Chapter 28

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Erens p.o.v

I honestly am the luckiest guy on the plant. I've got the man of my dreams who loves me back and is giving me yet another chance at being a good partner. But what's not great is being arrested for vandalism and being held at the police station for hours on end!

I sat in a jail cell for what felt like hours. I stood up and went closer to the bars. "Oi when you gonna let me out? Can't you just give a warning?" I moaned to the guard.

"Until someone bails you out." He answered while turning a page of this newspaper.

"Let me make a call then!" I moaned again and started banging on the bars dramatically.

"Family only." He said, he got up and opened up the cell and took me over to a pay phone at the wall. "You have 3 minutes."

Family only?! I can't call my parents! They will take away all my anime! Plus probably ground me! I can't call Levi, he's probably asleep.

Wait I have it!

I pressed some numbers and waited while it rang.

"Hello?" Someone spoke.


"Em Eren this isn't a good time..." She told me.

"Why what's wrong? Is it Levi?" I gasped.

"He's...em..took a turn for the worst. I need to stay here. I'll get Erwin to come get you." She then hung up.

"O-oi Hanji!" The line cut off. "Son of a bitch..!" I slammed the phone down in rage.

I got thrown back in my cell and had to wait for Erwin.


"What took you so long?!" I yelled as we walked to his car.

"I was asleep! I woke up wiry over 20 miss calls! And I had to get gas!" He yelled.

I slammed shut the door and put on my belt. "Did Hanji say what's wrong with Levi?"

"His blood levels dropped and he fell unconscious and he isn't responding to any medication, also he has shown know signs of waking up anytime soon..." He informed me.

My heart dropped...his could actually be the night...the night I lose him forever...!


I can't lose him. Not now. Not ever. Once we got to the hospital, I hurried out the car and ran inside. It didn't take me that long to get to his ward.

Just before I got to his door, Hanji stopped me. "Don't go in." She spoke.

"What? Wait not?" I looked at her.

"We need to talk..." She took my hand and lead me away from his room. She took me into her office and she sat me down on the sofa, she sat on a chair in front of me.

"Hanji you're scaring me...what's happened..." He tensed up.

" need to know because your all Levi has, he's...not.. He's not going to survive another week, his condition has worsened badly, he may not..survive the night." She told me.

My body went numb. I knew this day was coming, when I would hear those words. "But the operation...-"

"If he was still with us when we give it to him, it would be touch and go. His body may not survive another operation." She pushed up her glasses slowly.

"I don't want him to die..." My eyes began to water.

"I don't either...but we need to make the decision that is best for him..."

I then remembered what Levi told me. "Levi told me his wasn't scared of dying...maybe..." I clinched my fist. "Maybe we...need to let him go..." I gasped as the tears formed in my eyes and fell down my cheeks.


"But he won't die!" He laughed. "Nah he'll be fine!!" I tried to joke.. I just don't want to believe it.

"Eren... We all have a time to die...Levi's is soon.." She whispered.

"No...he's- he'll get better..."

"Eren....sometimes, sometimes people don't wake up..." She stood up and walked over and sat beside me. "And sometimes you need to be brave..." She put her arm around me.

"Who am I kidding? Levi...he's ready.." I brushed my hand through my hair. "I can't make his life choices..but if only I could swap places with him..."


After my pretty depressing talk with Hanji, I left and went to Levi's room. Once I got there, the room was cold and dark. There was a faint light coming in the window that went across his face. He was asleep. He was hooked up to a monitor and a drip.
I took a deep breathe and walked over to the edge of his bed. I picked up his hand, it was cold, I took a seat on the bed and squeezed his hand slightly. I was still crying.

"Hey Levi.." I spoke. "Y-you can let go's don't need to fight anymore. You can let go it's okay..." I cried quirky. "Go ahead. You can stop can stop the's okay..." I weakly smiled.

Just then his eyes faintly opened. ""

"Hey baby..."

"...what...were you..-saying..?" He weakly asked.

"Levi it's okay. If you're can let go now..."

His eyes opened even more to what I said. "You don't get to fight anymore,
You did all you could..." I cried even more and squeezed his hand tighter.

"I love's okay...go head...."


Hey guys....

I'm sorry this chapter is pretty depressing...

Little note. I used a phrase that was said to me when my father was ill, my mum said to me 'sometimes people just don't wake up...' When he was ill. So I thought I would use it...

Anyway, I'll update I'm the first half of April.

Only two more chapters to go...

Ereri-love out!✌🏻️

Hospitalised lovers- EreriWhere stories live. Discover now