A horrendous Nightmare and new Friends

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"You're a mysterious woman Deyanira Tempest so strong and yet so fragile, so powerful and yet so weak, so determined and yet so unsure. There is a lot to your soul I haven't discovered yet, that I haven't quite figured out yet but even now it's as clear as the sky that the two of us together will be a magical force greater than anyone before us has ever been.
You try to hide me, to hide the power that I am holding, that you're holding, fearing that you won't be able to control it when you have to yet discover what I am and what I am capable of what we're capable of because you're the strongest vessel I yet had.
You're sleeping chaos, sleeping terror, we are what they should fear because we're infinite."

I am in a dark room without walls, without stop and I run, I run as fast as I can, as far as I can away from the sizzling voice, the hot sensation shaped like a dragon but I don't seem to get further no matter how far I try to get away to escape this horrible place, this horrible experience.
What it says scares me, it makes my head throb and I feel the wildest emotions whenever the snarl of the deep voice returns.

And yet, yet deep down it feels like I shouldn't run from the burning creature, it feels like it is a of me. Like I wouldn't be able to survive without it.

The feeling frightens me.Because as much as I want to escape it, I would perish without it.

My legs give up.
I fall.
There is no ground.
The fall is endless.

Hot flames wrap round my body with force that pulls me up into the air.
But the fire does not hurt me.
It simply wraps its licking flames around my body parts till it vanishes into my skin.
Everything is hot.
I feel it running through my body.
My heart is galloping like it's on its way to take the last breath and then this overwhelming feeling is back.
The same I felt when the unbonded elder landed.
As if I were about to burn out.
The power inside me is bubbling and bursting and then

Then there is nothing.

Everything is silent . Still even. My heart doesn't beat anymore. No breath escapes my lips.
It is as the world has stopped turning.
Everything is frozen but the golden glow coming from me is not going.
Its constant.
It is me.

And then I fall again. Deep and deeper till I hit water.

I am at my grandparents mansion in the cave I know by heart but I am not alone.


My breath hitches and gets caught in my throat as my wet clothes cling to my body like a second skin.

"Brennan" I whisper out and his head snaps up. As soon as he sees me his face is a big smile. The ones I would dream of as a child. The ones you could drown in. His reddish hair is slightly wet and his dark rider leathers are pressed against his firm body,
I am frozen in place as my eyes lock with the ones of Brennan. He is only an arm length away from me. His body resting against the sharp stone of the cave, as he leans against the stone behind him, the water glistening as blue as ever under the bright moonlight. Brennan does not talk but something about him invites me in and then I am against him.

The kiss is soft and yet firm, his hands wrap around my thighs pulling me up against him as my hands find his hair.

Brennan is alive he is here.

Suddenly he breaks the kiss, my eyes snap open expecting to see a smiling Brennan in front of me but as my vision clears Xaden stares at me. His hair messy from my hands, his gaze wanting. His lips lift into a smirk and the I am against the piercing stone wall, but it does not touch an inch of my body as Xadens arm shield me from the cutting edges.

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