Burning Tension /Xadens POV

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Xadens Pov:

I was wrecked since the day Deyanira stumbled into my life and the day i caught or rather saved her at the willow ever since deeply engraved in my memory . Lucky for my little Trouble i noticed her before Imogen or every other marked one on the meadow, what made hiding her in my shadows to make sure she would live even possible . It was a unlucky event for me though because it made me aware of how much this woman had already gained power over me.
It had caused me a sleepless night and even when me, Garrick and Bodhi got send out Sgaeyl had to remind me to focus  to often for my own liking and then when i did fall asleep her face appeared in my dreams within seconds, her careless smile and her gorgeous gold shining hair flowing over her shoulder when it swayed in the wind.  A total contrast to my own night black one and a even bigger distraction for my daily life and mind.
Ever since i firstly layed my eyes on hers and saved her on the parapet from falling in to the depths of the mountains that became a part of me i hadn't fully accepted yet. I had my senses on her shadows around Basgiath just to keep my own mind calm and her save in case anything would happen and i am still glad my stupid mind decided on doing so.
Not only did Imogen almost sliced her neck wide open leaving her to bleed out, she also made a frightening number of enemys already .
It was hard to contain myself when Dain took her with him and even harder seeing how easily he trusted him, even though it seemed like she did it more in favor for Violet, what eased my mind alot.
I had dealt with Imogen later that evening when i had managed to calm my rising anger, which had threatened to take the best of me again and again having Deyanira close.

I wanted her and all my senses made me realize that over and over again. Being close to her hurt knowing she hated me. Knowing i should hate her, i should loathe her, but i couldn't .

A sharp female voice cuts trough my head tearing me apart from the haunting image of my little Trouble on my mind.

"Stop distracting yourself with the Tempest girl"
I scoff spitting in her direction "I never complain about you and Tairn"
A snort fills my head and i can feel her mocking me in every pore.

I've never been so addicted to somone, let alone someone whom's father killed my Family but i couldn't help myself.

I had woken up early today letting some steam of in the gym of Basgiath. Garrick and i circle each, our shirts on the floor next to the mat with our daggers. "so why are we doing this?" Garrick laughs, while he dodges a hit of mine. "None of your business" i seethe a little harsher than i had in my intention.
Garricks fist hits my ribcage and i ket out a cough.
"You're a fool boy"
"Shut up" I ground my feet on the hill next to my old family mansion and shield her out of my thoughts. But it's to late and Garrick hits me again. I scoff as the air leaves my lungs.
I am to distracted to focus and i raise my hands in defeat what brings Garrick to chuckle. "It's alright man, Next time you'll beat me anyways. Everyone is distracted sometimes "
I nod, but it isn't true. I've never been distracted before. Till now. We pick up our shirts and i pull it over my head, sheahing my daggers afterwards. "I am sorry Garrick, I don't know what's wrong with me these days".
"I might know what is your problem though" he adds with a smirk as my eyes catch on a golden shimmer, which strikes through the small crowd of the early cadets. Immediately my eyes follow the shine through the hall. It lightens the spots whenever it passes something new and i can't seem to pull my focus away. It must have been minutes because as soon as i lost sight of Deya i realize Garrick has left me and been replaced by a serious looking Emetterio. I sigh turning my attention toward him as he clears his throat probably the sixths time by now. As he finally has my attention he does not even wait for me to even ask what he wants, he just starts. "We've realized that Cadet Temepst is to advanced to be sparring with the 1st and second years, so we've come to the discussion you should be the one teaching her, till the other first years are able to match with her. My mind spins. We're in a war college, why the hell would they let her not fight ghe weaklings? Before i can vocalize my thoughts he's gone. So he is not up for discussion. Fuck this. Shadows curl up from beneath my boots, clouding me in darkness. This?awesome? Why the hell does that happen to me? I can't train Trouble. Without my consent my mind wanders back to the golden flash which just passed trough the hall. Deya does not seem to be happy either. How could she knoe though? I can't make up a possible explanation.
"You'll go after her we both know it"
I sigh not answering her, as i make my way outside onto the grassland in front of the College. Where could she possible have been going to? My mind swirls with places, but half of them she wouldn't even know, would she?.
I decide to check the Parapet firstly. I can feel her before i see her. A light golden shimmer just on the side of mind, pulling me closer to the Turret that id the opening to the Parapet. How could she be this stupid. That is bullshit. If she'd fall she would die. No dragon, no shadows to catch her. She would just die. Another name on the death roll. I quicken my step. Almost storming onto the Parapet. I knew she knew i was behind her. The way her shoulders stiffend and her legs stopped dangeling. She looked ethereal, her face to soft to be the one of a murderer or a cadet. She had more resemblance to a princess, even a queen. Her head was leaned back and her eyes closed. The light shine of the moon, which slowly faded highlighted her features to near perfection. "What?" she seethes.
I smirk and chuckle slightly "Looking for Trouble, Trouble? Because it isn't smart to hang out on the Parapet, let alone with me behind you" I wait for her to answer but she takes her time. Not moving an inch, her eyes still closed but her body is rigid. She knows the danger i represent but i shouldn't be danger for her and somw day she will realize that.
"Well Xaden, then why are you here, IF it isn't smart to be on this thing alone, let alone with me on front of you" she counters. I have to dare my self to not laugh. I woulf follow her anywhere and everywhere in existence. My Mind tells me not to but i knew i would anyways because i tried hating her and i couldn't.
"You got weak, She makes you weak"
I don't even answer her, my focus all on the woman infront of her. Just like she would just now realize i am here, she jumps up, like a bunny on the run but she shakes on her feet her body wobbling toward the edge. My hands shoot out faster then i can process and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her into my embrace,steading her. I just hold her for minutes as she keeps wobbling, but she does not push me away and shiver strikes her body, making me aware how close we are and how cold and fragile her body felt in my arms. Like i could snap her bones if I'd like to.
"I would've survived without you, you know, The Parapet isn't that hard"
I feel her breath against my chest and the fabric muffles her voice. I slightly angle my hips in a diffrent direction. I would kill myself lwtting her go now when i finally have her. I lower my my head slightly and whisper "Sure ypu would've, dearest Trouble, no doubt and it isn't scary for me since my shadows could catch me if i fall, but for you on the other hand, in this situation... I don't really know. To answer your question, Emetterio told me we would be sparring partners from now on." My breath collides with her neck and i can feel her tense under my arms. Fuck this. Suddenly her knees buckle and i hold her tighter to me to keep them upright,as she practically melts into me.
" Careful now, Troube" I laugh into her hair, keeping my body locked. She does not move. She stays in my arms, leaning just so slightly into me. I am In trouble, thanks to my own personal trouble. I turned us around slowly, leading us into the safety of the turret, as i hold her close to my body, securing her tightly fearing thatt if i would let her go she would fall into her grave. I feel her body fall within my arms pulling us both down towards the stream beneath us. "Fuck, Trouble" I pull her harshly up, tightening my grip on her hips, my body hardening in a wave of shock.
"Are you sure you are all right? I don't want you to die before we had our first match." I lie. I don't want her to ever die, even though i should've let her fall to righten the death pf my farther.
When i put her onto the ground, i allow me to breath again. Suddenly a sharp pan flooded my senses. They took over my body and i flinched my arm away. Fuck what was that. I stare at the place on her hips where my arm had just burned before i place my hands back on her side but slightly higher then before. I knew she felt it the way her body shuddered against mine. I pull her against me again and let my head rest on her head, breathing in the vanilla scent of her golden hair. I didn't wanted to leave her but my body did not. We stayed like this for a long time because at some point the warmth of the sun hit us and i felt her leaning against me, her body warming and her presence dazzling me. I helt her close but not to close so she could feel my attraction to her. As much as this pained me, we weren't there yet. It felt comfortable, resting in her embrace. She gave me back humanity, i didn't knew i had. Suddenly a loud voice boomed through the air. I didn't payed them much attention still we jumped apart turning our heads toward the direction of the voices. I step behind her, tensing, my hands resting on my blade. Shadows envolve us, shielding us from everything that could come.
I let my shadows fall, noticing the voices of her friends, letting them caress her body before winking at her and leaving. I raise my eyebrows at Sorrengail and Matthias as they pass me jumping towards Trouble. We would see each other later on the mat and with them they would be save. With that i enter the halls of Basgiath again.
"Where were you, Xaden" Imogen pind me with a glare, which i return.
"None of your business"
"But it is! You were supposed to help our first years"
"and now you did, leave me alone"
My voice was bored but it worked. She left. "You should be more considerate to ypur friends, they don't know about your obsession with the Tempest woman" I want to ignore her but i can't, my mind still lingering over hoe close me and Trouble were just minutes ago.

I am earlier in the gym then everyine else and as soon as my wing enters i approach them with long strikes, stopping in front of the woman, which i can't seem to look away from.
"You ready Trouble?" i chuckle leading her to the mat on the side, where we would be shielde from unwanted attention.
"Nope, but do i have a chance, sir?" she respondes pooping the p.
I raise my eyebrow with a smirk as i start unsheathing my daggers and swords, putting them on the bench to my right, flexing my muscles as i finally gather more freedom of movement.
"do you think of me so little?"  she asks, as she glances at my weapons with angst in her eyes. I laugh and start sheathing them again. Focusing on her as she looks at me with confusion.
"You woulf feel better if you would get to disarm me Trouble?" i ask and i don't have to wait long for her answer.
"Certainly would, Xaden". I laugh quietly and when i finally finished sheathing all of them again, i follow her on the mat taking my fighting stance.
"Attack me Trouble, we don't have all day do we" I smirk while i see anger flaming in her eyes. She jumps at mr, arming for my throat, wrapping her legs around meand leans towards, wanting me to loose my power but i do not. It would've worked with almost everyone else, but i just wrap my arms around her back holding her close as i lean forward, our faces only inches apart.
"This is an awful position Trouble, People might think we're lovers, don't you think.
She rolls her beautiful blue eyes but her Friends, Sorrengail and Matthias giggle like 3 year olds.
I lower my hands, letting her down softly.
" you're to dmall for the throat, Trouble"
"I am not Xaden"
I shrug at her reply, taking my fighting stance again. She would've to try harder.
And so she does, she attacks, and attacks, and attacks. I have taken 6 daggers from her by now and she only had 8 left. I had all of my 26 left, even though that are only tje ones o wear. I had her laying on the floor beneath me, my hips pinning her down.
"I thought you were better Trouble"
A gurgeling spunf comes from behind us and after i quick look i stop Deya's Movement.
"Do me a favor trouble and don't look okay? Just look at me" i lean further down to block her view of anything, keeping her Ocean blue eyes on me.
"who was it?" she finally asks, giving me a distraction from her body beneath mine, her breats pressing aginst my chest.
"Jack Barlow beat someone half dead and Oren Seifert vomited next to your best Friend" i sigh. Under diffrent circumstances this could be us in my room, her beneath me with nothinh on her but we're here right now. I feel her zooming out and i put my mind back together. "Trouble,Hello?Trouble" she snaps out of it and i get up, even though i would've given the world to stay like this. I hold out my hand and she takes it, letting me pulm her upwards.
"I think we stop for today?" I ask her with concern and she nods. It was better for both of us and definitely me, because the tension between us became unbearable. I reached for a Tyrrish Dagger of mine, hers were to heavy and to long for her and even though her technique was great the long and heavy blades made her vulnerable. I kneelt down and sheathed it at her tigh my hands staying on there a little longer then i wanted to begore i got up and leaned in close to her. "This will be the first and last you'll ever get from me Trpuble, appreciate it" Then i leave her, approaching Garrick, who had watched me with a smile. "Shut up Garrick" and we leave but before we do i turn around, my eyes lingering on her as she catches them and her cheeks turn red. "We're waiting at the Vale don't be late, and stop with the googly eyes for the Blondie"  I scoff but me and Garrick still head towards the Vale, meeting Bodhi at our way, wjo joins us.

Authors Note//
I AM BACKKKKK! Ssorry to keep you all waiting but i got my wisdom teeth removed, got sick and then had to write a 21 page essay. What was just a series of uncertain events. :( BUT I AM BACK NOW. ENJOY XADENS POV.
Tbh i loved it and already swooned while writing.
Also THANKS for over hundred votes, all the saves and the reads! I never expected that! It makes me so happy and motivates me to continue writing! Love you all

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