Part 3

335 9 19

Enjoy the story!

The beginning of the day was pretty good unlike now when you are sitting in front of the two grinning men whose eyes are boring onto your sweaty face. Your fingers curled underneath the table and a confused mind still processing the search bars from last night.

'You can't access to this website.'

The room is quite at a suitable temperature and the men in suits are perfectly looking handsome without a trace of uneasiness whereas you are in a daze. 

You gulp and clear your throat to present yourself a bit more professional which you are lacking at the moment and you are well aware of it. You atleast mentally thanked every creature that not all of them are present currently in this office and you are feeling a bit less suffocated. 

Avoiding their eye contact, you look behind the big glass wall to calm yourself and watch how the wide view of city is clearly visible from there and how refreshing the view might be after a stressful day at work. The bright day is supposed to make you joyful and enthusiastic but here you are panicking for your career in front of these two men. 

Your thoughts wander about what Beomgyu must be doing right now because before coming to this place, you tried to call him so many times but he didn't pick up for once. Weird. Well, because he never misses your call and is always there in your hard times, he must be really bad down working hard for the projects of the internships he will be applying next month before joining the father's business. 

The opening of a door and abrupt footsteps coming inside the room takes you out of your day dreaming.

"Oh Y/N you are here? I didn't know you are supposed to be here now."

You look up to the youngest one of them and somehow you managed to shoot him a smile but no words come out of your mouth as if you still don't know how to speak any syllable or language.

"Why are you panicking so much?"

You turn back your focus on the men sitting across from you, the one with glasses is busy in his i-pad and keenly doing something which must be very important because the creased forehead and focused eyes are showing his situation clearly. The eldest one beside him gives you a smile to let you know that he wants the answer to his question.

"Is it true that being black-listed means I won't be able to join any other companies?"

The busy one stopped doing his work and made an eye contact with his friend beside him. The youngest one also watching how his two other friends are silently communicating with their eyes and he is well aware of the topic. He clears his throat and puts the file which he was holding all these times and giving you a tight smile, he makes his way out of the room.

"Jongho, where are you going?"

"I have to give a quick visit to Yunho as we will be having a meeting together later this afternoon and before that we have some important discussion. Why? do you want something hyung?"

"It's okay just let me know who will be free today because I need someone to escort her later."

Seonghwa averts his attention to you again after speaking to his friend.

"Well you see the black-list is the most unwanted thing in this field, every freshers applying for the recruiting companies tries to avoid this circumstances and how unfortunate for you to be facing such thing. I know what you are going through but trust me we are here to help you."

"Sir Seonghwa. I was really tensed last night when I was not able to access to any of the website for register myself and then I called my friend to know whether he is facing the same problem or not but he is not and I thought I'm in a big trouble. Wooyoung explained me the situation earlier today during our ride to this place and that's how I came to know that I have been black listed."

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