Facing up

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Jimin yawned and stretched opening his eyes.
He realised he wasn't in his room and turned but the bed was empty.
He saw the clock...ten thirty....TEN THIRTY!!
He sat up quick and winced frowning ,then he saw some of his clean clothes and a note on the end of the bed.
Scrambling over he grabbed the note.
This mornings gym cancelled due to a televised interview at one .Managers said we have to look wide awake raring to go.
I let you sleep but if you don't wake up by twelve I'll come and get you as I know you worry about your only just awake face in interviews.
Jimin flopped back why hadn't he heard his phone message...Damn it was probably in the gym still.
He knew he must have fallen straight to sleep in Jungkooks bed...strange he usually took ages to get used to other beds. He couldn't lie he felt so much better for the sleep.
He got out the bed and went and used Jungkooks shower.
Dressing he rubbed his hair dry with a towel and finger combed it.
Taking a deep breath he walked out towards the kitchen only to hear a muttering voice.
"Maybe this? Jimin im an asshole and shouldn't have spoken like that last night......? No,no not good enough ... er Jimin this thing between us it's great so let's keep it going....nah too cocky....Damn what if he thinks I'm a bad fuck? Of course he wouldn't stay with me... he'll find someone else he finds better,Damn it all I want Jimin to be with me, want me but what if he doesn't ? Shit Jungkook sort yourself out think man what you going to say?!?!"
"How about..Jimin I want you but I'm scared are you scared too?"
"Nah too eas....fuck Jimin.....?"
Jimin walked in right up to the maknae who suddenly seemed busy faffing around with plates.
"So....you gonna ask me or be a dick?"
Jungkook looked up to see Jimin with a massive smile on his face.....
"I er...well I've already been a dick...nothing new there.....I...sorry Jimin my mouth says things before my brain thinks it through,I didn't mean to make you feel used...I just..well I don't know how to begin a relationship,I've never had one and while I'm happy about it you are probably thinking what a lucky escape, now I can find someone better..ow!!"
Jungkook pouted as Jimins small fist punched him.
"You are so dense! All these years I've followed you around like a lost puppy and you think I don't want you? Hell I've been so upset since I learned you were fucking around...."
"They don't mean anything...hormones that's all"
Jungkook looked guilty.
"Yer whatever,I felt so dumb finding out you all had spread your wings while I was just living in La la land oblivious..."
"You didn't like to talk about that stuff you got embarrassed so we just let you be...."
"I'm not now so you can talk to me tell me what you feel and want....I've watched twelve porn movies you know!"
Jungkook cracked up laughing at Jimins earnest expression,
"Twelve hmmm,well there's a lot more online..."
"Oh no twelve of them with Tae next to me was enough!"
"But maybe we could watch some together and......practice?"
Jungkook had slowly walked nearer enjoying Jimins bashfulness by the time he stood in front of him Jimins red face was turned down.
"Jimin...go out with me,be my boyfriend?"
"That wasn't so hard was it?" Jimin whispered.
"Talking of hard," jungkook grabbed Jimins neck pulling him close and claiming his lips leaning into the smaller so he had no doubt what was hard.
They were tasting each other when they heard keys in the door,they sprang apart,
"Quick sit at the table," Jimin hissed pointing to Jungkooks lower region.
Tae walked in the room,
"Hey my roomies how ya doing,Jimin why's your face red?"
"I just got out the shower...,this lazy ass is waiting for me to cook breakfast and teasing me cos I can't reach the pancake mix ." He lied.
He made to reach up but..
"Jesus Jimin what's that bruise on your back?"
Tae indicated where Jimins top rose up as he stretched.
"Did you do that this morning, I asked you if you were ok! Tae he's only been doing the gym early morning for god knows how long but this morning I heard a noise and got up he was there."
Jimin wrinkled his nose at him.
"I said sorry for waking you, I stumbled into the barbell rack.."
"I could have put some arnica on it if you had said.."
"You were too busy making me go back to bed!"
"Because you didn't say you were hurt!"
"Why the extra gym work Jimin?"
"I just,well all eyes will be on us for this military thing I don't want to be unfit and let you guys down."
Jungkook felt like cuddling the worried male.
"Silly you could never let us down,you sit down I'll make you a huge pancake....."
"And me I'm starving..." Tae pulled Jimin to a seat and Jungkook got up suddenly busying himself with batter mix and a pan.
"Thanks Kookie..."
"No problem..."
They smiled at each other and Tae raised a brow,hmmmm interesting!
The late breakfast was eaten and they shared the washing up.
"Time to change and look marvellous.." Tae yawned
"You would look good in a paper bag Tae..."
"Ah Jimin my soulmate, you always say the right thing,"
Tae waltzed off to get changed and Jimin turned to face a frowning Jungkook arms crossed,
"What about me wouldn't I look good in a paper bag too?"
Jimin giggled at the others silly question.
"Are you jealous?"
"No...yes..you two are too close !"
Jimin giggled again.
"Oh Kookie...you would look great in a paper bag too but...."
"But what,"
"You look better naked...". Jimin said sassily before running off to his room.
Jungkook groaned,Damn how can he say that then leave? He adjusted his trousers then made his way to his room.
Soon the three were travelling to the studio.
"What's the interview for?"Jimin asked
"A prequel to our training or something "Tae said
"I hope it's not too long...I could do with a nap..."
"Didn't you sleep Jungkook?" Tae asked
"A bit...something kept me ....up..."
Jimin started coughing and Jungkook smirked while Tae offered bottled water.
Jimin drank slanting his eyes at Jungkook who looked innocently back.
"You ok Jimin?" Tae asked
"Yer, must have been something I swallowed got stuck in my throat.." he said,now staring at the maknae who got his meaning and fidgeted in his seat,Damn Jimin you tease.
"Oh we are here let's go..."
Tae got out first Jimin went to follow when he felt a hand on his rear.
"Hey little. Boyfriend ,careful you don't tease too much,who knows what might happen," Jungkook said in a dominant voice but with a smile on his face.
"Careful what you wish for maknae,you know how much my soulmate will do for me,especially if I ask him to sleep with me cos I'm lonely..." Jimin smirked getting out.
"No,no....Ah Jimin!!"
A giggle was all that could be heard as he watched that cute ass walk away.....this was gonna be some relationship!

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