Part 5

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You haven't notice yet but you were walking for almost thirty minutes on a long path and you were so lost in thoughts that your exhausted body is lacking energy. It's okay but you have almost reached the location. Feet stop near the edge and your view is hazy due to the tears shielding your eyes. Last time, you have been here was the most warming and beautiful moment of your life but this time, it's just the opposite with only pain visible everywhere.

Standing at the edge of the cliff, eyes shaking and watching the view in front. The thoughts coming to the mind is contrasting with the beautiful and pleasant nature. Hands shaking by the side even when it's a hot sunny afternoon, fingers clutching the torn and dirty pants. Tears streaming down the blood-shot eyes and unpleasant thoughts coming across the mind. 

The place is very pleasant having some best memories and a blanket of comfort but now it's like a death end for every happy moment of the life. Someone should have there to help but no one was there. So, where to run to? Is there anything more other than ending the life? Looking below the cliff, heart pounding inside the chest and ears becoming deaf to the surrounding.

About to jump, when your name is being heard from a distance. You want to turn around but you cant as your eyes are still focused to the front where you can see the end of your miseries.



Several times, you heard someone calling out your name. You didn't turn back or couldn't but you can still hear the voice coming nearer to you.

"Hey, wake up."

Eyes shot open and you sit up properly and can feel sweats lining the forehead and pulling the sleeves to the wrist, you palm your cheeks. The person in front of you has a worried expression on his face. You look up to his height, still trying to understand your situation and how he is here. Looking around, you realize that you are in the cabin of your office and Jongho is staring down at you.

"Hey, Are you okay?"

You try to smile, fingers combing the hairs and pushing them back away from your face "Yeah, of course."

Shaking his head, his hands raise to your face to run his thumbs over you tears on your cheeks and wet eyelashes brushing through his thumb. Eyes becoming soft and he gently pulls your face upward, "Why were you crying?"

Okay, your mind is getting cleared and now you remember that you were early to the cabin because Hongjoong wanted you to coordinate all his meetings with the schedules of his upcoming events in overseas and then he would have taken it from you before the working hours. You had done with the work but last night you slept late and due to the headache, you don't realize when you fell asleep inside the cabin. Nightmares. 

Your sleep schedules are messed up because of these weird dreams that occurring to you recently. Like the same ones you had last night and now. Since, the day you have moved here, an uneasy feeling is lingering as if you are being watched by someone but you thought it must be due to the new environment and surrounded by unknown people.

Forcing out a laugh, "Oh it was just a bad dream. Nothing to worry about. I'm used to this."

"Are you sure?"



Nodding his head, "okay so everyone has already got their schedule for today. Thanks for your hardwork. As far as I know, you don't have anything particular today till lunch time so I guess you are free to do anything you want. But, don't pull pranks with Wooyoung."

You both laugh on the comment. He pats your cheek and sends a warm smile before exiting with a file from the shelf.

Few weeks, you managed to get yourself comfortable in this place, all thanks to Seonghwa and Wooyoung who never left your side so that you don't feel uncomfortable or left out. It's a bit weird to not make you feel left out as this is a workplace not a reunion at your friend's house but somehow, they make sure to remind you every moment that you are their friend and different from other workers or interns in the company.

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