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"Careful Avery!"

I watched as my precious daughter ran up and down in the park with her twin brother.

It's not easy giving birth to twins. But it was worth it. I gave birth to two healthy babies. I have to say I'm happy that all of this is finally over. We can live out lives in peace, not having to worry about being taken away from your loved ones.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist. It was Vixen. She kissed my cheek and rested her head on mine. "Are you okay baby?"

"I'm okay." I replied. I watch as Avery ran after her brother, and then she fell.

Rael picked her up. Brushing her off. She was crying. "Mama! My knees hurt!"

"I know it does. You ran too fast. Come on lets give you to mommy."

She took Hugo's hand and walked back over to us. I took Avery from Rael and patted her back gently as she cried in my arms. "Don't cry baby, mommy's here." I kissed her forehead and she layed in my arms as she calmed down.

"We've been here a while ain't we? Lets head back home and grab pizza, along the way. How bout it mate?"

"Vixen. Quit with the mate."


After a heated debate, about pineapple on pizza. We just went with Cheese. But my point still stands. Pineapple does not belong on pizza! It's a weird combination. Who in their right mind decided that?!

After watching, Barbie and Teenage mutant ninja turtles with the kids while eating. They eventually fell asleep.

I made Rael and Yui go and put them in their rooms while I cleaned the mess they made.

"Est-ce que tu vas bien mon amour?" I heard in my ear. Vixen.

One thing I learnt myself. You could say the most racist, homophobic, jaw dropping thing in French and it'll sound like a love poem.

i leaned in her arms. "I'm fine baby." I kissed her softly, our lips moving in sync.

As she pulled away. She kissed my hand. "I'm glad I married a beautiful lady like yourself, Mon amour."

"Me too mi Vida."

She picked me up, causing me to gasp softly as she placed me on the couch kissing me breathless. "I need you now." She said between kisses. "I'm gonna fuck you real nice and good."

I wrapped my legs around her waist as I deepen the kiss. Our tongues danced together in passionate reunion. I moaned softly as she took my skirt off.

We both were naked as she grinded her pussy against mine. I moaned louder as she teased my clit, brushing it every second.

"I knew I heard moaning. Now who gave you two permission to do that?" Rael walked down stairs with Yui in her hands.

"Can't Yui walk?"

"No of course not. I had to duct tape her mouth for her to keep quiet and not wake the kids."

Rael placed Yui and she walked over to us. She pushed her cock in my face. I sucked on it. Suddenly I felt something else.

Vixen's fingers inside me. And Yui was behind Vixen doing the same.


We all were exhausted by the time we were done. But Chad were here along with Blake because Chad can't cook and he ended up burning the kitchen down. So they had to find a place to stay while the kitchen was being fixed.

"Jess quick question. What is Rael?" Chad asked. His ass was sitting in a wheelchair, because while the kids were at school. Me and the girls came back home only to hear Chad moaning and it was way too loud.

"A raging Pansexual. Any other questions?"

"Bloody hell!" Vixen shouted, she cut her hand. "I taste amazing..Even my blood does."

Okay there are times I questions with I married her.

But all in all. I'm glad I found my people, that love me and helped me find my sexuality.

I really love my three dominant girlfriends. Well wife's but still.

Vixen: "Why are the readers so horny for me? "

We're at the end 😭 it was a great journey.

Thank you all for supporting and reading this book.

Even though it's ass.

Thank you all

And if my grammar sucks it's because I'm Jamaican 😋

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