Chapter 20

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Everything was pure chaos but Rael's father did not show himself. Rael was shooting anything that attacked her.

Meanwhile Jess was on the ground, unconscious. The boy Walt had used her mouth for his own personal pleasure.

But Willow and Jessica's parents were trying to find her.

Yui, Rael, Vixen and Sasha were just distractions so that they would focus on them so they could find Jessica.

"By the way Willow, you sure you don't want that deal I offered." Jessica's father asked.

"I have all the guns I need I don't need to partner with anyone else."

"Suit yourself."

He kicked down a door and there she was. Jessica's tied down on the ground and knocked out cold. He ran to his daughter and cut the ropes off her.

He picked her up and held her in his arms.

"Willow I can't fight with her here. I want you to kill that son of a bitch that took my child. And whoever steps in your way."

"I will Mr. River."

But just as they were about to leave the room, miss greenwood stopped them. She was surprised to see him.


She couldn't get a word out, she got shot in the head. The blood covering her face.

Willow reloaded her gun and turn slightly to Morale. "I'll help you leave, follow me."

The exited the room and went down the hall to the back door. Morale was in front of Willow.

At the back door stood three men. Both with guns. Morale bent down and Willow took the shot. Killing the two of them. She help him exit the building and get inside his car, putting Jess in the backseat. He drived off and Willow contacted Rael through the transmitter.

"Rael we got her out, but we don't leave until we kill that son of bitch."

"Got it."

Rael told the others and the followed the instructions.

Willow went back inside and brought at least three guns with her.

Two AK-47s and one MP5.

Rael's father was watching from the cameras. He knew where each and everyone was. His men were dropping like files. He was furious and decided to take matters into his own hands.

Rael was by herself and was trying to find the others to group with them. The number of people that were attacking was at Zero. No one in sight, something was up.

Yui and Vixen tried to find Sasha and Rael but they didn't split up.

Rael stood in the middle of a hallway in was dark and she Could barely see, but she could she some things. Suddenly she saw Sasha running towards her. She was relieved and was going to go to her when suddenly.

Sasha pushed Rael and she fell back. She hit her hand and the dust made it hard to see. She hurt her arm when she got pushed. She stood up coughing and trying to clear the smoke. She held her arm and looked up.

Her eyes widen and her breathing got heavy.

Her eyes met with Sasha's, her expression one of pain and agony.

Sasha was on her knees, holding her chest, her breathing was heavy. She felt light-headed and her vision was getting blurry. She was about to pass out.

There was blood streaming down her hand. She got shot in the chest.

She had gotten shot right in the chest.

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