Chapter 25

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Turns out it was Blake's ex boyfriend, which I thought I had no problem with. But he wouldn't give up.

The guys name is Shan, he hated me since the day we met. Before I became boyfriends with Blake, he had it out for me and I barely knew the guy.

He rubbed his relationship with Blake in my face, every chance he fucking got.

He acted all smug and mighty and it pissed me off. He didn't even look as good as I am.

Well days before Blake and I got together, Blake found out that he wasn't even gay. He just pretended to be, so that he could get Blake's money.

He had a girlfriend and everything.

Which made even more hurtful for him.

Before I broke up with Jess, he got his girlfriend, some bitch name Kay. To try and ruin our relationship.

We were at a club with a couple of friends, I separated from the group to go get a drink. And that's when she practical flung herself on to me.

Batting her eyes and everything. It was very uncomfortable. I tried pushing her away but she kept being persistent.

So when Jess called me, she pulled the whole "Babe you are you talking to?" Act on me.

I panicked and just hung without explaining or trying to justify anything.

Which I should have.

I just wasn't thinking straight. (Yea cause your gay-)


"Why the fuck would he kidnap him?" Yui said, she was driving the car because if I drove I would likely kill us before we got there.

"I don't know." I replied. "He doesn't even want him anymore, plus he has a girlfriend."

The car stopped at the location that we were at given. Rael and Vixen stayed with Jessica at home because I insisted that I didn't want them to be in harm now that Jess is expecting.

We went unarmed, I can throw hands.
some what-

We got out the car and I kicked the door down. "Ow my foot!" I held my foot

"Fucking dumbass." Yui laughed at me.

"You leave me alone, I'm trying to make an entrance."

I let go of my foot and Yui stopped laughing. We headed inside the building, it looked way too good to have someone kidnapped here.

We came to some gold doors, larger than the two of us combined.

"My lady" I held my hand out giving You way. There's no way I'm kicking another door.

She tilted her head to the right and then the left. She busted the door down with her hand.

"Now that's how you make an entrance."

We entered the room to see Blake, tied to a chair. Duct tape our his mouth. This feels almost too easy.

We ran to him, he looked like he was beaten up. "What did they do to you, Amore mio?"

Yui took out her pocket knife and cut the ropes off him. He was unconscious, but he is alive and that's all that matters to me.

Suddenly someone entered the room. Shan and Kat.

"You arrived huh?" Shan said, that smirk on his face. "My doors are quite expensive y'know. Surely I can sue you but who am I kidding? You three aren't leaving here alive."

He laughed wickedly and I was going to approach him but Yui stopped me. "Why are doing this Shan?"

Shan folded his arms and smiled. "It's quite obvious. The building you own. What's is called again? Oh right, lusty desires. I want it."

"You aren't getting it." I mirrored his pose. "Do think you have any right to do all this?"

"We have all right!" Kat yelled. "Before you came into play, he was wrapped around our fingers, like a little pawn." She swirled her index finger. "And then he broke up him to get with you and know the business that we could have had is now in your hands.  We wanted that. After talking over the business, the plan was simple."

"Take all the money he had and leave him broken down, unable to do anything. But you just had to come and ruin it didn't you?"

I clenched my fist, I pushed You out the way and walked over to Shan. I just about heard enough.

"What are you doing, stop walking!" Kat yelled. Clearly this plan has holes and one hole being that the letter about death was just a lie.

I pushed Kat out the way, causing her to fall over. Getting her fancy dress dirty.

"Don't you lay a hand on-" Shan couldn't finish.

My fist landed straight in his face. He stumbled back hitting the wall behind him. "You little"

"Keep your mouth shut!" I gave him another punch, his head hit the wall. I gripped his neck, slamming him down onto the ground.

I got on top of him as I punched his face repeatedly.  Kat tried to pull me off, but Yui held her back. Shan tried to stop my hits but kept going.

Fuck this feels satisfying.


The police came a few minutes after, taking the two into custody. Turns out that they commited fraud on numerous occasions.

The punches Chad gave Shan were- not heavy. But he gave him a bloody nose and black eye. So he's not completely useless.

We got Blake to hospital. He didn't have any serious injuries. And he was completely fine. So it didn't take long for him to leave.

I must say, he's gotten more into shape since college, more muscler and built. Chad just looks like a twink.

And he didn't waste anytime, jumping onto him and making out.

"I'm right y'know."

"Sorry I can't help it." He held onto Blake tightly.

"Also tell, Vixen and Rael that I enjoyed that foursome." Chad giggled. "And ask if we can do it again."

"Sure will."

I'm robbing you of that foursome and you can't do shit 🏃🏽‍♀️


Gay sex chapter anyone?

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