Chapter 14

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"Jessica come here baby." I cat called her, we were out shopping for groceries. Her mom that this was my way of paying her for staying.

Jessica walked over to me with a can of beans. "Need something Rael?" She asked softly. She put the beans in the cart and came closer.

I nodded my head at her, "Yes," I bent down to her level and whispered, "There's a man over there and he's been watching us for a while now."

Jessica looked at him from the corner of her eye. "I know him," she whispered softly. "He's Ryan fuller. He got put out of business by my dad. There's no doubt he's after me." She took my hand in hers and looked at me.

I stood up straight and we walked to the cashier. I noticed from the camera above that he left the store, I know what you're up to.

We payed for the goods and they placed them in bags for us. I did most of the bag carrying. Jess and her little weak arms only carried the light bags.

We walked to my car- well my aunt's car, that she lent me. I learnt how to drive from her. We placed the bags in the trunk and I noticed in the side-view that the man was getting inside his car. I think it's his.

"He really isn't good with this stalking thing." Jess spoke, unamused at the man's stupidity. I shook my head and chuckled lowly.

"That's true." I said. "I have an idea."


They drived for a couple of minutes and sure enough he was right behind them.

Soon the car came to a stop in what seemed to be an empty street. No one was there. The man stopped as well from a far distance to try not to look suspicious.

“Rael” stepped out of the car and walk into the bushes. Maybe to pee, who knows. Though “Rael” had the hood of her hoodie up for some reason. But the man payed no attention to that.

He took this as an opportunity. He got out of his car, walked to theirs, knife in hand. He crouched down so that “jess” wouldn't see him at the door.

He then pulled open the door only to be faced with-


She gave him that goofy ahh villain smirk and grabbed him by the arm before he could react. She tackled him to the ground and twisted his arm behind him.

He yelped in pain and Jessica came out the bushes laughing.

"Stupid idiot," she laughed at him and like the look of pain in his face.

Rael grip his wrist so hard that it broke. Hearing his bones crunch turned her on. The man screamed in pain like a bitch.

Jessica walked over to him and stepped in his face. "That's what you get." She said. "What should we do with him?"

"leave him here but we can't have him alive now can we?" Rael smirked.

Jess knew what she ment before she said it. The man begged for his life in vein as Rael tossed over the pond full of crocodiles.

"We didn't kill him. It was the Crocs." Jess said confidently.


After that ride they finally reached home. Jess's parents asked why they got back so late. They explained the story from start to finish.

Jessica's father laughed loudly. "You're almost like me Jess. And you Rael, I thought you didn't want to get involved in matters like this?"

"If my lover is in danger, I will without a doubt take out anyone that harms them." Rael said proud and loud.

Jessica's mother chuckled lightly. "Oh that's so adorable. Though I most say you are a very pretty girl. My daughter is quite lucky."

Jessica's parents were going out on a date. They wouldn't be back until night.

Jessica waved goodbye to her parents and watched as they drove off. As soon as she closed the door, Rael came up from behind, grinding her erection against her ass.

Jess moan softly from the friction and moved her hips in rhythm with Rael.

"Fuck I can't wait till I shove my cock right up your tight flesh." Rael groaned. "till your screaming and begging, till you can't walk anymore. I'm gonna fuck you real nice and hard, till you're crying, till you're shaking."

Rael smirked against her ear and Jess moan at the thought of it. Rael gripped Jess's ass and gave it a nice smack. Which made Jess gasp.

"Mommy, I love it when you talk dirty to me." Jess said in a seductive voice. "I wanna please you mommy."

"And you will." Rael moved back and layed down on the couch. "Come here and put your ass in my face."

Jess blushed and got on top of Rael. She positioned her head at Rael's crotch and  her ass in Rael's face.

Rael pulled her panties down and looked at her wet pussy. Jess zipped down Rael's pants and took her cock out of her boxers letting it free.

"You're so big mommy." Jess said softly. She took it in her hand and it couldn't wrap around it. "Maybe my hands are small."

"Or my dick is that thick. Just like your thighs." Rael chuckled. "Now come on, suck on mommy."

Jess used both her hands and stroked Rael. Rael groaned, and held her hips tightly before sucking Jessica's clit.

Jess moaned loudly and stroked Rael faster before taking her into her mouth. Rael felt the warm of Jessica's mouth on her cock and thrusted upwards into her mouth. Jess whimpered and Rael patted her back.

"You got this baby."

Jess calmed down a bit and slowly ran her tongue along the tip of Rael's cock. She bobbed her head up and down, taking Rael as deep as she could.

Her moans were muffled and Rael kept teasing her clit with her fingers. Rael thrusted her fingers in and out of her, picking up speed as soon she felt her climax approaching.

Rael took her fingers out and pushed her tongue inside her, which caused Jessica to moan, sending a wave of pleasure down Rael's dick.

They were getting closer to their release.  Rael continued to eat Jessica out and Jess had Rael's cock hitting the back of her throat.

They both came at the same time. Rael felt Jessica's sweet liquids down her tongue and she swallowed it all. Jess on the other hand couldn't swallow all of Rael's cum, she swallowed what she could and took Rael's cock out her mouth. She turned to Rael and sticked her tongue out, the cum dripping out of her and onto the floor.

"Fuck," Rael muttered, "You're gonna swallow all of it eventually. Lets clean this up before your parents get back.

Y'all I ran out of questions 💀

What do you guys wanna see happen in this book?

Also I forgot half of what I wrote in this book so I'm read it over to see what I missed.

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