didn't want an argument ,so he sneaked in to find everything quiet.
Passing through to his room he saw Jungkook sound asleep in the sofa.
Sighing he fetched a blanket covering him up so he didn't get cold then quickly kissed his head before going to his own bed.
Noise woke Jungkook who sat up disorientated. Everyone was bustling around pushing cases by the door and eating toast.
"Jungkook you need to get ready," Jimin said quietly placing a banana milk in front of him.About to turn away Jungkook held his wrist,
"Why were you so late I waited for you,"
"I was out...just like you were..."
"Did you stay out all night,did you just come back?"
"No...I put a blanket over you just before twelve you were fast asleep."
"You could have woken me up?"
"Yer. Just like you could have taken me out with go shower hurry up."
Jimin walked back to the kitchen and Tae sidled up.
"Is he still mad? He shut me and RM up when we explained we weren't hanging around with women.he said as you hadn't bothered to tell him he didn't want us interfering.i don't know if he's even slept as he was fully dressed when we started getting up and he looks tired."
Jungkook nodded then got up to go to the kitchen to grab some toast. Jimin was washing up the dirty dishes he did look tired.
Damn this was harder than he thought trying to arrange something in secret.
He rushed off getting ready and soon all of them were in a minibus going to the airport.
Jimin put sunglasses on, he hadn't slept much because Jungkook wasn't next to him. He sat at the front next to one of security turning his head away as Jungkook climbed in.
Jungkook huffed,really he wasn't even going to let him sit with him?
He sat down  just staring at the back of Jimins head.
On the plane Jimin chose a single seat but Jungkook got one across the aisle next to him.
"Jimin can we talk?"
"I'm tired,"
"Look I know you're angry and I can explain later,but I'm not doing anything wrong."
"Why can't you explain now?"
"Because...look whatever your thinking is wrong ok? Sorry...I love you ,but I can't tell you right now,you can stay mad at me, but believe me I really haven't done anything without a reason."
Jimin stared at his lover,seeing the truth in what he said in his eyes,he was confused but knew Jungkook wasn't lying.
"Yer,now I really have to sleep because some asshole worried me all day yesterday."
"Ok babe,you sleep....did you miss my body next to you?"
"Jungkook...don't push it..."
"Sure babe sleep well..."

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