Chapter 19

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Mike's POV||

"Sorry I freaked. And sorry for being all weird and shit." An unrecognisable voice said. It smelled like Jaime and Kellin just walked back in but Jaime's voice isn't that high and Kellin's mute. Unless, no it's can't be? Kellin is finally speak. Me and Tony were both in unbelievable amount of shock whereas Vic and Jaime were smiling at him. "Kellin did you just-??" Tony started but couldn't finish. "Talk? Yep. I've been speaking with Vic for a little while and I spoke to Hime outside. I figured its best to keep you two from the dark." I just don't know what to say. My mouth hung open and my eyes were as big as the fucking moon!

It was like Kellin's voice placed a frozen spell upon my entire body as I couldn't move nor speak. It was so amazing that Kellin is finally speaking to us after about I don't know a month? But it's just strange how he only spoke to Vic for a while then the rest of us. Maybe he felt pressured or just didn't feel comfortable enough with the rest of us. I don't know. "Kellin, wow shit. this is great! Like- holy fuck! I'm- I'm lost." I spoke as I went towards him and hugged him. He smiled and hugged back. When I pulled away Tony hugged Kellin to. Saying how proud he was of Kellin and that jazz.

It's not everyday when you meet a mute kid who you hardly know and they trust you enough to speak. Like verbally. It's so great, it's like finding out you're pregnant with your partner.

"Well, know that I've actually spoke to you idiots, can we do something?" Kellin asked in his high, girly voice. It fits him so well because oh his really feminine features like his eyes, his hips, his lips, his face, his weight and his personality. Actually, come to think of it, Kellin with a deep voice is now just a creepy thought for me now. Like even everything he does is feminine. We all agreed to play Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 and eat like it was a gaming party. With just the fucking five of us. So far I've played Hime and Kellin. Beat Hime but lost to Kellin. Kellin's only played me, Tonys played Vic and Hime. But right now, it's Vic vs Jaime. The game was paused when Kellin said something really good and important.

"Wait! Where's Jack?" But where is Jack? (An: tbh idk either. So just roll with it) I haven't seen him since... Oh shit! We've lost Jack! Fuck knows where his is right now or what he's doing. Vic easily took control of our panicked states. "Alright, guy lock down." And I hate lock down. It's were we have to grab a few clothes, some essentials and lock the windows, barricade the windows and doors then lock up. we got to our special spot and hide out there for a little while. It's just so urgh. I hate it. "Well go!" Vic shouted. Me, Tony and Jaime all ran upstairs and got our packed clothes and shit then locked all the doors and windows while Vic worked downstairs and explained to Kellin.

Vic's POV||

When we do the lock down, we know exactly what to do but poor Kellybear had no clue. So explaining it to him was a little more than difficult. "Vic, whats lock down?" He asked once the guys ran upstairs. "Well it's where we get our packed things and lock literally everything in the den. The window and main doors get barricaded with things like wood, metal and plastic. we do this for emergencies if we are getting tracked, hunted or in danger. Right now, you are in danger. We go to our special spot and hide there for a couple of days or weeks until the whole thing blows over. No one knows were out special spot is because it's so sacred." I finish up my little speech and give Kel a few seconds to understand.

He nodded in understanding and began to help barricade the windows that I've locked up. I made sure he did it properly and he literally jammed the windows to their panes and put heavy wood against it. Just to put it short, he did what none of us could ever think.

Once we finished, Mike, Jaime and Tony all came bounding down the stairs. They threw me two bags whilst they held two each, making it 8 bags in total. I grabbed Kellin's hand and practically dragged him out to the underground with the guys following. "Tony, get the stuff and Mike start. Jaime watch Kellin." Me and Mike turned and bolted off to find a car. We had like this little kind of plan to take a car which was we act like we got hit, the person comes out of their car while the other takes the cars and drives away. Whilst the person is distracted by the car, the one who "got hit" makes a run for it back to the house. Sounds simple but tricky as fuck. I always ended up being the one who made the person out of the car because I'm better at the acting whilst Mike was better at driving at top speed.

We made it to the road and we waited for the faint sounds of an engine. It was only about 30 minutes before a black Mini was driving down the road when I jumped out onto it. The car swerved a bit but came to a quick stop. The person rushed out and came over to my side and began to frantically panic. He knelt down and tried to assess my needs but his car sped off down the road. As he went to chase it, I got up and ran as fast as my paws would allow me. I weaves through trees and bushes to get back to Kellin.

Kellin's POV||

It was about 10 minutes after Vic left when Alex has shown up. And with Oli with him. The both had guns in their hands, pointed towards me. "You little shit! You speak now! You also mated with that mut!" Oli roared whilst Alex just smirked at me. "What are you talking about Sykes? Leave him alone." Jaime said and Oli spun and pointed his gun at Jaime. Fucking Jaime! Stay quiet! "Shut it you animal!" Oli shouted. "Leave him alone! And what do you mean 'mated'? I haven't mated with anyone!" I shouted at Oli. this time it was Alex to speak. "Yeah you did. You had sex with Vic and he got you pregnant with his pups. We can fuckîng smell the disgusting things inside of you! It won't be long before you have to be turned." Alex had this sick look on his face. Like he was disgusted in me but smiled wickedly.

"Do it Gaskarth. Do it now!" Oli shouted and then there was a freaking loud ass bang. I felt like I just got punched but blood began to spill from my chest. I was shaking before I fell to the floor. Tony rushed over and grabbed my hand. "Kellin. Kellin, don't close your eyes stay awake. Don't close your eyes." He kept repeating. I shook my head. I reached up and put my blood stained hand onto his face edited smiling. "Tony it's okay. This is what I want. Even though you guys gave me a home, love and shown me a really great time. You can't stop death. I have to do *cough* I have to go. Tell- tell Vic I love him." My breath was getting shallow and my heart was slowing it's rate. Jaime was also next to me. Tell me no that I can't leave them. "Jaime it's okay. I'm going to be........." the last thing I saw was both Tony and Jaime crying and telling me no. Then Vic came. I couldn't hear and blackness clouded my vision as I fell. I hit the floor and that how I knew my life was cut off.

Don't hate me!! I'm so sorry!! Don't cry, don't worry!! Next (also last) chapter is great XD!!
LoveYou crazy bitches

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