A Powerful Demand

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Dain wanted to talk to me. I tried to not vomit straight into his face at this thought. Every single second he was close it got harder to restrict myself though.
" That would be a really bad idea given that he is your squad leader"
" I know that, really"
"Deyanira? Are you even there?"

Dain's question pulled me back to reality, even if a little harshly and i cussed at myself for letting Arawn steal my focus that easily.
"Uh yes! I was just thinking about Gauntlet practice tomorrow!"
That was only the selective truth of what i had in my mind but i was sure under all that hate i felt right now was also a thought about the Gauntlet but Dain gave me a smile and a understanding nod, definitely not catching onto the lie, before leading me into a quiter and more private space.

His face was gorgeous. His smile too. And i couldn't help but admire the man he'd become for some seconds while I followed him. I only followed because i basically had to, given he was higher in leadership then me though. If it was on me, i would've run the second i saw him.
"You should go home Deya or in a different Quadrant. If you don't want to, try actually helping Violet. I didn't tell anyone yet because technically you're not going against a rule by being here but I'll tell Melgren personally, when you don't stop disappearing everyday and being a fucking ghost. It's getting on my nerves really. Stop behaving like you own this place."
I stare at him in disbelief.
Firstly. I did went against the Codex. I am freshly 19. But me and Dain were never close so he wouldn't know that small detail about me and i wouldn't tell him anytime soon either. Not only that but i frequently sneaked out of the College after Bedtime, saw the little assembly of my dearest Xaden and bonded a Dragon, not any Dragon but a white Dragon which would even make Codagh appear small. If Dain knew, i would be dead. He loves his rules more then anything, even more than Vi. What makes me hate him. I always was a rulebreaker and he always snitched to my parents. What would the leadership do tho.. If they knew? Since i am bonded now, i do not think they can kill me or kick me out?.
The last question i send toward Arawn hoping it reaches him.
"They can't hurt you or kick you out Goldie. And if they dare to try I'll eat them and their Dragons for breakfast while burning this place down till only ashes are left of it"
That was.... Something for an answer but it gives me warm reasurance ... at least i am not facing death or another relic.
A snarl from Arawn. "They'll never touch you again or let a dragon birn you as long as i live"
I bite a smile down, concentrating on Dains words again.

What he said about helping Violet makes me truly rage and i suddenly have the urge to stare him down till he meet Malek.
The Truth is that this whole time I've been helping Violet. I've been poisoning her enemies or her sparring partners FOR HER, I trained her and i kept Xaden FUCKING Riorsen away FOR HER. And i fought Imogen, the woman that tried to kill me FOR HER. I AM FUCKING HERE FOR HER. Rage and Anger bubbles in my body, searching for something for realease. A warmth spreads through my body. It's painful, so painful that i want to scream but it also feels oddly pleasing. My body is energized and rigid, close to exploding but i stand my ground, pinning Dain with a gaze

"what am i supposed to do???."
Like fog in the morning, Confusion clouds my rage as i listen to Arawn's Words on repeat. What the hell is Ground supposed to be? And how would that help me?
When Arawn is silent in my head obviously not giving me the answers i need being differently occupied, my anger surfaces again as fast as it left just seconds ago. Not only did he just told me, that i am not good enough for Violet, no he also said he noticed i disappeared, what given situation is bad. Really bad. And he said i should leave the Quadrant when i bonded earlier then anyone ever had??
I take a deep breath, before i answer Dain but i make sure he can feel the hatred in my eyes as i stare up to him, my body still burning under the power i don't know how to realease right now .
" I try my best to protect Violet, dear Dain and be sure that me dissappearing is the least of your worries right now because i just use my time to train my muscles" my voice is sharp and cold, like the one of my uncle.

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