Chapter 4

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Levi's p.o.v

That sneaky bastard doing that without me knowing. When I see him I'll slap him round his perfect, beautiful, soft...adorable... Face..

Jesus get ahold of yourself Levi. Just get the beautiful brat out of your mind for five fricking minutes will you?!?!? I went Into a fit over this!!

"Ahhhh!" I screamed Into my pillow.

"Em Levi are you okay?" Someone said.

I slowly moved my head up and my eyes could see Eren at the door.

"Eren?!" I through the pillow back behind my head. "What a surprise what are you doing here?" I blushed with madness.

"I came to visit you.." He smiled and came into my room. He took a seat next to me. "So no knew roommate yet?" He asked.

"Well id feel like I would be betraying you after you left a week ago so I made it clear I didn't want to have a new roommate."

"Oh you shouldn't have~" he blushed back. He looked down at his feet.

I looked at him fully, he looked you innocent. I need to speak, this is awkward us not talking.

"Eh- eh nice scarf.." I shuttered.

"Thanks, it's a nice shade of nice." He smiled at me. I nodded. "I want to get to know you, let's play questions."

"Hmm okay."

"So what's your name and age?" He asked.

"Levi Ackerman. I'm 18 years old. What's your eh..favourite song?" I scratched the back of my head. What kind of question is that Levi!!!!!!!

"I would of thought you were like 16, hmm my favourite song.. Probably centuries by fall out boy."

"That's my favourite." I laughed.

"Really? Cause we got some things in common." He began overjoyed.

"Em do you play a Instrument?"

That's a stupid question, I never got a change to finish high school, cause I'm 'to sick' to go out. But I Actually play guitar. "Yes, I play guitar, I haven't in a while. I left it at school two years ago and eh haven't had a chance to go get it." I signed.

"Aww well I could get it for you,  we probably go- went to the same school. What's it look like?"

"It's an acoustic guitar, it's dark blue and it has my name carved into it on the front."

"Hmm okay, I'll look for it tomorrow and I'll come after class if I find it."

"Thank you." This brat is beautiful..and so sweet.


We continued talking for a few hours. Eren was almost falling asleep on my arm.

"Oi brat if your gonna sleep go home, it's 10 at night." I shock him.

"Okay mom~~ I'll move." He slurred.

"Not your mother." I growled. I then shoved him of the bed.

"Okay okay! I'm leaving." He stood up. "I enjoyed myself today, even though we didn't cover everything, I enjoyed listening to you." He blushed.

"Well thank you for keeping me company. I'll see you again."

"It's been a long day~" he sang.

"Without you my friend~" I continued.

"And I'll tell you all about it when~"

"I see you again." I smiled. He smiled to, "goodbye Eren."

"Wait here." He took of his green scarf and wrapped it around my head. "Here, to remember me and to know your not alone."

"Thank you..." I slowly said while stroking it.

"I'll bring your guitar next time." He opened the door and left.

I fell back on mg bed and held the scarf close to my heart. Tears fell down my face. Thank you Eren...for leaving yourself behind..

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