A sight of Navy and A flash of Pink

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"Deya shit, was that Barlow?" Rhiannon shrieks, as she sees the cut on my biceps. I force myself to nod and whisper through gritted teeth, my pain pulsating under my skin like a fire claiming more and more of Mind"I have stuff to wrap my arm in my satchel. I think we've might have about 20 minutes left till we need to be formation, let's find a quite place. I'd rather not have people know the i am wounded from the Parapet. They would try to kill me even more then they already do."

Rhi giggles and pulls the jacket she wears over a top from her body, placing it in me carefully, taking my satchel, urging me into a shadowed half of the big alley where noone would notice us in our black clothes.

She lowers my satchel, searching for the band aid I've packed bacck home. Happily it's dark black and blends perfectly to my fit not revealing any damages on my body, since that was my thought behind packing it . My arm still hurts terribly and i would've liked to cry right now, right there but i don't. I trust Rhi. I really do but my tears would make me feel weak and i was to tired to cry anyways. I bite my iner cheek giving Rhi a soft smile handing her the jacket after she had wrapped my arm tightly to prevent blood loss, sealing the wrap carefully. "thank you Rhi. I dont know what i would've done without you, See you later in formation? I need some minutes to deal with myself"I say as i hug her tightly.

She gives me a thumb up with a understanding smile" I daw a girl i wnated to check out anyways, but please join us soon Deya or I'll go searching till i find your corpse or alive body " she vanished in the crowds with a chuckle still on her lips . I lean against the wall. I am. So. Tired. I slightly close my eyes, trying to ease my breath and shield the pain away so my mind could work fine again. I've seen Death today, I've felt life today and I've had pain today. This couldn't get worse then this could it. The wet, cold wall feels soothing against my back and i want to never move away from it as a sharp ring cuts through my ears. 20 minutes are up.

I quickly move my hands to shield my ears as i my eyes fall on the bell right above me. I scoff as i hurry over to stand by the Dais.
I spot Rhi with a girl, which should be like i am from the coast region. Her skin is tan as well and her brown hair has this gleam which only exposure to a lot of sun can bring you.
I learn after Rhi had introduced us that her Name is Tara and from my point of view they definitely have a thing for each other.

Finally ,after a while, Vi joins us again. Later followed by a lightly Red Dain Aetos.
I chuckle as i nudge her Side. She blushes slightly. She had always have something for Dain and all my talking about how bad of a person he is had never, not even in the slightest changed her opinion on him. After a while i got tired of trying so i stopped and just let them be. While Dain didn't wanted something from Vi back then, i did noticed how he looked at her now. Worse, how she looked at him. I have to admit that Dain had gotten his percks, like the whole boy next door look he carried effortlessly and the flight leathers where also a nice addition to underline his muscular body but he didn't had that sparkle and he definitely was no match to the person who just climbed up to the dais. As the soft tickle takes control of my whole body making me aware of that someone my eyes flick upwards to catch Xadens eyes on me as he steps on top of the platform facing us with the other, what i assume wing leaders. Not letting myself look away from him i quickly go through the rang policy of Basgiath. There are four Wings, which each have 3 sections, Fire, Claw and Tail and in each sections are 3 squads. Our glances get broken as Dain pushes all gently in formation.

The 3rd and 2nd years in front of us first years, the squad leader at the top. My eyes swing back to Xaden taking him in for the first time since I've been almost pushed at the Parapet. I've had already noticed that he was handsome but in a terrible way, everything about his body made mine melt and now as i inspected him with a less sleep clouded vision he almost stole my breath away. Even if i would've tried to look away in that moment i wouldn't have managed too.
He's tall, with windblown black hair and dark brows. The line of his jaw is strong and covered by warm tawny skin and dark stubble, and when he folds his arms across his torso, the muscles in his chest and arms ripple, moving in a way that makes me swallow. And his eyes... His eyes are the shade of gold-flecked onyx. The contrast is startling, jaw-dropping even-everything about him is. His features are so harsh that they look carved, and yet they're astonishingly perfect, like an artist worked a lifetime sculpting him, and at least a year of that was spent on his mouth.

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