Chapter 1

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I was walking to school in the pouring rain. It seemed to relax me. Just hearing the pitter-patter of the rain, bouncing off of my leather jacket. I had my hood over my eyes, just so the people walking by wouldn't see my black eye. Fuck the rain; it's rubbing off the make-up I had to put on. Anyways, I walked through the double doors of the school early, seems at though I don't live to far away I'm never late, to only be met with a door. To my face. Great fucking start to the week!! It hit my black eye too!! And honestly it hurt like a mother fucking bitch. I fell straight onto my back with a sigh of frustration. God-fucking-damn it!! I felt my upper arm being grabbed to drag me to my feet and I felt like it was him; so I began fighting back. "Kellin calm down!!" Someone yelled over my screams and the other students chattering. I think it was the gym teacher- Mr.Mann or something. I didn't listen though, I just punched him in his face before screaming and dropping to the floor in tears. When I heard laughter and my name, I got up and ran outta there. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see through blurry vision and honestly I was aimlessly running nowhere. When I slowed down to a walking pace, the tears where now mixing with the rain - which I guess is a good thing.

When I stopped walking finally, I was on a bridge. The bridge was quite high with a very fast and deep flowing river. 'At least I'll be gone and no one would find me' I though to myself. I began to climb the railings and on the other side when someone stopped me. "Hey kid! Stop!" He yelled whilst running towards me, a look of horror and fear etched onto his face. "Hey give me your hand." He said only to receive a shake of my head as a reply. 'Please go?? Urgh!! LET ME DIE ALREADY!! FUCK OFF STRANGER!!' Is what I thought but didn't say once single word to him seems tough as I'm a mute. He moved closer to me just for me to flinch away. "Hey it's okay. I'm only here to help nothing else. Please just... Just climb back over and talk yeah??" He begged. I shook my head once again. He seemed to look like he was contemplating on what to do. Aweh he looks cute. Yeah gay, I know. Not the point. Anyways, he barely whispered a 'please' which I gave into- but only be dragged over and to hit the ground- because he sounded really desperate and worried. But why?? Oh god. He knelt down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I know he was just trying to help but I just can't keep these thoughts of what my farther does to me out of my head, but I instinctively moved away from the touch. I jumped up and pushed him really quick before running down the street only to stop and, yet again, break down- falling to my knees- completely and cry because of the thoughts of my father beating me. "Kellin your a price of shit!! Why are you such a fucking disappointment and a pathetic fag!? God I fucking hate you!! I wish I left with your mother when I had the fucking chance!!" My father slurred in his drunken state. One blow to the face and a kick to the stomach. I didn't care that my legs would get wet from the soaked floor. I didn't care the man was walking up to me again. I didn't care he knelt down next to me. I didn't care he pulled me into him. I didn't care that I cried for maybe 10 minutes on his shoulder, in the rain. Right now the rain wasn't heavy, maybe just a little drizzle. Anyways, he pulled me up to stand as well. I felt uncomfortable yet safe with this stranger. "so... Um I'll walk you to your houss. Okay?" He sort of demanded in a question so I just nodded. We began to continue walking, the same way I got here, in silence before it got broken. "So I didn't catch your name..." I kinda guessed he would as that, so what I did was drag him under the bus stop, shown him the name tag on my backpack whilst pointing at it. 'Kellin' was wrote in black pen across the top part of the bag in a graffiti style. He looked a little confused I didn't say my name but nodded anyways. I quickly took in his appearance. He had long shoulder length brown hair, a cute little nose ring, milk chocolate brown eyes- which could warm up Antarctica-, shorter than me and an absolutely adorable smile. He was wearing a black beanie, red and white stripped top with a open button up shirt, black skinny jeans with holes in the knees and he wore black converse to top it all off. He looks like a fucking god!! Anyways, we kept on walking down a new street but he suddenly stopped and grabbed me wrist, turning towards me. I gave him a questionable look only for him to smile and answer "I didn't tell you my name. I'm Vic. Vic Fuentes." He smiled.then I felt a chill run through my body.

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