Almost Burned

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It was cold on the first of October. Freezing actually.
I shivered as I forced myself to stand up from the warmth of my bed. The chlorine had woken me up yet again and I was happy that after today we would be finally getting our own rooms and I would get away from that terrible smell that had left me sleepless for countless nights.
A groan slipped past my lips as I finally stood to my full height, pain appearing in my right rip cage, almost bringing me to my knees.
Xaden had thrown me against the bunk of a tree yesterday and clearly I had functioned on adrenaline the rest of the day rather than health because now my body ached so much that it was hard for me to even move let alone to stand. I hadn't noticed it yesterday and now it hit me with its full power. With a pained motion I slipped my hand into the backpack I had brought and pulled out some of the last wraps had left from my packing, while holding my throbbing side with the other hand.
I should've brought more wraps but nothing in this world, not even Mira, could have prepared me for Xaden. Fucking. Riorsen and his wish to see me as dead as a deer after a wolves hunt in the night.
With grimace of agony I wrap my rips. They could be broken, after such a hard impact and I would definitely have to see a healer soon to even be able to keep on surviving but I would do it after today or I would need to explain myself and my wounds what I definitely couldn't do yet without causing trouble for myself and Xaden.
His Dragon,Sgaeyl, flashed through my mind with bared teeth and eyes without emotion moving towards me. No thank you, if I know one thing it is that this thing would execute me without a second thought if I do something to hurt his rider.

"Wear the Corset, Golden One. Your pain is unbearable, even for me."

I sigh but obey Arawn's suggestion noting his clear discomfort at my pain. At least the stiff corset would stabilise my fractured side and help me move without pain and even though it would also keep me from moving fastly.
If I have had it on me yesterday, I probably would only have some small fractures but be dead. As much as it helped me it was really a pain to move in if you had to really fight and Xaden would've gotten the chance of his lifetime.

I might have to ask Arawn to lend me some of his scales after he had shed so I could sew the old ones on ,to fit my body type better but that would have to wait now.
I let the tight black shirt , which I loved ,fall over my head and tightened the corset above it with sharp motions biting my lip to not make a noise of pain. Then I  pulled up my leather pants and closed my rider boots. After that I fastly secured my daggers at the side and braided my hair in a loosely open braid. I was ready for Treshing now. I quickly shot a gaze over to Violet and as is spotted her still sleeping in her bed, calmness flooded my senses.

The ground sunk under my feet as we walked towards the field for Threshing in Formation. Dain in front of us leading our squad, light rain hitting our body's making our clothes wet and damp in seconds.
The Natur had warmed up in the hours after I woke up and now the rain was almost calming, cooling the heat of the day.
My breath was calm and my brain at ease as we strut towards the Dais.
I had already bonded. I was safe and if something were to happen I still had my daggers resting at the sides of my body, ensuring my survival.
A light breeze hit my face, making my hair loose it braid, now freely waving around me, framing my face as it got hurled around by the rain .
For seconds I thought about if I should put it back in to a braid but decided against it.
Of course my hair was a major disadvantage and I could and should have cut it like the others here but I had loved my hair and I did still loved it so I just couldn't bring my heart to get a scissor and cut it short.Trina shot me a nasty glance from the side as she noticed my open hair flowing around us. I ignored her with everything I had, sparing me the view of anger written on her face and focused on Ridoc walking in front of me instead. The walk seemed endless and never ending as the path continued for a decade and when we finally reached the huge open space I reached a state of total relaxation. It was surrounded by tall dark trees, which looked enormous but as I imagined Arawn next to them they suddenly appeared small and breakable causing a smile to ghost over my lips.
The huge field was already filled with the different squads, a giant Dais standing in the middle of it for General Melgren and Sorrengail. My mood darkened by the thought of them as Dain ordered us into our places into Formation.
I would have to watch myself now and disappear faster than my uncle could spot me and hurl me back to the coast to kill me in his fury. I took a deep breath reaching out for Arawn.

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