A couple of Classes and Revenge

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Violet and Rhi ran towards me and Dain. That can't be happening right now. Redness creeps up my neck and cheeks. If they would just scream a little louder, soon the whole college would not only know who i am and report me, no, i would also be considered a weakling, a disadvantage to the wing, killed before i even made it to Treshing . And not only that, none other then my squad leader carried me like i am a damsel in distress, ready to destroy the world for me. Or at least so it would seem for anyone who looked at us right now since in reality Dain had only taken me because Xaden ordered him to. It still did not made mx situation better. Nothing. Nothing was worse then other cadets assuming you've slept your way to safety. As if Dain had the same thought, in exact the same moment, he dropped me to the floor, carfully but way to fast so that i had no time to prepare and adjust. I winced at the wave of pain that flooded through my body followed by a cold shiver which made my hair stand up at the back of my neck. It wasn't a comfortable shiver, not like the one i got when a certain wing leader had his eyes on me. It was a shiver of pure pain. I forced the thought of Xaden away. He only saved me today, if it is even allowed to consider it saving and not just bumping into the scene by accident , because he wanted to be the one to kill me, to end my life,which was totally pathetic to me, since we both carried the same relics, only that he did not knew that. Noone knew. Noone was allowed to and if someone did and my uncle would get the hang of it, i am sure Codagh would end their lives in a glimpse of an eye. Suddenly my view darkend at the edges, and my body went limp, almost crashing to the floor and then i saw nothing but black.

When i took my surroundings in, opening my eyes slightly to let them adapt to the blinding light, Violet was arguing with a older woman, which seemed to be a healer. "Get him, Winfried, Please! She is hurt AND here because of me".
We must have arrived in the healers Quadrant. Gods, how much blood had i lost. I unwrap the linen fabric from the cut on my neck, which by closer inspection can't be torn from my tunic, i scoff in annoyance at the Realization. The Black Color hid almost perfectly the blood i've lost, but it couldn't hide it all. It was wet and left marks on my hands as i put it away on the desk on the side of my bed, the desk immediately transformed into a pool of a dark red and i knew that stains would be left on my behalf.
How the hell am i not dead yet?
Another hand, which i assume belongs to yet another healer unwraps the bandage on my biceps and i hear Vi's Plea again, followed by a low whisper from her, so only the woman on the opposite could hear "and she's a Tempest too, Winfried". But Dain who had joined the conservation was not so fine with my best friends opinion, and with not fine i had put it in simple words. He was in rage.
"If you go to the scribes now, Markham will you still let you pass the exam and Deyanira could go home, to her grandparents and join next year again when Riorsen is gone and no danger for any of you! I found him with her Vi! He wanted to kill her and i interrupted him and even worse, the whole Quadrant know that Xaden wants her Corpse burned . "
My clenches at his words, not inly was that his only point, it was also so unrealistic and almost made me want to strangle him. I knew Xaden wanted to kill me, but he had saved me from a death similar to my fathers just minutes ago or had i had hallucinations? I was almost sure it hadn't been Xaden, who held me against the stone but my memory was foggy and i couldn't recall much, which added to my mood darkening by seconds . Again i justified the symptoms of memory loss and basically everything else with Blood loss.
A old man appeared just a the side of my view and Violet hugged him slightly before ignoring her guard dog, called Aetos, who was still trying to change her mind, pushing towards me. The man was at least around 70 but he still proudly wore his flight leathers, a dozens weapons hidden in the sheathes all around his body.
With a lesser magic he let the curtains fall close around us, mumbling that we should have done that earlier, then he sighed as he looked at me turning towards Vi "If i mend her she will heal faster yes, but the scars will still get ugly, and she will be in much more pain then she is right now, even if it is just for some minutes. You are certain that you don't just want to sent he-" before he could finish his sentence I shook my head as faces whipped towards me full of suprise, mirroring my own as i realized what I've just done " Mend me sir, please mend me. If i remember right, the first sparring is today and i have to prove i am not a weakling. It'll be the last time you ever see me here again. I am a great fighter.. At least i believe so." The words had slipped past my lips before i could recognize their meanings. The man nodded, turning towards me after calling for Winfried. Dain entered but was interrupted by a hurrying Winfried, who i had named Winnie in my mind, carrying a small bottle towards me with a smile patting the mans shoulder as she spoke to me "Here my girl, Take this it will stop the pain for a while, or at least dim it, yes? "
I took it willingly, downing the whole potion at once, when a hot pain errupted on my neck, finding it's way towards my arm. I small piece of leather was placed in my mouth and i screamed in agony, biting down on the leather to silence myself, as the man did his work of mending my wounds. Everything around me went black again but this time i knew i would be alive when i would wake up later.
Just 2 thoughts still roamed around in my mind not leaving me find peace in this short period of nothing .
Firstly: I never wanted to be mended again in my whole life.
Secondly: Xaden Riorsen wanted to kill me or so everyone said and believed including me.

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