chapter 8

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There's no doubt in my mind now. I'm gay, and I might be a masochist.

Same thing.

I've been trying to figure myself out for a year now and since coming to this college I finally did.

For 3 years I was in love with Jessica, but I started to lose feelings after a while.i decided that it would be better if I just come forward and tell her the truth rather than cheat her.

"There you are." I looked up, it was Blake. Blake's my roommate and the guy that made me found out I was gay. Also the one I'm crushing on.

"Oh hey Blake. I finally told Jess about my sexuality and she's actually really supportive. But I heard it in her voice she was hurt."

"You're helping the ship sail."

"What ship?"

Blake laughed. "Yui is my sister, she tells me everything. She told me that she liked Jessica. So I plan on making that happen." Blake seemed quite confident.

Wait a minute- nevermind.

He then took my hand and we walked down the aisle together. In my dreams.

"Hey Chad." He started, he looked at me and I could see some faint blush on his face. "There's something I should tell you. You had a girlfriend at the time so I thought that I would just let it slide and move on. But I think it's time I told you. I like you."

My face turned red and felt as if my heart was coming out of my chest. "You like me?"

"Since the day we meet. It's okay if-"

I didn't think twice. I jumped onto him and kissed him. I could tell he was surprised at first, but he kissed me back.

"So. Boyfriends?"


Im planning on making a smut chapter with these two but Jess comes first.

Also I'm writing another book.

Also I'm writing another book

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So you can check that out. You must know I'm really good with me hands.

Also why are you all so silent 🧍🏾‍♀️?

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