Chapter 12

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I woke up with a huge headache in full swing, my feet freezing from the light breezes of the wind and my body aching. It was so much pain, I'd rather have been left to die than suffer even more. Well I guess the world FUCKING hates me now.

I got out of bed so slowly, even a turtle could look like it was speeding, but thats because of the pain shooting through my body like electrical charges- the bad kind. I didn't even have any balance as I stood on my own and it kind of pisses me off. I began to walk towards the door but stop when whisper. New voices?? I couldn't catch most of what they were saying but it's gotta be something about a kidnapping. I think?? Okay fucking sue me because I can't fucking hear them properly!!

"Jack?? Alex??" Oh Jaime. I ran, well waddled, back into my bed and pretended to be sleep just so I could do some detective/snooping work. I guess maybe I could act ill then it can be easier?? Or go absolutely horribly wrong?? Eh who knows.

My headache came on stronger than before when I re-opened my eyes after the door opened. An involuntary groan escaped my lips and My hand flew up to my forehead. God this hurts. "Here take this." I couldn't recognise this voice. Who is it. When I removed my hand I jumped that much I fell out of bed.

This guy had spiked black hair with a blonde streak, his eyes where a dark brown, pink lips and stuble. he wore a black suit jacket and bow with a white shirt, black skinny jeans and black converse. He looked absolutely handsome. "Hey, umm I'm Jack. Jack Barakat. You must be Kellin." Jack. Hmm suits him. I nodded after he guessed my name. But exactly how much did he know about me??

"JACK!! What the fuck I've been looking for you everywhere. oh hey Kellin." Erm who's this?? This guy had browny red hair to the left and also had a suit jacket on. With a white shirt, black skinny jeans accompanied by black converse. He seemed more intimidating than Jack. He's more cocky and... Bossy. "Alex I-I was only going tongue him a headache tablet. (I'm British so idk what people in other countries take for headaches but eh it's whatever I guess) It's paracetamol Kellin. It will help." oh okay. I reached my hand out to take the tablet and water.

After taking the repulsive tablet and downing the water, I felt sick. Like the kind of sick when something bad has or is going to happen and I guess Alex noticed because he started to smile mischievously. His smile held more than what meets the eye because behind it was an evil and sinister feeling. "Good boy Jacky." And he just walks out while I start to find it hard to breath.

It felt like I was choking and I was terrified because I didn't know what to do. I was coughing, gagging the fucking lot. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. VIC!!" Jack began to panic which made me panic. Oh god this is it. I'm going to de. Goodbye world, goodbye Vic, goodbye Tony, goodbye Mike, goodbye Jaime. At least I'll get to see my mom now.

"Kellin stay here. I'm gonna get Vic and the others. I promise I'll be back." And he left. I'm always getting left now. I felt tears prick y eyes as I was slowly kissing air in my lungs. I felt light-headed. I felt sick. I felt cold but hot at the same time. I kept trying to be sick but it felt like my throat was closing up. I scratched at it. I nipped. I grabbed. Nothing worked. Absolutely nothing and I knew this was it.

I heard footsteps running up the stairs, along the hall and burst through the door. The two guys from lat night was there, Vic was tere, Jaime was there and Jack. They all look fucking shit scared and honestly that made me feel absolutely worse. "Jaime and Alan get the kit. Austin and Jack get water and bandages. Now!!" Vic shouted and the other got to work. Vic was by my side while the others done what he asked. He kept saying everything's okay and he won't let me die.

I began to feel weak. I felt like going up. I felt really tired. But I won't go down without a fight. I won't. My actions became more slower and sloppy. I stopped coughing and gagging. I was just gonna let go. The others came back. Jaime handed Vic a pen and Alan handed him a needle. What the fuck!! When I saw the needle I started to fight more. Thrashing around, kicking everywhere. I WILL NOT allow needles anywhere in my body they make me scared. "Kellin calm down it's okay." Vic's words didn't stay out though. Austin and Jack held me down while Vic sorted out the pen thing and needle. He stabbed it Ito my leg and I let out a cry of pain. THE DICK!!

Yeah I'm sorry it's short but I have no reason... Yeah.

ThankYou to LoverGurl321 for the follow!! LoveYou sparkling dragons!! *hugs each and everyone of you!!*


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