Chapter 14

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Trigger warnings- self harm- illness- eating disorders-

Levi's p.o.v

I'm a idiot. How could I ever let him go. Sure he's made mistakes, I mean who hasn't. Everyone makes mistakes and regrets. I'm pretty sure Eren is my first and last love I'll have, and I'm fine with that.

From time to time now he stays over at the hospital with me, Hanji sneaks him back in when it's dark. It may be stupid but love makes people do stupid things.

Today me and Eren are going to the mall and then to the movies.

I think we're seeing the hunger games? I've not seen any of them so~ that's bad?

I'm waited outside the hospital for him. He drove up and I got into his car. I haven't seen him since we almost broke up. I mean we've talked just not in person.

"Hey.." I said quietly.

"I've missed you, the last time I saw you was horrible. I honestly thought that couldn't been it, and that would of been the last time every I saw you-"

"Hey! I would of seen sense with or without that letter. If you don't mind me asking what can't you tell me?" I asked.

"Well I don't feel comfortable saying it here...let's go get a hot chocolate at the mall and I'll explain.." He started to drive the car away from the hospital. What is it, Eren?

Once we got to the mall we went to Starbucks. I've never had one before, so all I got was a hot chocolate. Eren got this sweet Carmel frap- thing, with like a million marshmallows. 

We got a seat near the window on a two sided table. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"I've not been here in years, it really hasn't changed." I said referring to the mall.

"Yeah it's beautiful this time of year, all the Christmas stuff comes out."

"I never liked Christmas. Cause I age."

"Everyone likes Christmas- wait age? Is Christmas your birthday?!"

"Uh huh" I brought my drink to my lips.

"Jesus, your like Jesus!"

"If I was I wouldn't be ill." Mood killer Levi!

"Suppose, but you getting sick wasn't your fault. You didn't know."

"I guess, now stop changing subjects and tell me what you said you would."

"Ha.." He scratched the back of his head. "You saw through that did you?" I nodded.

"Well truth is...I'm a survivor.." He whispered.

"To what? Halo?" I questioned.

"When I was 13 I had a eating disorder, my mother would try to get me to eat and when I did..I'd make it come back up.." He shyd away ashamed.

"You...better now..right?"

"Yeah...but there's more. When I was 14 I found a lump on the back of my head, I thought it was just a bump..turns out it was a cancerous tumour, I went through chemo and got it removed twice. I was declared cancer free when I was 15, but they said it could come back...and it h-"

"Eren..!" I cried dramatically. I reached over the table and grabbed him into my arms. People started to stare. "Why didn't you tell me!" Tears just streamed down my face.

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