Chapter 4

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"Kellin you daft cunt!! Get your fucking skinny little ass here now before I come down there and beat it!!" My father shouted from above. I was hesitant to leave at first but was so terrified I he did come down. Honestly if I wasn't that worried for Wolf I would've just took my time an walked up the stairs but instead I bolted up them. One i shut my door I was met with a slap across my face. I didn't even flinch. "Where the fuck is my food!?" He roared. "What have I told you before *one punch to the stomach* make *kick* my *kick* food *kick* when *kick* I *kick* get *kick* home *kick*" each kick got stronger and stronger and the pain became so unbearable I almost, just almost, cried out in pain. But from past experiences that just makes him do it more. He walked back into the front room and put the soccer on. Typical. I steadily but slowly got to my feet and made my way into the kitchen and looked around to prepare my father's meal. I grabbed some bread, butter, cheese and tomato ready to make a toastie from the oven. I quickly buttered the bread, put a few layers of cheese on each then added to sliced of tomatoes. I put them in the oven but once I stood up I heard a knock at the door which sent chills throughout my body. I shook in fear knowing full well who it was. Once my fathers toastie was done I placed it onto a plate and literally ran all the way down to my room, making sure i locked the door. When I was sure it was bolted shut, I slid down the door and cried. I completely forgot Wolf was here but when he made his presents known, I almost fell straight down the stairs. that was all thanks to Wolf why I didn't fall because he lathed his huge teeth into my shirt making sure not to bite me. Aweh cute!! Kneeling down, I stared at Wolf with my head cocked a bit inching very slowly towards his face to examine him more. He really was magnificent.

I pulled Wolf back down the stairs with me and lead him onto the bed, helping him every step. He was now laying on my bed watching my every move as if he was protecting me and thats when I noticed the claw marks in my door. he must've heard my father beat me up then. Anyways, I got my shorts in ready for bed and lay next to Wolf hugging him because he was just so fluffy and everything. Like my own personal teddy bear. Wolf too snuggled close to me and put a paw around me which made me warm and smile at the adorable create next to me. Yes, I know I know, I called him a beast before but right now, being this close to him was just pure cuteness.

*--Next Morning --*
Okay so, not only was Wolf just my personal teddy bear, he was also my personal alarm. I was woken up by him walking all over me, licking my face and chest with the sounds of whimpering. As soon as I heard the whimpering I shot straight out of bed and jumped up to make sure Wolf was okay. And to my luck, he was. But his face looked strained and desperate. then I clicked on that he needed the toilet. I put my finger on my lips motioning him to be quite and I swear to got O'm sure I saw a slight nod. I shook my head thinking it's probably just the sleep or something and we made our way over to my door. I helped Wolf climb the staircase and stop at the door. I quietly unlocked it and poked my head around to make sure that my father wasn't in. and sure enough, he wasn't. I steppe out of the door first then Wolf followed after. we walked into the kitchen where the back door was but it was wide open. Maybe my father didn't go to work this morning? But then there was a huge smash above your head in my old room. I knew full well that no-one ever goes in that room. I quietly crept Wolf outside so e could do his business but once we were outside there where silhouettes or shadows along the house wall. My instincts told me to run but I stayed put, watching over Wolf as he cautiously made his way over to the tree's we had in the back of the garden where my tree swing is. Once Wolf finished he began to walk back but stopped in his tracks, lowering his back whilst bearing his teeth. then I felt it. Someone was behind me. I spun around way to quickly and collided with the stranger. I groaned in pain but was quick to stand and walking backwards ever so slowly. the light wind blowing around creating my hair to flow slightly and Wolf's fur to sway. When the stranger got up, he held a smirk on his face. A menacing look of accomplishment but for what? I have no idea. When I was side by side with Wolf, wrapped his tail around my lower torso growling deeply like a protective growl. "Ah young pup, you can't protect him. He will be ours and you know it." The man, who suddenly had a deep voice with a creepy laugh, spoke only to provoke Wolf as his growls got louder. the man started to slowly inch forward towards us but stopped, looking straight behind me. In all honesty, I didn't want to turn around at all. The man suddenly backed off quicker, still holding that smirk with will etch itself into my brain and haunt me. When he walked into the house he was all of a sudden gone. Like air, he just... Disappeared. I saw Wolf visibly relax then I let out a sigh of relief. I am so gonna be terrified now.

Authors Note:
Right okay, so this might become my English project for my coursework and honestly I need to know if it's good or not. Please please please let me know what you think.


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