Overheard Conversations

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I suck in a breath, the direct scent of Dain hitting me. I had hoped not coming face to face with him till treshing but it seemed like Fate had it own plans regarding us. I cursed under my breath, looking for a way out but i didn't found anyone who would be able to get me out of Dains supervision...except maybe Xaden but i rather not see him right now or i might first kiss him for saving me and then stab my dagger right through his Kidney because he took my beloved necklace. I swallow my anger. He was my squad leader. I couldn't scream or spit at him. "Great Time on the Gauntlet Cadet. 10th of the year at the moment." His words are sharp and hard but his eyes tell a diffrent story. Almost pleadingly he looks at me.

No. I tear myself away from his sight.
Don't forgive, don't talk, keep it a secret. He hurt you.

"Burn him"
the sizzling voice appears in my head as power floods my veins, grabning hold of my emotions, letting them become more and more intense.
Shit No.
The dream i had appears vividly in front of my eyes, replaying itself without my consent as the power rises through all my pores.

I force myself to nod at Dain's comment as i try to reach out towards Arawn but the Aura of the voice overshadows every hope i had. Nothing reaches my Dragon. I am on my own.

The silence stretches but my feet stay glued in front of Dain as if my body had already decided he would be dying today.
Finally Dain leaves and Relief floods my body as the power restricts itself, making it only a slight shimmer.
As i walk away i feel the pircing stare of Jack Barlow in my back and i am sure i would have had an actual pierced back from his sword if it weren't for the professors around us...or maybe he would have had a pierced neck from daggers, we would never know now. I have to restrict myself from turning and laughing at him but i manage to focus back on Violet. She needed me and that was all i needed to know. I almost fell as i sprinted down the stairs, which lead to were the ropes ended, bumping into multiple cadets on my way. The stairs were longer then i had expected and my stamina was already at it's worst. I sucked in a breath. All my hard work building stamina through swimming was gone in a matter of s month but at least i had build a figure.
When i finally reached the bottom i was breathing hardly, my heart pumping loads of blood through my exhausted body?

She wasn't here. I couldn't spot here amywhere.
"She is alive"
Arawn's voice starteld me and i flinched but his presence vanished from my mind right after these three words.
" Thanks" i muttered silently as i walked through the other cadets, keeping a eye out for my best friend, who was like a older sister. I kept myself hidden in the shadows, noticing how they moved with me but ignoring it fully. I hadn't forgiven him yet, this wouldn't settle it. I sneaked past Nolon, who was healing some broken rips and then finally i saw her.

My heart tore from happiness when i finally spotted her and all the tiredness was gone as i sprinted toward where she sat.
"Vi" my voice came out wobbly but i couldn't care less as i hugged her tightly.
"i told you she was alive"
This grumpy ass of a dragon. I scoffed mentally hoping my annoyance would reach him.

"Are you all right Deya?"

"Yeah, what id about you though? Why didn't you made it all the way up Vi?"

"I am to small to reach get up the Chimney Deya? I can't make it. "

Vi was 5'5 and i was 5'7, it wasn't much of a height difference to say the least but it was life changing in this world because i reached the edges only by forcing my limbs to. I was impossible for her to manage, what i barely could.


We stood in silence, no body daring to say anything. Would the dragons accept her if she didn't even made it up the chimney? Or would they scorch her into the ground for failing?
I felt Nausea creeping up my throat. I could not afford to loose her. I lost my parents, Brennan and now i would loose her? My heart broke.

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