Chapter 16

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Vic's POV||

Kellin is so peaceful when he sleeps. It's absolutely adorable how his nose scrunches up at the slightest movement, or when he takes in a huge breath and releases it so slowly. He was just the cutest cub around. Obviously, I made him mine through sex but he isn't a wolf or vampire or any other mystical being. Just a human. Oh how I wish he was a fuckîng cub.

His hair fell into his face so I moved it. Aweh his nose scrunched up. He turned onto his side, facing me, and pulled his legs closer to his body. Everything he does is cute but when he's asleep, holy shît. I grab my phone and take a photo of his sleeping form and put it in my other file with more photos of when he was sleepig. Okay don't judge, I know how you girls get when you sleep with your crush and text all your girlfriends about it. Like come on, who wouldn't take a photo of this sleeping beauty anyway? Like he is so fuckîng cute, it hurts.

Kellin started to move a bit and his eyes fluttered open then closed as the bright light washed over the beautiful bluey-green irises. "Hey, how you feeling?" I ask. Hoping for him to talk back. "Good you??" And holy shit he spoke again! I will never get over this. His voice is high and a bit scratching but is as smooth as baby powder. "I'm great." I smile back. Oh god I'd never get over how sexy his voice is.

Kellin looked up at me and smiled before stretching a bit. Once he was done stretching, he sat up and looked down at me, (I was still laying down) his smile still present on his cute little face. "Hey you okay" I asked. He smiled wider and nodded. Damn. He won't speak now. "And you??" And I spoke to quickly. I guess my smile grew wider because his grew too.

Outside was nice. The sunlight shining as bright as ever through the window. The branches on the trees lightly blowing in the warm wind, the clouds almost invisible in the sky and the birds lightly singing their song. I feel like going outside for a while. My attention turned to the door when it slowly crept open. Jaime poked his head in then walked into once he saw we were awake. "Uh Vic, we found Alex. But Oli's also here..." He trialled off and I immediately jumped out of the bed and shoved some random skinnies on and a tank. I dragged Hime out the door and he took me to Alex and Oli. In the basement. Of course.

"Oh Vic, nice to see you again." Oli said in his British accent. "What are you doing here?" I said, getting straight down to business. "Down to business like always. Anyways, I am here to speak for Alex for being a total prîck for what he has done. He told me the truth about him kneoing about Kellin being allergic to the drug. I understand how angry you are and how much you want to kill him and I can assure you that he is a good guy. So for that, let me make you a deal."

Do I trust Oli?? A bit. Do I wanna know his deal. No. Do I want to kill Alex? Hell fuckîng yeah! Do I trust that he's a good guy? No fuckîng way. But what do I do?

"Can I have time to think about this first?" I ask. Obviously I know he will give me time. Oli's an understanding man. A good guy unless he has you on his bad side. But over all Oli is a good guy. "Of course Vic." "Thank you Oli. You are a good guy." I smile and walked back up the stairs from the basement then straight out the front door to sit on the hill.

Sitting on the hill calms me down. It's only because the light blow of the wind takes away any other thought while the sun helped me think about the issue. It's like the light is literally giving me a sign. It's calming whether it's sunny, rainy, snowing or dark. It just is so calming. I don't know why or how but it just is. And I love it.

I want to trust Oli with this but something in me is screaming no but I just... I don't know. I looked away from the sky and stared into the forest hoping for a good enough answer to this dilemma. The sun reflected onto a beautiful shiny rock. I stared at it for a while just thinking. Doing nothing more or less than stare and think. I smiled as I saw a stunning deer walk through. Its ears pricked up, twitching a bit while it's head was down eating the grass. It's dazzling eyes darting around. Even the slightest sound startled it. But it carried on eating, after checking it's surroundings for danger. It slowly crept closer out into the opening. Just looking around before continue eating.

All of a sudden, it's head snapped straight up and it looked right past me. Until I heard it. I heard the door for the house open. I smelt Kellin. His footsteps grew louder and louder as he approached me. When he did, he sat down and put his hand on my back. "You okay??" He asked. I gave him a small smile and a short nod. "Vic you have been sat out here for the past two hours, looking at nothing. Are you sure?" Two hours?! Holy shit!! "Yeah Kel, I'm good." He nodded and sat with me. We sat there until the sun went down. It was so beautiful and peaceful. And with Kellin their it was pure bliss.


I really really want to thank RoseHathaway7 and @AlyssaReyez for voting for every single on of my chapters and thank @iwanttobearunner for giving me a positive comments and the votes for the chapters!! I really fuckîng love you for the push of confidence you have given me with your feedback!! It means so much to me!!

Also, sorry for the long ass a.n but I really needed to thank them guys because it made my day and made me wanna write this chapter for them!! Love you devils so much!!


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