Chapter 11

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Vic's POV||

Kellin was watching us. He didn't hear the most important parts though. He only heard the part were Austin said that he and Alan only wanted to help but I'm still unsure of them. Yes Austin was in the pal for a while and Alan was just a human but he got taken and Austin got to worked up and crazy that he almost got himself killed.

Alan got caught by the cat hybrids and turned into one of them. His ears poke out and he hides his tail in his jeans while he's out in public. When Austin found him, boy was he fuming. He took Alan and himself away, basically leaving our pack and Alan left his clan. It was dangerous for them to come back but if I said I wasn't it would be a lie.

"So Vic, what do you say?? We help you and Kellin out or not??" Alan broke my train of though and I looked at Mike again. the wind blew so lightly and the grass around us tickled my paws but Mike was awaiting for me to answer but I don't know!! I looked back at Austin and I guess he understood that I needed time to think on this as he nodded and took Alan away.

Once me and Mike where back in the underground of the den he began to speak. "So what are you going to do about kellin?? Are you sure he is your mate?? For definite??" And that pissed me off because I explained to him before. "YES MIKE FUCKING HELL!! HE HAS ME WRAPPED ALREADY AND ID KILL MYSELF JUST FOR HIM TO STAY ALIVE!! HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT!?" Maybe this time I took it too far but I was completely pissed off to care. And what made me forget my anger was a scream. Not just and scream though. Kellin. Me and Mile both bolted up the stairs as quick as we could and came to a locked door. Why would Kellin lock the door he never normally does?? But then I heard struggling and that only made me break the door to see his father tackling him trying to knock him out. Jaime, Mike and Tony all grabbed his dad. I ran next to Kellin in hopes that I can calm him but he puts up another fight until I say "Kellin calm down!! It's me Vic." I rubbed his back and he immaculately calmed down. I tried and tried to sooth him but...
He got up and ran out the door. I kept calling his name but He didn't answer. "FUCK!" I practically screamed because he wasn't in our safety.

"Jaime, you've been with Kel longer than we have so you will be able to smell his scent and track him. Won't you??" I asked while turning to Jaime. He nodded and grabbed my wrist, literally dragging me into the underground. He turned and grabbed a leash we kept and handed it to me. "You ready Hime??" I asked.

He just nodded in reply. He turned into his beautiful wolf self and look at me. Waiting. I quickly tied the collar and hooked up the leash before we began running outside. Hime stopped and sniffed the ground then began slowly walking, still with his head down. The nights air was chilling but comforting as it blew softly over my skin, causing little goosebumps. Jaime's ears suddenly jerked up and he bolted towards the clearing. He pulled me with him and I suddenly knew where we were going.

The roses.

They were absolutely lethal. They use your energy and emotions to create a real nightmare but only you could see it. Don't be captured by their beauty.

We heard screams and thats what made us go quicker. once we reached the roses Kellin was mid-fall and I kept calling and calling but got no answer. We ran over and by the time we got to him, he was out. His skin so pale, it was like he died. It was horrible. Jaime lay next to him and snuggled close. It was cute, really, but we had to get Kel out of here or he could die!

I bent down and picked up his unconscious body before quickly moving off the roses. Jaime did the same and we walked back to the den. during the walk, I heard twigs break but brushed them off. It's probably an animal. I continued walking until Alex Gaskarth emerged from the forest to my right. His maroon hair sapling over his facial features, while keeping his eyes on Kellin. He wore a black suit with a white shirt, accompanied by a black tie. Vampire. Jack Barakat emerged behind Alex, his black and blonde hair spiking almost everywhere, also wearing a suit. Him and Alex were mates as soon as they approached each other.

"Hello Victor, Jaime. We need a talk." Oh fucking great!! What the fuck do they want. Jack was the next to speak. "We want to help. If Alex does any harm to any of you, tell me and he will be gone. But first agree for us to help."

Hime growled a low and protective growl, not trusting Gaskarth. But who would?? He killed millions of wolves and hybrids. but Jack, Jack wouldn't hurt any other mythical creature unless he was in danger if them killing him first. He was a good guy, complete opposite of Alex. Do I rust them?? I don't know. But what surprised me most was what Alex said.

"Oli Sykes said that if I even take a fur or hair off of any of you, he will personally kill me himself." Oli?? On our side?? This has got to be a joke. Oil, what can I say, was my enemy because he kidnapped Tony and tried to kill him all because I killed his mate, WHO (may I add) TRIED TO KILL MY PACK!!

"Follow and we shall speak of this tomorrow morning but you CANNOT, and I say this again, CANNOT be anywhere near Kellin. Also, Austin and Alan are on our side to so be warned." I reply, clearly not wanting nothing more to do tonight.


Also I ThankYou for voting for my chapter it literally starts my heart. So many of you have actually made me happy with everything you've done!! ILoveYou all my pretties


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