Part 4

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"Welcome on the first day as an intern at BBO, The great Blue Bird Organization. "

You chuckle on the dramatic greetings from your supposed to be one of the bosses. He is standing in the middle of the pathway leading to the main entrance of the building from where the view of the building is perfect and the sun rays hitting the glass walls, reflecting luxury and high status of the environment. Your eyes shine when you see the logo of the company of a blue bird sitting on top of the pirate ship and the name displayed underneath it with black and orange mixtures of colour. You wonder for a while what does that blue bird even refer to. Your focus averted to the flower bouquet offered in front of you.

"This is for you, cupcake."

"Thanks, Wooyoung. Well, you know I want to know why do you keep calling me this name. Is this the nickname you gave me when we were friends?"

"...yes...Do you not like it?"

"Of course, I like it. Also, we should head inside. I have to learn a lot about my work on my first day so it's better not to be late."

Nodding to your words, he leads your way inside the building. 

The guard doesn't block your way today rather bows and greet you with a soft 'Good morning' to which you reply back with a smile. Wooyoung still holding your hand introduces you to some employees who were gathered in a group, faces all focused on the ongoing discussion. When he approached them, they quickly turn to him and greeted him and also, they welcome you on your first day. 

You are feeling so comfortable and welcomed to this new place as if you are meant to be in this office in the first place. As some people are giving you smiles and greetings and then there some with curious eyes and whispers. 

Honestly, you don't mind all these because you would have done the same if the boss of a huge company treated a new intern so nicely in front of you. 

You are already familiar with the different desks and rooms in the first floor and you don't have any works here unless any boss tells you for a particular stuff from there. This floor has the wide area with the reception place for queries and a waiting area two stairs above platform with sofas and different indoor plants with a great outside view through the grand glass windows and you can see people already waiting for their personal reasons. To the end of that corner is a room for employees to discuss over some private meetings with the customers and beside that room is a public washroom. And while on the other side of the reception, at the very end corner of the area is the different rooms for the grade D employees and to exact side of the reception desk is the elevator and the escalator. The escalators are basically used by employees and the lift is for bosses.

Just like the first day, you are going go to the eighth floor with him and when the elevator 'ding' announcing you the arrival to the desired floor, your heart picks up the race. You get remind of all the intense gazes from the bosses all together flashing back to you. 

Shaking of your thoughts, you try to keep your formal and cool composure even though your mind screaming to hide somewhere, 'you are not yet prepared to meet all of them again.' but here you are standing in front of that very familiar door from the first day. Similarly, like Yeosang, Wooyoung types out some passcode and scans the ID.

As soon as you stepped inside, Wooyoung clears his throat and your eyes land on the men spread all across the room. Seonghwa and Hongjoong at their usual desk with Jongho sitting at opposite to them, maybe they were in some discussions but now all three have their eyes on you with welcoming smiles. 

Hongjoong looks the happiest one on your arrival and he also stands on his feet to walk towards you. Reaching near you, he pats your head, "Did you make it here alright?"

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