Chapter 18

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"What the fuck do you mean you can't find her?!" Rael yelled at the security. "You're security are you not? How the fuck do not see her walk in or out of here?!"

The man looked at her with cold eyes and rolled his eyes. "listen kid, if I saw something I would say it." He said sternly. "And don't raise your voice at me. No one came in here or out."

Rael was getting angrier by the second. no one she asked said that they saw Jessica at all, during the lockdown.

Yui placed her hand on Rael's back. "Baby calm down." She tried to claim her down. "We'll find her, just calm down."

The veins on Rael's biceps were popping up. They might pop if she doesn't calm down.

Yui had to get Rael back to her room and rubbed her back.

"Rael I know you're not happy I'm not either but maybe- hopefully, she's gone to someone and she's safe. Lets not think worst yet okay?"

Rael looked at Yui and look a deep breath. "Yui I'm not going to listen to you speak nonsense." Her time was harsh and cold. "She told me herself that she'd be here!"

She raised her voice and Yui didn't like that. "The said it was an error when the lockdown happened. She must have not heard it and clearly this is the work of that bitch! I'm not going sit here and not try to find her!"

Yui got on Rael's lap and straddled her. Rael was red from anger and could pass out if anything. Yui grinded against Rael's lap and wrapped her arms around her. "Baby if anything we wil find her if she's missing. Please don't stress or yell at me. I don't like when you do that. With the way you're acting it's like you'll just charge head first into enemy Territory."

Rael took a deep breath and let it out. "You're right. I need to stay calm and act rational. But I can't stop worrying, she might be in danger."

"I know that, I asked Vixen to go get you're aunt and when they get here we'll come up with a plan if anything."


After what felt like an eternity, Vixen arrived with Sasha- Ms. Wilmore, a note in hand.

Rael and Yui were still sitting on the bed. They looked relieved to see them. The went over to them.

"Anything?" Rael asked.

"We found a note on the desk in my office," Ms. Wilmore stayed. She handed it to Rael and Rael read it out loud.

"We've taken your little fucktoy and we know you'll put up a fight. I liked to see you try. Come to this location: shit stick road on twink street 69."

"Be warned, you won't make it out alive. You'll come home Rael and with three dead little bitches."

Rael crushed the paper and shoved it in her pocket.

"Tonight?" Vixen questioned


"No no. We go now." Wilmore corrected.

"How are we going to go now? We have nothing!" Yui claimed. Folding her arms.

"Of course we do. I made the call to Willow two hours ago. She'll be here with what we need and what we want."

Wilmore pulled a gun from between her breasts.

"Now where the fuck did you get that?" Rael questioned.

"Better to not know. Now I'll call Willow and her gang. And Jessica's parents."

"It's murder time."

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