Chapter 20- FINAL;-;

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I threw myself up off the mattress of my bed. In my room. Alone and afraid. I pushed the covers back and ran off the bed looking around. It was just a dream. A really fucked up dream. There was no wolf, no Vic, no gangs, no vampires, no den and certainly no death. I was alive. Fuck. I slowly walked to my wardrobe and grabbed some black skinny jeans and a random black shirt. Along the way to the bathroom, I grabbed some boxers then continued my route to the bathroom.

I sighed and turned on the shower because cold sweat was covering my small frame. And my hair was greasy. I looked into the mirror whilst waiting for the water to heat up, but staring back wasn't me. It was a stranger with bags under his eyes, no colour left in them and a really pale face. More pale than usual. The lips lost all pinky colour but instead left purple while bruises littered their torso, more darker than usual too. This wasn't me. My eyes held a little blue and green colour, my face was a little less pale whilst my lips were a light faded pink colour. This was me.

I sighed and hopped into the shower, not literally, and started to wash the sweat from my hair and body. i leaned against the cool tiles and sighed. Again. Sometimes, I just wish that I can drop dead and live in my fantasies. The fantasies are way cooler than this harsh reality I'm stuck with. An abusive father, a dead mother, no friends and bullies. Hell I don't even FUCKING TALK! What the point in talking when I have no one o talk to? Exactly. I have fucking no one. I'm Billy No-mates over here. I could feel myself getting worked up and anger course through my veins like poison.

I've had enough. I'm sick of being walked all over for no fucking reason. I have never done anything to anyone! My dad suddenly gets abusive because my mother died, bullies started to hate on me for not speaking, my friends left when I needed them the most. It's a vicious little world that we live in. If you don't fit in- you get walked over, if you don't act like everyone else- you get walked over. I'm not anyone's fucking doormat! From now, it's just gonna be me fighting for myself. I will not be a doormat and I will stick up for myself.

I got out of the shower and threw on my clothes for the day, grabbing my bag and making my way upstairs. As I walked into the kitchen, my father called me. "What the fuck are you doing you fucking ass wipe!?" Drunk. Again. he stalked over to me and pushed me. I felt the anger overtake my as I shoved him and kicked him in the balls. "Don't you dare touch me you abusive price of shit! I've had it with you! With this house! With everything! I HATE YOU!" I yelled and ran towards the door. I will not be a doormat.

The only thought that was going through my head was 'I will not be anybodies doormat'. I walked to school in a rage. I felt like steam was leaving my ears the closer I got to the shithole called school. I got the occasional fag by a few people in cars but that was it. The closer I got, the more the anger was taking over and making my vision go red. When I walked through the gates, people gave me weird looks but I couldn't care. As I approached the front of the school, I stormed straight inside.

When I was about to open my locker, someone closed it. Well slammed it shut. I looked up to see Kevin Dallas there. Staring at me with a smirk his playing at lips. "Hey cocksucker. Did you try and kill yourself last night? You should try harder with it to accomplish your death so everyone is happy." he started laughing with his friends but I wasn't. In fact, by this point I had enough. "I'm not your fucking doormat! Fuck off you knob-jockey! No one finds you fucking funny!" I literally screamed in his face and he began to grow pissed off too. Oh fucking WONDERFUL! "And what are you going to do about it?" He taunted with just popped the cap on my bottled anger. "This." And before he could reach, I punches him square in the eye and he stumbled backwards whilst I made a break for it. I ran so fast I though I was unstoppable. I made it to first period in one piece just as the bell went.

I took my seat quickly before everyone began piling in. Kevin walked in, pissed expression playing on his face and his eye was starting to swell. I laughed out loud and he heard. "What the fuck are you laughing at freak!?" He roared. I kept the smirk and replied "how a weak ass punk like me just beat your ratchet ass." And that ticked him off. He lunged for me but I was too quick for him. My reflexes from my fathers abuse kicking in. I grabbed his collar and shoved him onto the desk, flipping him to face me. I drew my fist back and began to pound my fist into his face. I got pulled back by the teacher and she screamed for me to go to the principles office but before I stalked out of the room I stared at Kevin before staying "watch your fucking back prick!"

I took my sweet time walking to the office. I stopped at the toilets and smashed the mirror, then in the halls I began to throw the paper off the walls. It was like I was in destruction mode and couldn't turn off until I was no longer a target. I wreaked the toilets and the halls. Multiple teachers trying to stop me and students watched. Laughing. Not at me oh no. I felt like a badass. In dinner hall, I flipped all the tables and threw the chairs everywhere. I'm pretty shire on hit a teacher and smashed the huge window in the dinner hall with Shakespeare on but that didn't stop me. After wreaking the dinner hall, I ran to the gym hall and tornadoed that aswell. No one is stopping me anytime soon. After running back to the dinner hall, a teacher grabbed my arm and I threw punches and kicked them but the wouldn't let go. Another teacher came and grabbed my other arm. The dragged me to the principles office with so much struggle with me getting loose a few times but caught me seconds later.

As I waited outside the principles office, a familiar face walked out. A face I thought I'd never see since that day. "Vic............"

this is the end of this trip. Kellin is now a freaking badass with an attitude. Fuck. This was so fucking fun to write and I'm sad that it is ending. Maybe a sequel might come idk yet. Plus I'm working in my Autlan: Weak Little Kitty. There should be a chapter1 posted soon. Until next time.
LoveYou vampire bats!!

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