Chapter 6

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Levi's p.o.v

I woke up the next day with a new drip in my arm, what happened?

I sat up and saw Eren asleep in a chair. He spent the night.

"Oi Eren wake up!" I snapped. Damn his snoring.

"Ha-what? Mom? It's Saturday there's no school." He hunched himself Over and crossed his arms and tried to go back to sleep.


"Huh Levi?" He opened his eyes. "I spent the night! Oh my god we didn't had sex did we?"

"I don't know all I remember is everything turning black!" I watched as Eren started to put on his jacket.

"Oh yeah I remember fainted and I ran and got the nurses." He smiled.

"Oh, well thanks. I owe you one." I blushed.

"Nah it's okay. I'll see you later, my moms probably worried sick, I have over 30 missed phone calls." He scrolled through his phone.

"Yeah, goodbye Eren."

Soon after I left, I started to remember last night. We played the pocky game and talked. Wait didn't he give me a boner? And..didn't he try to get me off? No! No! No! I wouldn't of left him. I started shaking my head, "no no no no no!"

"What's all the 'no's' for?" I looked and saw Hanji.

"It's nothing. What do you want?" I said harshly.

"Just checking up on you, you feeling alright?" She looked at my chart. Behind it I could tell you was hiding a smirk.

"Yeah I'm fine.."

"Hmm okay." She began to leave, "oh yeah, here." She handed me a envelope. "You looked cute." She spoke and left.

"Cute?" I then ripped open the envelope. It was a picture of...

"SHITTY GLASSES YOU BETTER RUN FAR AWAY! CAUSE IM FUCKING COMING FOR YOU!" I yelled. It was a picture of me and Eren playing the fucking pocky game! My face was so red in it. I held it over the bin next to my bed, I couldn't bring myself to through it away, so I put it into my drawer.

"Tch, damn her.." I muttered. But it is a good picture. Maybe I should frame it? Nah Eren would think I'm creepy, which I'm totally not.

Few days later

It was night and I couldn't eat anything. I was sick to my stomach, I was really weak. I kept looking at my tray of food, it was disgusting it even look at, made me feel sicker. I haven't eaten probably in a few days.

"Knock knock, Levi it's me." In came Eren.

"Hey." I tried to make myself sound good, and I tried to not act sick.

"You alright?" He smiled and stood next to my bed.

"Yeah of course i am. (Coughs) never better." I laid.

"You not eating?" He looked down at the cold tray of food. "Eh no..I didn't feel up to it.."

"So your not alright then." He began. I shook my head. "Good thing I brought this." He lifted up a plastic bag.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I made you soup, to be friendly." He took a box out the bag.

"You didn't need to do that.." I weakly smiled.

"It's no bother." Eren then took the lid of the box and set down a spoon next to it. It smelt good.

"I don't think I can manage it Eren.." I turned it away.

"Levi please, you need to eat, you don't look good." He pushed the tray closer to me. I sat up a little to get the spoon. My hand was shaking a lot.

"It's okay ill do it." Eren stopped me, he picked up the spoon. I laid back down and he began to spoon feed me.

I slowly opened my mouth and swallowed it. I still felt sick, but it was sorta good..

"See. You look better already." He gave me another spoon. I kept my eyes on him. He's so sweet.


After that I felt better, his soup really helped.

"Thank you Eren, the soup was great.."

"It's okay, anything for a friend." He said while he tidied up his mess.


"Hmm?" He hummed with his back turned to me while he was heading to the bathroom.

"I lov-"

"Yo how's my favourite ship?!" Hanji then jumped into the room.

"Ship?" Eren asked her confused.

"Yeah I ship you and my cutie Levi!! I made you top" she sang to him.

"Ah right...okay then." He then went to the bathroom.

"Ah young love~" she squealed to me.

"We aren't together glasses! Get that in your mind! He probably doesn't even like me like that.."

"But you need to tell him how you feel." She whispered.

"But what if he regrets me? Who wants to date someone who's basically on their death bed?" I whimpered, two tears fell from my eyes.

"Don't say that Levi...your health isn't the problem right now it's your heart, it'll break soon if you don't tell him.."

"I guess your right..."

The bathroom door then opened. We both just looked at him awkwardly. "Yes?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Eh nothing nothing! I'll leave uses too it." She left then room.

"Jeez how do you cope with that?" Eren asked while he put On his coat.

"Beats me. You leaving already?"

"Yeah, i have to get up early tomorrow and there's things I need to do. I'll text you later." He waved and took off.

I wish I could have more time with him.

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