Chapter 18

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Today's a Christmas chapter/ enjoy

Levi's p.o.v

That was some night. Me and Eren got engaged...jeez, I didn't think he had that in him to ask me.. He's actually wanting to put up with me, wooow..

I don't give we will be planning a big fancy wedding, I don't like that. There is a good..little chance Eren would want a anime themed wedding...maybe..

That isn't happening.

Eren's p.o.v

I totally want a big wedding! We could have death notes as menus, titans as butlers~ ahhhh!

I just need to tell my parents...I don't think there are going to approve, somehow.


Tomorrow's Christmas. My parents asked me to invite Levi for dinner, since he'll be in the hospital. Oh yeah! And tomorrow's his birthday. I got him his engagement ring. Just a normal silver ring.

Message- to Levi.

"Levi, what you doing on Christmas?"

Weird thing to ask but hay ho.

Levi- "What do you think? I'm going fricking camping!"

Levi- "Nothing why?"

"Well if you aren't busy, my parents want you to join us for Christmas dinner tomorrow."

Levi- "with you family?"

"Yes, you in?"

Levi- "sure why not, I don't think I could bare another Christmas with Hanji at the hospital."

"I'll come get you tonight."

Levi- "Okay, wait do you parents know about us..?"

"Not yet, they will soon though 😆."

Levi- "right...when you coming?"

"I did an hour ago ;)"

Levi- "....Do I seem amused...?"

"Lighten up its Christmas. I'll get you in an hour."

Levi- "alright."

Yeah lighten up Levi, your turning 19. But my life has lightened up meeting him, even with what I'm going through...

Levi's p.o.v

That brat, was he trying to try sexting with me? Yeah that's not happening anytime soon, I don't care if we are engaged or not.

"Yo Levi! You ready for Christmas tomorrow?! I got us movies to watch like last year." Hanji cheered while wearing a Santa hat.

"Yeah about that... I'm grateful that you want to spend Christmas with me here, but this year I was invited to Erens, you should spend it with Erwin this year.." He told her.

"BUT ITS FUN WITH YOU~~~~ Erwin is no fun."

"Well you married him." I muttered. "I'm sorry to cancel on you."

"It's fine I suppose, we can do something at new year." She ok with it, that's good.

"Well here." She handed me a envelope.

"You didn't need to get me anything, ya know?" I smirked.

"Hey it's Christmas and your birthday, it's like giving a present to Jesus." She laughed, "plus I won't be able to give it to you tomorrow."

"Thanks. I didn't get you anything... Sorry.."

"Nah it's ok, you haven't been out much don't worry." She patted my head.

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