chapter 9

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Rael flashback

"Mommy I'm gonna be just like you someday!" Rael smiled at her mother, showing all her teeth. She was young and naive but that didn't stop her from dreaming.

Her mother smiled and picked her. "You don't want that Милый . Mommy's life is hard. Mommy doesn't want her girl to be like her. She wants her to be even better!" She smiled softly and cradled the young Rael.

Rael looked at her mother and said. "Mommy, was is daddy not home yet?" She asked. "It's late!"

"Daddy will be home soon sweetie don't you worry. Now it's bedtime."

She placed Rael gently on the bed and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight mommy."

"Goodnight Rael." And soon enough Rael was fast asleep. Sleeping soundly unaware of what was going to occur.

Rael's father came home, he seemed mad. "Eva! Get down here!" He yelled from the stairs.

Eva rushed downstairs to find him, knife in hand. "You think I wouldn't find out you Сука?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Meanwhile Rael had woken up. Just in time to hear her parents argue. She got out of bed and slowly went downstairs to check. She was scared but she built the courage to go.

She was just in time to see her father, shoot her mother right in the head. There was blood everywhere. He shoot her a couple more times before he stopped and that's when he noticed Rael.

Rael was frozen in place she couldn't move. He approached Rael and touched her cheek, smearing her mother's blood on her cheek.

"You see Малыш? This is what happens when you cross me."

"Mama. You killed mama!" Rael shouted at her father and backed away from him. "Your a monster!" She cried out.

Her father laughed and dragged her by the hair. "I'm no monster Малыш." He said in a cruel voice. "I'm just saying it as it is. Now you won't tell anyone about this, or else."

Rael was scared of what could happen to her. She nodded her head and looked away. Her father let her go and stood up.

"With that bitch of a mother out of the way. You are going to be in my hands. You will help me."

Her father was a gang leader. One that everyone feared. Everyone knew not to cross him. Rael's mother tried to expose him, and would look at that. She's dead.


I've lost count of the people I've killed. Their screams still ring in my head, the begging everything. I've even poison my own nephew.

I escaped once with the help of my Aunt Sasha Wilmore. She was a great aid but, he caught me. She tried to save me but it was too late.

The next time around I was rescued by my cousin. Willow Martinez. She's a Mafia boos.

I still remember her last words before she left. "Go far from here, you are lucky you have a chance to escape. Cause you get in this business, you can't leave."

Yui and Vixen also contributed to my escape. They fought off some of the gang members. If I remember correctly Vixen has the tooth of one of them in her collection.

I love that girl.

Yui had almost killed My dad but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Which is understandable. I can't let her have blood on her hands. Especially not for me.

Now after these many years. He's coming back. I don't know how he found us but I won't let him take me again. I'm not the little bitch I was years ago.

ShAWTy'S LiKe a MeLoDy iN mA HeAD 😝

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