Chapter 13

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Kellin's POV||

After Vic stabbed me with that fucking needle, I could begin to breath more properly and my throat didn't feel like it was closing. I felt more better but began to feel sick. I jumped from the bed and ran, yes ran, to the bathroom. I opened the door and then slammed it shut. I lent over the toilet and began to empty the contents of my stomach.

Once I was finnished, I flushed the chain and leant against the wall holding my stomach. I felt like absolute shit. I slowly began to stand, almost falling back down on weak legs, and wash out my mouth with some water and mouthwash. I spat out the mouthwash and began to exist bathroom but before I could even walk one step, I crashed into a hard, firm chest. I looked up to see Alex standing there with his arms crossed and a unreadable look on his face.

"You okay?" He asked really bitterly. I nodded. "Just so you know Kellin, you're allergic to paracetamol. I knew and only me. So I gave it to you." Then he walked off. Just like that walked off. What the fuck?? Right then?? I was just stood there for longer than I thought because Vic came out of his room and stood in front of me. "Kel, you okay??" He asked. I nodded. "Look it's okay alright? We found out your allergic to paracetamol and have put the others away. You don't have to worry." His smile is just so amazing and contagious that even I half smiled and nodded. We walked back into the now empty room so I could lay down and sleep for a while.

When Vic was about to walk away I latched onto his hand and dragged him back. "Do you want me to stay with you?" Hell fucking yeah I do. I nodded. I moved over and Vic lay down next to me. I liked this cuddling, but it's strange for the comfort. Vic put his arm around me and I lay my head on his chest. "It's okay Kellin. I won't let anyone get you." He whispered before I fell back asleep.


I was in the woods. Just behind our local park. Just at the small river that resides there. It was really peaceful. The river was flowing really peacefully, the light wind blowing softly and the moonlight made it that more beautiful. Then Vic started to walk closer. Smiling.

He wasn't walking too quick but not too slow either. When he got closer, it didn't look fully like him. The eyes a more lighter brown, hair straight and a suit?? Why would he wear a suit. Then it hit me. Vampire. Only vampires wear suits, for they?? His face started to twist and change. Looking like Alex then back to Vic. It kept doing that for a few more times before there was a gun shot. BANG!! Vic fell to the ground with blood streaming from his chest.

I ran to him, screaming. His body shook and once I reached him he was smiling. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down. He kissed me. Once I pulled away, his face turned to Alex's and stayed that way until he pulled a gun out and shot me.

~*~end of dream~*~

I woke up screaming, shaking, sweating and breathing heavily. Vic was still asleep and it was dark out. The time was currently 11:47pm. Well damn. I was still shaken up with heavy breathing but the sweating and screaming calmed down. Then I started to cry. The crying got louder and harder which woke Vic up. He hugged me and told me "you're okay now. I've got you. Calm down, its okay." He was rocking us a little while stroking my back to calm down the sobs.

Once I stopped crying like a bitch, I pulled away from Vic and didn't look into his eyes because I was fuckîng pathetic. Like really who cries over some bad dream anyways?? Me. Thats who. God I'm so weak. Vic put his finger under my chin and lifted my head so I was facing him. And when I did, he looked so fuckîng sexy. His hair sticking up a little, his eyes a darker colour brown, his lips bright pink, his tan practically glowing in the dark and his nose ring reflecting the moonlight. He was amazing. No perfect. I wanted to kiss him so bad.

But I didn't get the chance because he kissed me. He. Kissed. Me. I kissed back straight away. His hand slowly reached up to my cheek and his other was on my hip. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him on top of me. It was like fireworks where set off around us and butterflies thrashed around in my stomach. Like a war was shot threw my stomach and the explosions ran threw my veins.

Vic's hand on my cheek slowly made it's was to my other hip and he held onto the hem of my shirt. I know what he wanted. I know the moves, the looks, the silent begging. I know it all. I run my hands slowly down his firm chest and start to pull up his shirt just as slow. We broke the kiss so I could take off his shirt. Once the shirt was removed, he kisses me again. My hands pressed against his chest feeling his heart beat faster and faster. Vic swiped his tongue over my bottom lip. I open my mouth and allow his tongue to explore me bit by bit.

Vic started to grind his crotch into mine while his hands slipped up my shirt, roaming over my stomach then my chest and repeating it. Eventually, I pulled away and took my shirt off and went back to kissing Vic. I loved it. Kissing Vic was like going into heaven and owning your own unicorn with rainbows and butterflies. It was amazing. He was amazing.

My hands trialled to his pants and I slowly palmed him through the material. He moaned. That was fucking hot. Undoing the button and zip was easy but pulling his super tight skinnies was a challenge. Proving I'm weak. Fuck. I gave up with his jeans and began to feel his chest again because, come on its fucking firm and urgh. His kisses trialled to my neck and he was biting, sucking, kissing and licking the skin. It caused me to moan when he found my sweet spot and he stayed on that spot for a while, making me a moaning mess under him.

Vic trailed his hands to my jeans and undid the button and slowly pulling the zip down. He pulled my jeans off easily and he took his off. Dick. He kisses from my v-line up to my lips and if I said I was turned on before well I am now. I slipped my hand into Vic's boxers and began to slowly stroke him and he rocked his dick into my hand.


Okay!! Let's leave it there shall we ^-^ but I promise that next chapter will be the smit and a surprise is hidden in there too so... Until next time my devils spawns ly <3

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