Chapter 1

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Jessica above ↑ (ps, changed it because y'all said she was ugly)

Jessica 🤓

"Mom I'll be okay." I reassured my mother. I was heading off to college. I'll be staying on campus in the dormitories.

"Just call me when you get there I need to make sure you're okay." She sighed. She was always so worried about me, and very much good reasons.

"I promise mom." I smiled at her, entered the Uber and waved goodbye. I gonna study art, since it's what I'm passionate about. Art runs in the family. Everyone in my family are good artists.

I'm hoping I'll make some new friends. It would be nice to have some friends, to talk to and hang out with.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally reached. I got out of the car with my suitcase and went up the steps. They gave me a tour a week ago around this place. It's really huge.

Dorm room number 30.

Found it.

Maybe I'll have a nice roommate? Or the complete opposite.

I was going to open the door when it already opened it self. Or rather a girl opened it.

"Oh hi!" The girl said. She had blonde hair and green eyes. She was quite tall.

"Hello. I'm guessing your my roommate?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Nope. I'm your roommates girlfriend. Names Yui, nice to meet ya." She held her hand for me to shake it. I'm guessing I have a boy as my roommate. I shook her hand and smiled. "I'm Jessica."

"Jessica, that's a lovely name." My names lovely? What about her's? It's way better!

"Anyway I gotta go. See you around Jess!" She smiled before walking off. She seems so nice. When she walked away, my eyes caught something.

She had something white coming down her legs and she she was blushing a lot too. What was that white stuff?

I shake my head, clearing my head. I head inside my room hoping my roommate was as nice as his girlfriend.

I went inside and there- she was? It was her not a he. I feel stupid now. Of course my roommates a girl, they don't allow boys to room with girls. Oh my god. I cleared my throat.

"Hello there." I wave. The embarrassed look on my face couldn't be missed.

"Hi there cutie." She said. "Your my roommate aren't you cutie? Names Rael, you?" Her smile widen.

I blushed as she kept calling me cutie. But I'm not into girls I have a boyfriend. Plus she has a girlfriend. I'm not a lesbian. "I'm Jessica. Nice to meet you Rael."

"Jessica... I love your hair, so curly." She walked over and touched my hair. "And it's so soft."

"Well you have to thank my mom for that. She really nows how to wash your hair. And your hair is cool too. The brown really compliments your eyes."

She had brown hair and green eyes.

"Why thank you. Well you can get settled in now I'll be going to meet someone. See ya later Jess."

"Ya see ya."

And with that she left. I sighed and put my suitcase on the opposite side of the room. I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

"I'm so glad you got there safely sweetie. Your father and I miss you already." She sobbed.

"Mom don't worry I'll visit you guys in the Christmas break, I promise."

Short chapter for now. Thoughts so far?

Qna: What's your favorite food?

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