Chapter 3

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It's been a few days since I've gotten here. Rael has been really nice to me and so has Yui and Vixen. I'm so glad I made friends.

But Chad. He's been kinda distant, which isn't like him. Usually he'd call me and talk with me but now. He barley talks to me, he doesn't answer my calls, he keeps hanging out with his friends and we barley go out together. Plus he takes hours to reply to me.

Why is he ditching me? It's okay to hang with your friends, but, atleast give me some of your time.

"Hey Jessica there you are!" I heard someone call out. Clearing my thoughts. It was Yui.

That's when I remembered that she invited me to her dorm. She was roommates with Vixen. Good for them I guess. They get to see each other all the time. I wish that Chad and me could do the same.

"Hey Yui. I like your outfit." I complimented her. She looked so good!

Yui's outfit ↓

Yui's outfit ↓

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"Thank you." She blushed. It really did look nice on her. She took my hand and started walking to her dorm. "Come on Vixen is wanting."

I followed her to their dorm. Once we got there, we saw Vixen sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. She was on her phone.

She looked up at us. "There you two are. What took you so long?" She stood up and put one of her hands on her hip.

"We weren't long. You're just impatient." Yui chuckled.

I look at Vixen's outfit. She also looked really good. I like her Gothic Style clothing.

Vixen's outfit ↓

"You look nice Vixen

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"You look nice Vixen." The compliment made her smile. I'm glad I made her smile.

"Thank you." She says as she sits back down on the bed. "Now we're just missing Rael."

"Speaking of Outfits. Jessica you look nice too."

Jessica's outfit

Jessica's outfit↓

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Oh please. They look better than me. "Thank you."

I sit on Yui's bed beside her. She was playing with her hair. There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, I didn't like it. Finally Rael came in.

This is necessary. Rael's outfit↓

 Rael's outfit↓

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"Hey girls. Sorry to keep you waiting." She sat beside Vixen. She wrapped her arm around Vixen's waist.

"It's no problem." Yui answered. Yui looked at Rael. The look Rael gave Yui was kinda... sadistic? I wonder why. "Anyway. You girls wanna play truth or dare?"

"I'm down." I said with a smile. The others agreed.

"Alright, Jessica. Truth or dare?" Yui asked.

"Hmm... Dare."

"I dare you to call your boyfriend and tell him 'I know what you're hiding. Do it!"

That's a unique one.

"Alright." I pulled out my phone and called Chad. After the third ring he picked up. He actually picked up. I put the phone on speaker.

Chad: "hey Jess, what can I do for you?"

Jessica: "Chad... I know, what you're hiding."

I held in my laughter. Then I heard him coughing.

Chad: "W-what? Babe what are you talking about? I'm not-"

???: "Babe who are you talking to?"

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