Chapter 16

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Monday was the day we went back to the dorms. I'm surprised that Rael's father hasn't made a move yet.

To be honest I'm a bit scared. I don't know what will happen if anything.

He could be planning something or worse, his plans might already be in action. It's really hard to tell.

I hope that everything will be fine.

When Yui and Vixen came back, I immediately went to hug them. Of course I buried my head inside vixen's chest of course.

If I was asked, what's my favourite part of a woman? The answer would be simple. Boobies and thighs.

And vixen has both. She could crush me and I'd say thank you.

Today was the usual. The results of the Art competition is not out yet. I still hope I can win.

The usual art class, with my favourite teacher Mrs. Greenwood. And the same lunch time with the girls.

I don't want this peace to end.

But sadly not everything will last.

I went to my dorm to catch some sleep. The hallway was empty which is strange, usually there was many people outside.

I wanted to sleep beside my stuffed bear, miss cuddles. My dad gave that to me when I was young so of course I'll keep it forever.

As I was about to open the door, I felt something cold on the back of my head and a hand wrapped around my throat.

"Stay still and don't move." The voice was unfamiliar and it's cold. It sent a shiver down my spine. I wanted to shout but I couldn't.

I was being held at gun point.

"Be a good girl and follow me, if you want to stay alive."

I felt tears come up to my eyes but I couldn't say or do anything.

"Start walking."

The person pushed me and turned me towards the exit. I couldn't do anything. Dad didn't teach me how to fight.

Yet he expects me to run a business full of crime. Yea so smart.

We were outside and the person took my hands and cuffed it. I couldn't even see the persons face.

They had a mask on and there whole face was covered.

They shoved me in the car and I couldn't hold back my tears. Then I thought about it

Maybe I should scream.

I tried.

I blacked out.

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