A Weird Dagger And A Grumpy Dragon

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I let my fingerstips run over the soft stone over and over and over again, balancing it on my Fingertips, fliping it from hand to hand, twirling it im the air but my amazement never disappeared,it just grew with every second i keep staring. It lays comfortable in my palm, the weird shaped blade dangling in the air beneath, the stone almost uncomfortable cold. I stop in my Movement, my eyes focusing on the blade, which is from the same black material as the handle. Why the hell would that asshole give me such deformed dagger. I've never before used daggers which weren't like the typical Navarrian ones, let alone even saw one, which looked close to the one, resting against the warmth of my skin before, what he had to know because how would i be able to gain possession of such an object as a teenager?

Judging by the runes on the handle the dagger is Tyrrish  since it looks oddly familiar but the runes presented are so old and have a weird burned look to it that i can't translate them with the basic Tyrrish my Mother teached me when i was still young, so all my trying to pull sense out of the careful placed runes is for nothing. I let out a sigh putting the blade on my night table next to the matress before i change my mind and sheath it again. It surley comes with no good when my uncle sees the dagger.. Or when he sees me but that is still a whole diffrent problem i am not ready to deal with just yet or maybe till graduation? But my hope is crushed when i remember that i maybe don't even survive till then and that he'll probably know after threahing anyway but at least I'll have a badass dragon then to save me from future wrath.

My gaze flicked back to the sheath on my leg. I still loathed Xaden for the Embarrassment he gave me a month ago infront of everyone and his appearance on the parapet but i had to admit that, even tho i would need to learn to handle this, it fitted me nearly perfectly. Let alone said Person had ignored me ever since. The balance of the blade and handle were the best I've ever seen in a dagger and while it seemed to be made of some kind of black stone it was s light as a feather. The blade was sharp as well, i didn't have to put it to a test, i was almost sure that it would slice anything open i wished for, except maybe the dragon scales on my armor. I unsheathed the dagger again by pure curiosity and inspected the blade more closely this time, making sure i wouldn't cut myself. It looked like a mixture of a wave, a thunder and a hook but somehow it worked together, creating a elegant and still deadly weapon. The handels were slim and light, making a gorgeous contrast to the weird shape of the dangerous blade in my hand.

The blades were sharp, as i already established and midnight black. In fact, the whole dagger was in the darkest black ever known to humankind  and you wouldn't spot the runes from far away, even if you tried your hardest. I couldn't help but notice, that these blades belonged to a duo of daggers but i shoved that thought away because why would he only give me one if it was in fact a duo?

I sheathed the dagger a final time now and shivered as i stood. When was the last time i showerd? I flinched at that thought and headed toward the shower cabins but as i reached them they were occupied by a couple from 2nd grade.

With rolling eyes i turned away and stepped outside of the building into the backyard of basgiath.

The cold wind of a chilly September hit the soft spot behind my ear as i made my way up towards the gauntlet. I knew i could take the stairs to reach the lake I've sneaked out to multiple times nby now but taking the stairs would mean i could run in anyone who came back from a late night flight and i wasn't really in the mood seeing Vi's Mom or Dains Dad so i let my eyes fly over the obstacles of the gauntlet. It wouldn't be bad to practice either since we would start practicing soon.

And with that thought i started sprinting towards the ropes dangling over nothing but air and made my way up, keeping close to the stone walls on my right. My lungs were burning and my hands bloody as i reached the last obstacle. A ramp, which symbolized the way we were supposed to mount our dragon. I was at the end of my power but i hadn't reached for a rope yet and so i walked back amd then leaped towards the ramp, letting my speed throw me upwards. I was to short to reach the top i was sure of it. Almost certain. But i was also athletic. Relif glooded all my senses as my hand reached the ttop of the cliff and i pulled myself up, laying on the cold stone my breath raged and uneven but the gauntlet masterd for now. I knew that some of these obstacles would start moving when actually in traing but i could make it. No i made it. I made it and Vi would as well. We would survive till threshing no matter which mood swings Riorsen decides to have regarding me. My eyes closed i stayed on the ground till my breath was calm again. When i sat up my mind was foggy and i needed a second to adapt to my surroundings begore i made my way into the woods behind the gauntlet.

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