Chapter 15

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Levi's p.o.v

What? What does he mean it's not from him?

This means there's someone else in love with me? I barely know anyone...

This could end badly..

"What did Eren say?" Hanji asked.

"That he didn't send me a necklace..."

"Ooh Levi got a little stalker then~?"

"That's not funny. This could end badly for me if it's true." I swallowed ruffly. "Who the fuck is it..?" I whispered.

I just looked down at it in my hand. These words could be a joke for all I know.


A few days later I received a love letter from this anonymous source. It said all about how when they first set eyes on me that I was the one and how there deeply in love with me. Blah blah blah...

"Levi~" Hanji sang as she came in with her 'husband-I-didn't-even-know-she-had'

"What do use want?" I sighed. I'm not in the mood for this.

"Oh Erwin is studying to be a doctor like me so he wants to ask you a few questions." Hanji answered.

"And if I disagree?"

"Then you'll no longer be my favourite patient!" She moaned.

"Fine..." I threw my head against my pillow.

"I'll leave use guys to it then." Hanji then left and shut the door behind her.

"So what do you want from me?" I asked unamused. I may be board but this is like worse.

"Just a few questions Levi-"

"Get on with it then, I want to continue the walking dead today." I took my laptop in my lap and opened it up.

"How long have you been in hospital? Like ill.." He asked.

" 2 almost 3 years maybe I dunno."

"What's your condition?"

"Cancer in the lungs. They fill up with water sometimes and I need a operation to remove the tissue." I Googled Netflix and got the walking dead ready.

"Do you believe you time is up?" He looked down at his notebook.

"Yea- wait what kind of question is that? Are you asking me if I know I'll die?" I snapped. I gave him death glares, he sat there just looking at me without a care in the world.

"Yes." He answered.

"Tch..I barely know you..."

"I need this information.."

"Why? Go get someone else-"

"No I need you." He snapped back.

I opened my eyes widely to him. "Why..? What do you want from me?"

He gave up and sighed. "I don't want to be a doctor, I hate hospitals, I'm not here for information for myself."

"Then why are you..."

"My friend...she clams she's over her heels in love with you, she asked me to come here and get information on you..."

"Her name being?" I asked.

"You met her at the party, Petra."

"So she's the one sending me the letters... I was shit scared."

"She wanted me to ask you questions, here." He handed me his notebook.

All her outrageous questions...there was like 'future dreams', 'ever slept with a girl', 'if you could pick someone from that party to be with who would it be', 'dick size...'

This girl is like Hanji number two and not in a good way.

"Right you tell her, I'm madly in love with Eren Jaeger and if she sends me another letter or present I'll get a restraining order. He is the only one for me thank you very much."

"Understandable." He laughed.


Me and Erwin sat for a few hours talking about random stuff. This guy is awesome really.

"So tell me." I began while eating my soup with bread. "Hanji says you guys haven't had sex in a while, whys that?"

He then chocked on his soda. "Em- thats not really you business-"

"You were going to ask me my dick size...I think I can ask this."

"I've just not been in the mood."

I glared at him. "Bullshit, I may just have lost my virginaty but I know people always want to have sex mate."

"Look, don't worry about it. This is between me and her." He avoided the subject.

"Whatever then." I'm actually starting to not feel good, I feel like I'm going to be sick..

"Erwin can you hand me the bin.." I asked.

"Why?" He turned and went to get it.

"Just hurry-" I then vomited into my hands and lap.

"Shit." He grabbed it and ran back over and put it under my mouth. I grabbed it and continued vomiting. Erwin rubbed my back. I coughed and gagged, why isn't it stopping yet?!

I finally got a rest. I hate this! I'm covered in puke. Erwin took the bin away from me, then took the sick-covered blanket off me.

"What are you doing..?" I asked weakly.

"You can sleep like that, I'll get Hanji-"

"Give me the bucket!" I gasped. I started gagging again. He gave it back fast and more sick come out.

Erwin went and got Hanji as fast as he could. 

"Jesus Levi." She sighed. "Erwin I can take it from here thanks."

"Get better Levi." He waved.

I just continued puking my guts out. "Why is most of this blood..?" Hanji asked herself. I weakly looked down into the bucket and it was my blood. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes. I can't take anymore of this torture they call life.

"Levi you think there's more coming?" She asked while bringing a wheel chair to my bed.

"Y-ea.." I whispered while clinging to the bucket. I ran than my hand through my hair, once is retreated there was a clump of hair in my hand. My eyes widened. God...this isn't happening.


Later on, the vomiting had slowed down. I was in my clear bedroom and bed. I still kept the bucket close though. A new drip was but in my arm, no idea why. I lost a great deal of blood and my body is incredibly weak right now. I can barely move to get my water.

I want my suffering to end, if I could be given the choice. I'd choose to die, I hate this. Everyone around me is trying to help, I can end there suffering to keep me alive. Even Eren...I can have him looking after me for the rest of his life, I know I won't see 30 or maybe even 25.

My time is running out.


Hey guys sorry it's a little late.

I have a few announcements.

I'm in the middle of writing two new stories. Their first chapter will be out soon. There called-/

"Denial- Ereri"


"Solemates- Ereri"

Watch out for them if you like.

And I have a question~~~ has anyone watched or read the 'Viewfinder series'? With Akihito and Asami? Because I'm trying to but I need to they confess love for each other?! Or start dating?! Someone please tell what happens to them!!!!!!! Either comment here or private message me.

Ereri-love out!✌️

Hospitalised lovers- EreriWhere stories live. Discover now