The Empyrean

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Hell wasn't even a close description of what was going down around me.
I was so overwhelmed by the people screaming around me that I didn't notice a black flash jumping towards me in mere seconds, making it impossible for me to react and save myself from the danger coming my way.
Frozen in place,my feet glowed to the ground I close my eyes knowing it'd be too late now to save myself from this terrible fate.

So this is death? This is how I am supposed to go down? No great legacy? No story's being told about the fierce warrior I'd maybe had been? If I had survived this college?

"Shut up" Arawn's voice booms through my head, shattering all the thoughts that had just bubbled up in the in the back of my head in small pieces.
My eyes snap open and Arawn is towering over me, Codagh's neck between his teeth, his eyes being a mirror of fury.

Xaden had pushed himself in front of me as well , putting himself between me and my uncle his hand resting on the handle of his sword his back tensed, so I can see his muscles rippling beneath his leather attire, Sgaeyl glowering at Codagh from Arawn's side matching the mood of her rider.

This had escalated quickly.
A shiver runs through my body as the hatred gaze of my uncle hits me followed by the dark eyes of Violets mom and Dains Dad as Codagh lets out a yelp, when Arawn closes his jaw more tightly almost drawing blood.

I had expected this to be messy but I hadn't thought about Arawn snapping, well almost snapping the head of my uncles Dragon.

"Don't worry to much" Arawn invades my thoughts once again but the growl he lets out just after, makes me think otherwise, causing me to worry even more.

As I try to step past Xaden to calm my angry Dragon ,his hand finds my waist almost automatically, keeping me behind him, letting out a sharp breathy whisper.
" Stay. Back. Deyanira"

My mouth drops open as I feel Violets presence next to mine.
My eyes find hers and a little smile lifts her lips, as Rhi,Ridoc,Sawyer follow her step, as do their dragons.

"Quite a hustle you have created here" Ridoc jokes, eyeing Xadens Hand that still rests on my waist with utter suspicion in his eyes.
" I swear I didn't plan on it at all" I shoot at his direction with a laugh that sounds rather like I am dying. Ridoc lifts his eyebrow as he looks at me and I use that distraction to usher out of Xadens touch, already missing the warmth of his body against mine.

The silence around us is crackling hot and neither is nor the opposite side knows what to really do, Codaghs neck still dangerously resting in Arawn's jaw. But my friends don't leave my side. Not even a little bit as they stand beside me.
Just as the tension dares to break a huge black Dragon lands at the end of the field. It isn't as big as Arawn's but his Aura makes my confidence drop to zero in no time. He looks and feels like power.
Immediately my skin starts buzzing, the power just beneath my fingertips. It's so close I feel it, I can almost touch it and yet I know it isn't Arawn's power.
The power I feel tumbling under my skin is dark, old and full of wisdom.

All my tries of shielding it away are useless, every time I try it just comes back in even bigger waves.

"Arawn... something I really wrong here"
He does not has time to answer as the loudest growl I have ever heard errupts in the black dragons chest, making everyone shut up within seconds, as Arawn finally lets go of Codagh, Augustine's Dragon glaring daggers at me and Arawn but keeping his snout shut as Arawn snaps his teeth in his direction again, clearly ignoring the warning of the older black.

"Keep to the Wingleader"

That's all I get before our connecting is cut and him and Andarna are out of reach. No matter how hard I try I can't communicate.
Minutes later, they are all up in the air leaving us all alone. No dragon stays back as they all gain on height till i can't spot them anymore.

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