Chapter 3

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Levi's p.o.v

Eren's getting discharged today, thank god, I haven't slept properly in weeks. But I'm not gonna lie, I'll miss his company.

"Right Levi, I guess this is it?" He picked up his jacket and began to put it on.

"Yeah, good riddance to your snoring." I laughed.

"Oh come on, won't you miss me?" He squealed like a girl.

"Hmm" I thought for a moment. "Eh no." I said straight.

"Well I'll miss you." He blushed out of the corner of my eye.

"eh are you blushing over me?" I shuttered, I then knew my cheeks went red too, I covered them with my blanket. Eren looked round looking confused.

"im sorry did It get cold in here or something?" he laughed.

"eh im just trying to keep my body temperature.." I muffled.

"right, ill miss you weirdness." he smiled, he but his bag on his back. "ill be going then.."

"have a safe journey." I waved.

He walked out the door and away from the room. I sat back up, 'm actually not gonna lie I'm sad he is gone. I will miss that ocean-eyed boy. "I'll miss you Eren.." I whispered. I cloed my eyes and squeezed my chest. My heart is aching...what is this? my hearts never felt like this...

"ah Levi, here's your pills- what's wrong with your chest? are you in pain?" she got concerned.

"My heart.. it feels weird.. like its being squeezed.."

"huh~ and has this just happened after Eren has left?" she smirked.

"yeah- wait has he giving me something?!" I gasped.

"well sorta. Levi honey. your in love with him." she gave a heart warming smile.

"what? of course not. I don't fall in love with anyone-"

"well that's what like looks like to me, your in love with Eren and you need to admit that to yourself. Oh god this is amazing!! I can plap cupid and get use together!!" she squealed

"I am not in love with that brat!!"

"yeah and I'm not crazy." she left the room.

in love with eren huh? I can't be, I barely know him. and now I'll never see him again...damn I should of got his number while I had the change. Maybe he will break his leg again and come back, I mean he seemed stupid. wait what am I saying, I only knew him for two weeks, how can someone fall for someone that fast? Well I'm guessing me then...

I clinched my chest again. "Fuck...Eren come back."

-- later that night --

I laid in bed with my sketch book, I blanked page laid in front of me. who ever knew it was so hard to think of something to draw.

'some legends are told, some from dust till gold, but you will remember me~ remember me for centuries~' my phone rang. I picked it up, unknown number.

"hello?" I asked who was ever on the other line.

"Levi." a man spoke.

"who's this?" I asked again.

"oh so you know me for two weeks and a few hours after I leave you forget the sound of my voice, nice." he laughed.


"of course, who else would of said that."

"when did I give you my number?" I questioned him.

"you didn't, I took it when you were sleep one night, I thought I'd call say how shitty that goodbye was today. But when I left I realized I didn't want it to be goodbye, I want to see you again."

"Me either, it would be fun to see you again."

"can I start to visit you some days?" he asked.

"yeah sure, by come anytime."

"okay, well eh I guess, goodnight Levi." The last thing he said to me that night and then he hung up.

huh? what the fuck do I do now? I'm in love with him. A one sided love. Well isn't that just joyful!

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