Chapter 24

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6 years later


After years of college, ups and downs. We finally graduated. I became a lawyer, I didn't want any of the girls to work because my salary was very large.

But Jessica wouldn't take no for an answer. She became a painter, just like her mother.

So Yui and Vixen co-run a flower shop, along with a clothing store.

I really didn't see myself being alive, to think that years ago. I thought I was gonna be taken away from the people I love. But here I am, with them.

We got married just a couple days ago. It was grand wedding, the theme being black and white, with just a pinch I gold.

We invited everyone we knew, and the wedding was held at our house since it was quite large.

We invited everyone we knew, and the wedding was held at our house since it was quite large

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I remember they looked in their wedding dresses,while I wore a black Suit. It was the best day of my entire life. Being married to the lovers of my life.

Of course we invited Chad, because Jessica insisted. We also invited my aunt and cousin as well.

Chad ended Crying his eyes out, even more than the rest of us. Blake cried a bit, but not as much him.

And, of course I wanted kids. Currently, Jessica is pregnant with my child or children.

I came home after work, I found Jessica laying on the couch with Vixen's arm wrapped around her waist, rubbing her stomach.

"Rael, you're finally home." Vixen said as she stared at me.

"Yes I am." I took off my tie and unbuttoned two of the buttons on my shirt.

I sat beside Jessica and rubbed her stomach. I felt the baby kick her stomach.

I placed my ear at her stomach and the baby kicked again.

"We're gonna have a little princess or prince."

"Or both."

"I can't handle both."

Yui stepped in the room, completely naked. "Guys I'm starting to think it's a boy, the kicks look very violent."

"I hope it's a boy." Vixen said, she placed a kiss Jessica's stomach and the baby kicked even more.

I knew that hurt Jess a bit because she winced and started laughing.

"Put some clothes on!" Jessica shouted.

"Okay." Yui put her hands up in surrender and backed away going upstairs.

Then we heard a knock at the door. I got up from the couch and opened it. It was Chad.

Fishnet stockings, fishnet shirt, a collar and platform boots. Definitely him. But he looked upset.

"Could I help you?" I asked.

He looked at me before breaking down in tears and hugging me tightly.

The girls walked over and looked at him. "What's wrong Chad?"

"It's Blake!" He said between sobs. "You know how he's supposed to be Dom and all? Well he was supposed to come home earlier, I was waiting for him to come and punish me and, he didn't come home!"

I looked down at him. I patted his head. "Maybe he's late? Can't assume the worse."

"That's the problem. He isn't never late and I'm talking Five hours late! And then I received some weird letter."

I took the letter from him and Read it.

"To whom may find this, I'm seeking revenge for you have wronged me. I shall keep this hostage and if you come prepare to die."

Chad's book is gonna be A BDSM book!!! Yayyy!!!

Brat for the win!

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