chapter 10

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"You wanted to talk to me aunty?" I asked My aunt Sasha, she said it was urgent and that we three girls needed to hear this.

"Yes I did" She confirmed. "I managed to get a bit of information out of Walt."

"You did?!" Vixen practically yelled in my ear. "Did you threat'n the bloody cunt?"

For some reason her accent makes me want to laugh. One because sometimes she exaggerates it and two she likes to say 'mate' and 'bloody hell'. Mostly because of some random people that kept asking, "if your British, why aren't you saying mate? Isn't that what all British say?"

"Vixen please don't scream in my ear." I said calmly. She nodded and sat back down beside Yui who was just sitting there not saying a word.

Ms. Wilmore continued. "Well yes I did threaten him. But I had to go to- extreme methods to get information so I had to get my hands dirty."

"What did you do?" Yui finally spoke up.

"It's simple he didn't respond to threats so I tortured him. It was simple really the hospital is stupid. So I dragged him out the hospital without them noticing. You know that knife game your father played with your hand?"

I nodded my head. Dad would tie me down to a chair and tie my hands to the table. He then took a knife and start stabbing the spaces between my fingers. I had a few cuts because of that.

"Is that what you did auntie?"

She nodded her. "Yes that exactly what I did. And I missed on purpose, it was nice to hear him scream out of pain."

Yep she's crazy. Then again anyone in my family is. I like hearing bones crunch.

She then continued. "I had given a couple scratches in the face and a stab wound in his side. Those are gonna paid for by the school not me."

"He told me that your father wanted you back because business was slowing down. He wants to use that little Penis of yours and your body since in his words 'that's all your good for. He was also planning to kill Yui and Vixen since they know too much and they're getting in the way."

How could she say all that so calmly? Kill Yui and Vixen and use my body? Never in a million years. No one hurts my girlfriends. Yui stood up and started pacing around the room. It's a thing she does when she's stressed.

Vixen looked at me and than back at my aunt. "Okay so he's being a little whiny bitch, the bloody cuck! That's it innt? He's just upset that he got his shit rocked by fucking teenagers!"

"I should have taken that fucking shot." Yui mumbled. I could hear her about to cry. "It's my fault! I had the gun but I dropped it and ran!"

When Yui helped me escape, she took up a gun from a gang member I killed on accident. Well more intentional. She did threaten to kill the son of a bitch but she dropped the gun and made a run for it with me.

I walked over and hugged her tightly. "Baby it wasn't you fault you got scared. besides I don't want you to be a murderer like me okay? I'm glad you didn't take the shot."

My stood up grabbing Vixen and pulled all three of us in a hug. "You three are very strong girls. And i want you to know that I will be here if that bitch ever try's it. He's still in Russia so we have lots of time to prepare for anything. I'll contact Willow and she if she can help us."

"Willow? As in cousin willow?" I asked her.

"Yes cousin Willow. I'm getting her help for this."

Yui pulled away from the hug and she looked happy. "You mean the Mexican one? The Mafia leader Willow?"

"Yes her, she can help us with ease."

Vixen interrupted. "Wait hold on. Did Walt say anything about Jessica?"

Auntie shook her head. "No. What I heard was that Jessica wasn't important. So there's no need to go after her. That letter she received was just to scare her away so there was less hassle in getting you."

I clenched my fist and looked her in the eyes. "Even if he won't I have a feeling he might I'll protect with my life."

"I know you will. Now I gotta go okay? I'll update you three if anything happens alright?"

We nodded in unison and she left right after. I turned my attention to Vixen and Yui.

"I can't let my brother know of any of this. I could always go back Japan but, won't he follow me?" Yui questioned.

I looked her and smiled. "You can stay here with us. I'll keep us safe. Today we won't worry about it. But tomorrow morning we need to make serious decision and we also have to tell Jessica the truth."

I don't know how she'll react but it's a chance I'm willing to take.

"There's one thing that can get my mind off this for atleast today."

"Fucking us senseless?"

"No vodka. But that too."

Just an announcement. I'm writing a book for Ms Wilmore and I plan on writing a book for both Blake and Chad. Willow already has a book which I told you guys about in an earlier chapter.

So I'll announce the new books soon. Bye 👋

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